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Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh My Gosh! I’m 4 Years Old!

I turned four!

September 17th…my four year blog anniversay—it came and went and I didn’t even realize it until today! Where’s my head? Please, don’t even answer that!

My life is busy…crazy busy. Being a wife and a mom, working part-time and not having figured out how the heck to juggle ME time leaves my blog suffering. I know, at 46 I should know better. It’s just that with one son in Army Basic Training and the other just entering High School, my job still isn’t done; my ME time hasn’t really begun yet, so I fit in what ME time I can when I'm able.

I’m sure there are moms out there who put themselves first, but I’m not one of those. My husband and kids are first; I’m last. That’s how I operate. So, until my youngest graduates or I figure out how to add more hours to my days, I’ll blog when I’m able…and you, my loyal readers, (you know who you are!) will have to accept me for who I am!

Happy Belated Blogiversary To Me!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

31 Bogus Blogs Busted

Since I first announced there was unethical blogging activity within our community, thirty-one bogus blogs have shut down. I was recently asked if there was a list of blog names, and since there wasn’t, I prepared one.

This first section is the list of blog names and URL'S that can be viewed because Google was able to capture them at some point and time during what's called a "crawl", but I'm not about to get them to work in a link, so copy and paste the URL into the Google Search box and you'll be able to view the blog. However, you won't be able to "click" anything within the blogs because they've been shut down. And yes, you can "cut and paste" the URL's! That is NOT plagiarism! lol!

A Guy From Brooklyn
An American Who Cares
Enquiring Minds Want to Know
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Joe's America
Just Keep on Walking
My Right View
Nap Queen
Sandy's Thoughts
Some Guys Thoughts

This next section is just a list of blog names, because you can’t view them the same way as the list above. There is a way you can view some of them, but only a page or two, like A Right American, for example. This might be that the blogs closed before Google did its “crawl”, for example. There are also two other blogs, The Saint and The World According To SarahG, which closed before I had a chance to log their URL. Sleuth may have them listed on a report and I’m sure Sleuth will let us know if that’s the case.

A New York Guy's View
A Republican Girl
A Right American
An American Girl
Chronicles of a Conservative
Conservative News, Opinions & Politics
Cutiepie's World
David Speaks Right
Eric's Eyes
Frank the Thinking Man
I Care About America
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Matt Rose
The Phantom Man
Things That Piss Me Off
Thru My Eyes
Walt's World
Willie's World of Reason

These thrity-one blogs are BOGUS. They used the same patterns as Grandma ZaZa and Conservative16, except they are older than those two.

I’m also checking another 90+ bogus blogs which have NOT been shut down! Again, the same patterns as the thirty-one already closed and the new ones being set up! It’s just ridiculous. I have no idea why someone is hell bent on plagiarizing other’s work. It’s just SO wrong, to say the least.

I will do my best to keep all of you updated. Just because you don't hear something doesn't mean I'm not doing something! Yikes. It's grueling! But as I said, this isn't a Right/Left issue; it's a RIGHT/WRONG one.

Note: As of 10/26/10 @ 9:53 am EST, I corrected the URL of Enquiring Minds Want To Know; because I originally typed the wrong one by mistake.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unethical Blogging Update – Part 2

The investigation into unethical blogging activities is still going strong, although the culprit(s) decided to set up a few NEW bogus blogs.

You can read about them here.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Luck to Jennifer from Thinking Out Loud

This post is in dedication to Jennifer, who authored the blog, Thinking Out Loud. Jennifer hasn’t blogged in quite a few months, but came back to cybernation to write about the New York Mosque situation. I was excited as I thought it meant she had returned! I was so glad to hear from her again, because I really miss her “voice” and her insight here in our community.

