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Showing posts with label Honesty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honesty. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hillary Is Not The Most Qualified

After a year-long investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal server and emails, and Comey coming out to say they won’t  recommend charges against her, we’re still hearing people trying to justify what Hillary did.

Powell and Rice both used personal emails, is one excuse, as if that makes Hillary’s conduct A-Okay. That’s just a poor excuse. We should really stop trying to justify one person’s unacceptable actions by another’s unacceptable actions. 

And no one, I mean no one, should be exempt from the law and anyone in a top security position should never put our national security in jeopardy.

For the record, though, according to the FBI, neither Powell nor Rice had a personal server in their house—they both used government servers. Powell received two classified emails and apparently Rice didn’t receive any—her immediate staff, however, received ten.

Hillary had at least one hundred thirteen. And she claimed they weren’t classified at the time they were sent. FBI forensics found that one hundred ten of them were classified at the time of sending and they were included in the 30,000 emails Hillary turned over. But three others had been deleted. Forensics found and recovered them and they were also classified at the time of sending.

Is Hillary a liar or stupid?

Either way, she’s unqualified to be President of the United States.

We need integrity back in our political affairs. We need honest people. People with good character. But here we are with our general election likely being Trump vs. Clinton.

Again, we get to choose between the worse of the two evils.

This country needs help.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nothing Like a Dose of Liar Cheat & Thief to Get Me Back on the Political Track

As many of you know, I’ve been on a little hiatus from politics, and for you newcomers, you can catch up here. You also know that I’m a strong voice for ethics, good character, and just plain old honesty.

So, imagine my surprise when I turned on Bill O’Reilly, whom I haven’t seen in well over two months, and there smack dab in the middle of my TV screen was none other than Charlie Rangel, and listed beneath his name was Congressman (D-NY)!

I sat there, my mouth agape, staring at the television, for ten minutes, as Bill O’Reilly didn’t just interview Rangel, but actually argued with him! Yes, he WASTED time arguing with a convicted CHEAT, who STILL holds public office!

Now, you might ask, why am I upset about this? Well, because it’s bad enough that our Treasury Secretary is a tax CHEAT and signs our money—even if it isn’t worth much these days. And now to have the Tax Ways and Means Committee Chairman found GUILTY on 12/13 counts of ethics VIOLATIONS and be censured (oh the horror—slap his hands!) but NOT be removed from office just.blows.my.mind!

America is on the edge of a cliff. Energy, food and inflation are skyrocketing, but housing prices and paychecks are dropping like rocks. People are NOT finding jobs, regardless of what the reports tell us—they are skewed. Another housing bubble is about to burst. We're in major debt and can’t afford our current level of government and the programs anymore and we NEED to cut! Our Representatives are bickering on the Hill about compromise because none of them want to let go of a pet project to save a buck and we’re told yet again an apocalyptic our world as we know it will end if the government shuts down (fear mongering anyone?).

Shut it down and clean it out! Because there is no question in my mind as to why our country is a complete and utter disaster. We elected liars, cheats and thieves who are more concerned with their seat than our country and the welfare of her people. They won’t close down departments that aren’t performing or are duplicates—they have too much at stake. Too many pockets have been lined AND a straight line points directly to those who have turned a blind eye and participated in the corruption that has been going on decade after decade. Let’s face it, we have career politicians, not public servants, and they have a lot to lose.

I’m angry. I’m REALLY angry. I’m tired of reading blog after blog after blog about how it’s ALL the Republican’s fault. How the Tea Party is racist. And how those on the Right are just a bunch of evil-racist-fear-mongering-violent-inducing-callous-well-to-dos who want to displace the poor, kill women and starve Granny.

It’s TIME to face some facts people. America is in trouble and it’s EVERYONE’S fault. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, Liberals and even those who aren’t registered to vote! I’ve got news for you, I’m not a racist but I’m sick to death of hearing that because I want LEGAL immigration I am. And darn it, I don’t have to explain or defend my position— IT’S THE LAW!

