***Please scroll down past this post to answer my baby Question #4!!!***
Bless his heart! You would have thought he had won the lottery when I told him we were gong to do a Letter of the Week! It had been A MONTH sense we had done one…birthday, Easter, Nash’s room, etc. just got in the way! But, better late than never! I’ve OBVIOUSLY come to grips with the fact that we are going to get NO WHERE NEAR all 26 letters before Nash’s arrival! But, as Mammer said, “the letters will still be there after he’s born!” is for
hot dog*heart*hand
We started the week with his special H lunch! He seriously would do flips if he could when I tell him he’s getting a “special lunch!” It’s so cute! And, I had fun making this one…
a hand sandwich, fruit on heart skewers, mini pepperonis in H’s, and a banana and cream cheese hot dog!!!…
The word hullaballoo was the part that annoyed Matt the most…and the fact that they say “hoochie, coochie, coo!” Even though we could easily guess the definition of “hullabaloo,” we honestly weren’t sure! So, I looked it up…
hullaballoo: noun
a clamorous noise or disturbance; uproar.
Seriously, I don’t think it’s a good thing like this song portrays!?
Then, we went on a little hat hunt. And, each hat had a heart inside with a capital or lowercase H. Quinn would run to sort them…and wear his hat as he hunted for more!!!
One afternoon, we made homemade popsicles! And, the next day we tried to eat them but had a really hard time getting them out! ANY TIPS? They were still good all crushed up in a bowl!
One morning, Q and I went through old magazine and looked for H’s and pictures of things that started with H. I really tried to let him do it by himself and he did GREAT! After we cut them all out, he glued them on his page! We’ll do this activity again with other letters, for sure!
And, for the grand finale of H week, I made a little hamburger snack for my sweet love! Is it not the cutest thing EVER!?!…
I used Nilla Wafers, a peppermint patty, green grapes and softened starbursts for the ketchup and mustard! It was a HIT!!!…
And, my super happy boy enjoyed every bite!!!