You see, Jennifer and I bonded as soon as we met here in blogland. It was as if we were twins separated at birth. Both of us are Conservatives, but we also have very independent streaks, which didn’t set well with the Republican Pack. In addition, she and I agreed whole-heartedly on internet civility and both of us were welcome on Liberal blogs and Liberals visited ours. Another no-no with the lock-step-cook-cutter-talking-point-blogs.

There have been many issues where I had wished Jennifer’s voice was available. Her witty and insightful writing was always so refreshing. She wasn’t pretentious-- just down-to-earth, genuine, compassionate... and yes, full of fire. But that fire never ignited into ugliness or hatred toward another in our community. She was a rare treasure in the blogging realm.

I decided to check in on her blog today—something I do occasionally, and found she deleted it. I felt very sad at that discovery. I was hoping one day she would come back and “type” amongst us again, so I guess that won’t be happening anytime soon--maybe never. It’s safe to assume that blogging and politics can bring about “burn-out” as I read there are a few other Bloggers who have shut down shop, too. I heard they will be missed by their regulars also.

And I will miss Jennifer. I think a lot of other Bloggers in our community will miss her too.

So if Jennifer meanders onto my blog, this is for her:

I miss you terribly. I think you’re a fine lady and I feel honored to have met and blogged with you. I hope we get a chance to do it again because I think we had a lot of fun, and I consider you to be extremely intelligent with a lot to contribute to any venue. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. Best wishes, my friend.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Unethical Blog Update

As I posted two weeks ago, I’ve been investigating unethical blogs. To date there are approximately 70 blogs which have been set-up that have similarities and all of these blogs have, at one time or another, visited my blog to either attack, ban or cause disruption. Since the investigation has begun, and these blogs have been exposed, 27 have shut down voluntarily.

This inquiry has uncovered three blogs that have stolen the identities of REAL people, but I’m not at the liberty to divulge more information at this time, because it might impede the investigation. The owner(s) of these blogs are, at the very least, disingenuous. They did not set up these blogs for intellectual discourse or even to lend credit to a cause, because they plagiarize and lie... and WORSE...

I have had assistance with this investigation and it has been brought to my attention that click-jacking, mal-ware, viruses, and email hacking has also been involved. The perpetrator(s) are malicious and intent on destruction. This is not a harmless hoaxster or someone trying to get a few laughs, therefore I advise everyone to open emails with extreme caution and beware of new blog followers and commenters.

Most of us are Veteran Bloggers, but keep in mind that there are MILLIONS of blogs in the blogosphere so question HOW new Bloggers just happen to find YOUR blog! Not that you don’t have a “good” one, but generally new followers don’t come in droves, or even a couple in a few days. We know by now that it takes time and effort to get a loyal following and it’s normally the large blogs that get the cyber traffic first...not the cookie-cutter blogs, unless, as my investigation has proven... they are a scam.

As soon as I’m finished with my research, I will submit a final post. Until then, PLEASE be careful of anything suspicious. And keep in mind that one can’t be too careful on the internet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Calling Out Unethical Bloggers!

I feel it’s important to conduct oneself in an honorable manner on the internet and I’ve behaved properly since my first social networking gig, which was MySpace back in the day. When I decided to begin blogging I knew I would continue my good behavior not only because I wanted to maintain my respectable on-line reputation but also because I didn’t want anyone I knew to read something unsavory written by me. I can say with confidence that after 3 years of blogging I have maintained my respectable behavior and will continue to do so.

I’m not proud of some bloggers who actively and knowingly tried to censor other blogs. You can read the story here. I’m a firm believer in our 1st Amendment and I’m ashamed that Conservatives have been named in this Digg scandal. It makes those of us who are respectable and noble look bad. I would like to go on record right now by saying that I denounce anyone, Right or Left, who engages in sleazy behavior. I also oppose bloggers here in our community who pose as Conservatives to disrupt dialogue and cause trouble and those who blog with an explicit agenda, like those on Digg, and will turn on you for being an independent thinker.