But the laws and regulations, something those career politicians love to pass, are the very things they love to evade! Yet, they expect us to follow them, unless we fit into their agenda, then we don’t have to. This country is a mess because we have permitted it to get this way. We have allowed it to get hijacked by immoral politicians who think they are above the laws they create and we—WE let them! Oh, we talk BIG talk. But every election, we go into the election booth and REELECT someone like Charlie Rangel! Then we ask why our country is a mess. I don’t have to ask. I know the answer. We’re lazy. We want instant gratification. We want CHANGE! Oh that was a good slogan, I must admit. And we got it too.

Banks, mortgage and car companies and even student loans are owned by the Feds. We’re printing money as if the paper it’s printed on is actually worth something, yet people are going about their daily lives as if it’s no big deal. It’s okay that we’re buried alive under trillions upon trillions of national and public debt and even if we DID confiscate all the wealth from those evil rich people, we still couldn’t pay off our INTEREST!

I’m also tired. Tired of hearing how the people who are wealthy are somehow evil. Evil because they are wealthy and have money and those who don’t should reap the rewards off the backs of those who do. That is a crock and I’m not going to pretend that it makes sense, because to me, it doesn’t. There is no way you can justly confiscate someone else’s wealth and give it to... some else. Our oh so benevolent government does NOT work that way.

They invent some fancy named program where they allege they will help people. But this new program will hemorrhage money through theft and dereliction because a fox is watching the hen house. Or to put it in much simpler terms, you can’t make poor people rich by making rich people poor. Period.

My tangent boils down to us again, the American people, waking up and joining together as AMERICANS. As I’ve said before, it’s us vs. them. I don’t know how much more clear I can be. It’s pretty darn obvious there's a problem when you have the media focused on Donald Trump and Obama’s birth certificate and Glenn Beck leaving Fox News—REALLY? THAT’S important? America’s ready to implode and we’re worried about Trump investigating Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii. Rejoicing that Beck is leaving TV. Yet we can’t pay China! We’re in yet another war that we can’t afford! People are losing their homes and can’t buy a gallon of milk!


When our country is on the verge of collapse and people are vigorously tapping away about inconsequential things like Glenn Beck—and NO, I really don’t want to hear how dangerous he is. Want to talk dangerous, let’s talk about our open borders; or how we don’t drill for oil here in our OWN country where it’s plentiful, because we BORROW money from one country so we can purchase it from yet another country that HATES us and wants us DEAD; or how we look evil straight in the eye but yet don't call it what it is, while we sit across from it, without preconditions, and permit it to develop nuclear weapons.

Let’s GET SERIOUS. And if you don’t think it’s THAT serious, then your head has been in the sand longer than mine--and mine was only in the sand for the last month!

**Crossposted @ Rational Nation USA**

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sometimes Honesty isn’t the Best Policy

How about a story that doesn’t pertain to politics and who said what nasty thing about whom? A story about a little boy, his pet and how his mother had to decide if telling a little white lie was the best course of action.

Preservation of Innocence is just that kind of story. Based on my son, Austin, his pet hamster, Raptar, and me, his mom.


Monday, November 1, 2010

2 Unethical Blogs Go Bust

Today couldn’t have been better had it been my birthday! I just finished checking the bogus blogs to see if any more had shut down and found that the one and only Liberal bogus blog, A Proud Left Winger, was changed to Invite Only. I find that rather coincidental considering I just mentioned that one over in Sleuth’s comment section. Nevertheless, it’s Invite Only, and I’ll be even happier when it’s CLOSED.

Now, here’s the GREAT news! Right is Right is CLOSED! She was known as Heil Helga and tried to cause Left Coast Rebel, Blue Pitbull and me a lot of trouble. She threatened us, called us names and even tried to ban and boycott us. Good thing we never gave in to her demands, because it turned out she was as bogus as all the other bogus blogs!

Sleuth was going to post about Right is Right but I wanted to hold off a bit. Rest assured I have ALL my notes and reports and I WILL hold on to them, along with the emails RIR sent me. I NEVER delete anything. So, if Right is Right rears her ugly head again, I’ll be ready and Sleuth WILL come out full force.

As I mentioned to another Blogger, my intention is NOT revenge, it’s to STOP these bogus blogs. I want the old ones closed and I don’t want any new ones to open. I don't care what the REAL blog owner writes, just as long as it's original material.

