Showing posts with label Kia and Krozby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kia and Krozby. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2010

When Quinn goes nigh-night…

…our sweet puppies come out to play. Kia is our little shadow ALL DAY LONG. But, we’ve determined that Krozby is a little scared of Quinn. I think he knows that Q is going to chase him around and he’d prefer to do the playing on his own terms. … But, the second we close Quinn’s door, the pups are ready to play, eat and cuddle. They feel that it’s FINALLY their time! So, Matt and I allow the pups to get up on the couch with us while we watch our shows, and they soak up EVERY moment. …The other night, they were posing so pretty for me, so I felt the need to grab the camera. They used to be the little faces in every picture…and, for a moment, I gave them the spotlight again! :) Slickpaw's 60th & my surprise 016 Slickpaw's 60th & my surprise 021

Krozby: 4 1/2 years old  (born 9.12.05)   Kia: 9 years old (born 2.8.01)Slickpaw's 60th & my surprise 023

Monday, January 11, 2010

“My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.” ~Edith Wharton

The other night, after putting Quinn to bed, Matt and I were lounging in our usual spots in the living room …catching up on all of our favorite shows. Then, all of a sudden, we heard the most disturbing noise through Quinn’s monitor. For a second, my heart dropped!!! Was he choking? How in the world could he be making that noise? And…within moments, it hit us…it HAD to be Kia. … You see, she ALWAYS follows us into his room as we put on his jammies and sweetly lays on the floor while I read him stories and tuck him in. She’s done it since he was brand new! … But, this evening, Matt had put Quinn to bed and he wasn’t used to having to ask Kia to follow him out.

So, guess what…she stayed! She never whined or scratched at the door and Quinn never made any indication that she was there. Maybe they were both thrilled that she had FINALLY gotten away with staying behind. And, when we quietly opened Quinn’s door, we found our sweet boy and our sweet Kia all cuddled up together. We snapped a few pics before we carried her to her own bed! We debated letting her stay, but figured she would eventually disturb Q’s sleep…which would disturb ours! … But, for the hour (ish) that they got away with it, it sure was sweet! beginning of Jan 020beginning of Jan 021

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Quinn loves his Daddy and his Puppies SOOO much!

Last week, Matt went to a conference in Atlanta and Quinn and I missed him so much! Needless to say, he missed us too and called and texted us often. I realized how much I cherish our poefam3 time and how helpful his 2 extra hands are with the little man! Since he has been back, we have had so much fun...Quinn's first Mavs game, kids' football games, and more. I love time with my sweet little family!

And, in the past few weeks, Quinn has seemed to really fall in love with his puppies. He watches them and just beams. It's so cute to watch Kia come over and lay next to him so that he can pull on her collar or her ears. She's such a good girl to let him do whatever he chooses. Krozby loves to come over and lick Quinn's's hilarious to watch Q close his eyes and laugh as we try to get Krozby to stop. What a fun relationship they are forming already!

look at the face on Kia...