I and a few other Bloggers have had run-ins with Conservative-blogger-posers. They would come on our blogs and give us trouble because we conversed with Liberal Bloggers and visited Liberal Blogs and when we didn’t concede they called us names, blogged unfavorably about us and when those tactics didn’t work, they banned us. In one week’s time I lost 60 followers. I thought that was really odd, but now that I know that these blogs are actually owned by a handful of people it explains why most of them haven’t been posted on in almost a year and why at least 30 of them have celebrity photos or pictures from over-seas advertising sites as their profile photos. I understand some people don’t wish to use their real picture on the internet therefore they use a photo of a pet or a cartoonish-type picture or even an avatar, but when a person uses a picture from an advertising site and allows commenters to assume it’s him/her—that’s deceitful and these Blogger-posers have done just that.

These bloggers have set up fake blogs and have gone as far as stealing the photos of REAL people for their profile page. Yes, they steal photos of real people from Facebook and other social network sites. This is a problem because these fake blogs have ideas and opinions posted all over them that DON’T match the opinions of the identities that the bloggers stole. This is IDENTITY THEFT and not only is it illegal but it’s also reprehensible. These bloggers also plagiarize by copying/pasting comments written by others onto their fake blogs but give no attribution to the original writer. They do this with comments also. Anyone participating in any of these behaviors should be ashamed of him/herself! And any blog that has been set up or used in a deceitful manner should SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.

There is nothing worse than a person who has no integrity or honor and would stoop so low as to steal something—especially an identity. Even if some of these followers are real, I find it difficult to believe they would want to follow a fraud, a liar and a thief, therefore they must be one in the same person, OR these people have no character either. And if that’s the case then I wouldn’t want them to read my blog let alone follow it—I would much rather have a handful of loyal, honorable followers than a hundred dishonest ones!

A blog, to me, should be informative, or at the very least, entertaining. The cookie cutter blogs with authors who rant and rave are a dime a dozen. I can turn on my radio to hear the “talking points”; I certainly don’t want to read them on blogs, too. Give me some substance. But substance is what these posers are sorely lacking because they lack moral character! (Not to mention English and Grammar skills!)

It’s too bad we can’t send them all into cyber-space… for real! The only thing we can do, fellow Bloggers, is what we’ve been doing—keep blogging and acting honorably. WE will prevail because these deceitful trolls have no stamina, no courage and no perseverance. So, hold true to your values and strong to your convictions and we will beat them.

I want to say thank you to Shaw at Progressive Eruptions for the work she has done at exposing these posers and thank you to Blue Pitbull, Infidel and The Swash Zone for supporting her. We may not all agree on politics, but we DO agree on principles and that’s because we know UNETHICAL behavior when we see it and DECENT people stick together.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blogging Is In My Blood!

Over and over I’m proven that time DOES fly, whether I’m having fun or not. The crises I’ve had in the past month, which veered me off course and away from the blogosphere and interrupted my normal routine and consequently my blogging schedule, are just proof that if I don’t stay focused I’ll adapt to something mundane and unacceptable. I say that because I found myself longing for my mornings at the keyboard, reading the blogs in the community, researching, expressing my opinion and writing my pieces--as few as they were. I knew that I enjoyed blogging when I lay in bed each night, exhausted, yet my racing mind would think that even the most idiotic, cookie-cutter blog would’ve been a welcome respite!

During these last few weeks I recognized that not only writing, which I already knew was in my blood, but the blogosphere AND politics are now infectiously running rampant through my veins as well. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad because I don’t know if my little niche in the sphere makes a difference. Heck, I’m not even sure if anyone’s voice makes much of a difference. And quite frankly, I’m not sure at this point if I even care. My only concern is that I write what’s in my head, heart, and soul, because it screams to be expressed and when you have a voice THAT loud, you HAVE to convey it. It’s just that simple.