Our community shouldn’t be infected with this type of unethical behavior and I would expect anyone of good moral standards to expose this type of conduct. Since I have been supplied with this information, I feel it’s my responsibility to inform everyone and I want to thank all of you for your support and the support of Sleuth.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

31 Bogus Blogs Busted

Since I first announced there was unethical blogging activity within our community, thirty-one bogus blogs have shut down. I was recently asked if there was a list of blog names, and since there wasn’t, I prepared one.

This first section is the list of blog names and URL'S that can be viewed because Google was able to capture them at some point and time during what's called a "crawl", but I'm not about to get them to work in a link, so copy and paste the URL into the Google Search box and you'll be able to view the blog. However, you won't be able to "click" anything within the blogs because they've been shut down. And yes, you can "cut and paste" the URL's! That is NOT plagiarism! lol!

A Guy From Brooklyn
An American Who Cares
Enquiring Minds Want to Know
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Joe's America
Just Keep on Walking
My Right View
Nap Queen
Sandy's Thoughts
Some Guys Thoughts

This next section is just a list of blog names, because you can’t view them the same way as the list above. There is a way you can view some of them, but only a page or two, like A Right American, for example. This might be that the blogs closed before Google did its “crawl”, for example. There are also two other blogs, The Saint and The World According To SarahG, which closed before I had a chance to log their URL. Sleuth may have them listed on a report and I’m sure Sleuth will let us know if that’s the case.

A New York Guy's View
A Republican Girl
A Right American
An American Girl
Chronicles of a Conservative
Conservative News, Opinions & Politics
Cutiepie's World
David Speaks Right
Eric's Eyes
Frank the Thinking Man
I Care About America
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Matt Rose
The Phantom Man
Things That Piss Me Off
Thru My Eyes
Walt's World
Willie's World of Reason

These thrity-one blogs are BOGUS. They used the same patterns as Grandma ZaZa and Conservative16, except they are older than those two.

I’m also checking another 90+ bogus blogs which have NOT been shut down! Again, the same patterns as the thirty-one already closed and the new ones being set up! It’s just ridiculous. I have no idea why someone is hell bent on plagiarizing other’s work. It’s just SO wrong, to say the least.

I will do my best to keep all of you updated. Just because you don't hear something doesn't mean I'm not doing something! Yikes. It's grueling! But as I said, this isn't a Right/Left issue; it's a RIGHT/WRONG one.

Note: As of 10/26/10 @ 9:53 am EST, I corrected the URL of Enquiring Minds Want To Know; because I originally typed the wrong one by mistake.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unethical Blogging Update – Part 2

The investigation into unethical blogging activities is still going strong, although the culprit(s) decided to set up a few NEW bogus blogs.

You can read about them here.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unethical Blog Update

As I posted two weeks ago, I’ve been investigating unethical blogs. To date there are approximately 70 blogs which have been set-up that have similarities and all of these blogs have, at one time or another, visited my blog to either attack, ban or cause disruption. Since the investigation has begun, and these blogs have been exposed, 27 have shut down voluntarily.

This inquiry has uncovered three blogs that have stolen the identities of REAL people, but I’m not at the liberty to divulge more information at this time, because it might impede the investigation. The owner(s) of these blogs are, at the very least, disingenuous. They did not set up these blogs for intellectual discourse or even to lend credit to a cause, because they plagiarize and lie... and WORSE...

I have had assistance with this investigation and it has been brought to my attention that click-jacking, mal-ware, viruses, and email hacking has also been involved. The perpetrator(s) are malicious and intent on destruction. This is not a harmless hoaxster or someone trying to get a few laughs, therefore I advise everyone to open emails with extreme caution and beware of new blog followers and commenters.

Most of us are Veteran Bloggers, but keep in mind that there are MILLIONS of blogs in the blogosphere so question HOW new Bloggers just happen to find YOUR blog! Not that you don’t have a “good” one, but generally new followers don’t come in droves, or even a couple in a few days. We know by now that it takes time and effort to get a loyal following and it’s normally the large blogs that get the cyber traffic first...not the cookie-cutter blogs, unless, as my investigation has proven... they are a scam.

As soon as I’m finished with my research, I will submit a final post. Until then, PLEASE be careful of anything suspicious. And keep in mind that one can’t be too careful on the internet.

Friday, March 12, 2010

2010 Census—Honesty is the Best Policy

We’ve heard about it on television and the radio, and now by mail I'VE been warned that in about one week from now, you will receive a 2010 Census form in the mail. No getting around it, I’ll have to answer ten questions that will give the government information that will help determine Congressional Representation and federal aid.

While I’m not crazy about the census, I’m even less fond of the American Community Survey [more on that in an upcoming post] I’m certainly not advocating lying. As a matter of fact, I strongly suggest that EVERYONE tell the TRUTH. So, let’s take a look at each of the ten questions on the census, shall we?

First, we have questions one and two, the later is redundant.

#1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2010?

In and of itself, it is appropriate; because THAT is the type of information the government needs to determine Congressional Representation. My answer: 4

BUT question #2:

Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?

Seriously? Do they think I'm hiding a bunch of illegals in my basement? I realize the government is accustomed to lying, therefore they assume everyone else is too. But do they really think that if I didn’t tell them in question one the amount of people in my household that I’m going to admit it in question two? Get real! Like I said, a redundant question, but do we expect any less? My answer: REFER TO QUESTION #1

Then we have question number three which asks whether the household is owned, rented, mortgaged—including home equity loans, or occupied without payment of rent. Exactly HOW does THAT determine Congressional Representation? It’s NONE of the government’s business if I own my house outright, if I’m mortgaged to the hilt, or if I’m leaching off my brother. My answer: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS

There is room for your telephone number under question number four, where they have politely written, may we call you if we don’t understand an answer. My answer: RESPECTFULLY NO

Why they need my first name, middle initial, and last name for question five is beyond my comprehension. Call me Sally, call me Sam—neither matter, just represent me in Congress already! My answer for THAT question will be: RESIDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA

They may have my gender for question number six. I don’t have an issue with this, as I think it correlates with counting the population, male vs. female. My answer: FEMALE

Question seven wants your age and date of birth. One could make the argument that residents COULD be under the voting age and live on their own thus required to fill out a census. I’ll grant them this one. My answer: 44 --7/27/65

Question number eight is a question that has me totally perplexed.

Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

What the heck? If I AM, does that mean my state will get extra goodies? What about the other origins? Like Asians? Indians? Blacks? Or just plain old WHITE? Are these the NEW ethnicities they are targeting now? I don’t like this question one bit and I don’t believe it belongs on a census, because ALL ethnicities require representation. My answer: THIS DOES NOT DETERMINE CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATION

We can have fun with question number nine while sending Congress a BIG message!

What is Person 1’s race?

That is definitely NOT a Congressional issue and we all know it. Race has nothing to do with representation in Congress. But it does have something to do with how much money they want to pass out. And it does state that on the questionnaire, Asked since 1790. Race is key in implementing many federal laws and is needed to monitor compliance with the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. State governments use the data to determine congressional, state and local voting districts. Race data are also used to assess fairness of employment practices, to monitor racial disparities in characteristics such as health and education and to plan and obtain funds for public services.

There you have it. However, I believe we are all Americans since America is the melting pot for ALL races and ethnicities. My answer will be: AMERICAN, just as Donald at Conservative Firestorm suggested. And as I mentioned at the beginning of my post—lying is not only WRONG, it’s also unconstitutional, so answering "American" is not telling a falsehood, because we ARE Americans. I told a friend, who said he would “fib”, that if we don’t take a stand, as Americans, and send a strong message to Congress, these types of questions will NEVER go away—they will only get worse. Don’t fib, lie or distort the truth—whichever way you choose to look at it—write in AMERICAN and spread the word to your friends and family members to do the same. Let’s send a message to Congress!

The final question—another one that is a bit baffling, but I’m sure one of my devoted readers will be more than kind enough to shine the beam of enlightenment. Anyway, the questionnaire asks if Person one sometimes lives or stays somewhere else, then lists “situations” as to where Person one could possibly be staying, like the military, college and even PRISON! Oh, I’m sure I'D readily check THAT box! By the way, the Caribbean was NOT on the list, although it does have a box for a seasonal or second residence, so Charlie Rangel should sharpen HIS memory skills before HE answers THIS question! My answer will be: REFER TO ADDRESS ON FORM

All in all, out of the 10 questions on this census, question number one is really the only question that is relevant! But isn’t 10% about what we have come to expect from our government? And at cost of $14 billion dollars of OUR money, that is totally unacceptable.

Cross-posted @ Rational Nation USA
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