I know there will always be a crisis to manage in my life; after all, that is what has molded me into the person I am today and that is what will shape who I become tomorrow. I don’t have any fantasies that my life will be easy, as it hasn’t been up to this point, so I have no illusions that it will change. My only wish is that I can pass on what I’ve learned to others, like my sons, so that they will be more prepared when they enter this ever-changing and uncertain world and make better choices and maybe even help create a brighter tomorrow.

In closing, I’ve missed this wondrous place we refer to as the Blogosphere—this amazing space that technology has created so that we Bloggers are able to come together and share ideas, opinions, feelings, and yes, even argue a little. And NO, my views on internet civility have NOT changed. I STILL believe whole-heartedly that–We can disagree with dignity.

So, hello Everyone, I’m back and I’ve missed you.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Join Me at Rational Nation USA

I was given an incredible compliment this past week by fellow blogger Les at Rational Nation USA. He asked me to contribute as an author at his blog where he displays independent conservative insight and wishes to expand on these values and opinions by adding “unique and independent thinking skills” and believes I fit that description.

I am truly humbled that Les feels I’m an independent thinker as well as a creative writer and he also complimented me highly when he told me he was impressed by my attempt to retain my conservative values while engaging those with a Liberal ideology. He said he believed this to be true bipartisanship and something he would like to achieve at Rational Nation USA.

Les’s blog has undergone some cosmetic changes as well as some user friendliness via Wes Messamore, who does the techno stuff professionally. But Les’s vision doesn’t stop there. He wishes to broaden the views at Rational Nation USA so that they encompass a wide range of rational political ideas and opinions because he believes, as I do, that this type of discussion is constructive.

I would like to say that I admire and respect Les and I’m proud and honored at his request. It is my hope that, with my assistance, Rational Nation USA will rise to new heights.

I’m looking forward to this new adventure, so wish me, and Les, good luck!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It’s MY Blog

When I wanted to blog, I first did some research. I began reading other blogs. I read all types—Cooking blogs, Style blogs, Humor and Gay blogs. I found that I was most interested in Political blogs. The Political blogs I liked the best were the ones that had both Conservative AND Liberal commenters. I enjoyed reading the viewpoints of both political persuasions. It gave me an insight to the topic at hand that I might not have had had only one political opinion been available. These particular blogs also had respectful followers. There wasn’t any name-calling, insults or degradation. I found these blog very refreshing and I really enjoyed them.

I think I also connected to this type of blog because it reminded me of the way I conversed in real life. I have co-workers, friends and family members who have Liberal views. (My Godmother, whom I love very much, voted for Obama.) I talk with these people about politics on a regular basis, but we NEVER get hostile, we NEVER fight or offend one another—heck, we don’t even raise our voices!

One day at work, I was having a discussion with a Democrat co-worker about former President Jimmy Carter. This co-worker said to me, “You are the only Republican who has ever been respectful of my opinion.” I was speechless! How could THAT be? How could other Republicans be ignorant to her just because her views are different?

I pondered that and decided when I began my blog it would be civil and respectful. Everyone—Conservatives, Independents AND Liberals would be welcome. They would all be able to express themselves, as long as they were courteous to one another. With my mind made up, I started my blog. I was so excited! It took a long time for me to get any comments, or followers for that matter, let alone any Liberals, but one day it happened!

My first Liberal was a tad sarcastic and I had to set him straight, but I did it politely. He apologized immediately and has been respectful ever since. After he began following me a few others started to follow, then a couple more. In turn, I began to visit their blogs and started leaving comments on their sites. I can honestly say that I have had only one problem since I began blogging. ONE. And that was partially my fault.

I am not the only person that visits these Liberal blogs, either. There are other Conservatives and they are treated just as respectfully as me. I believe the reason we are treated with consideration is because we treat the blog owners and the followers with respect. We don’t go to these blogs with aggression or in attack mode. We state our opinion in a polite manner and we are acknowledged the same way. I know this because I have read many comments by other Conservatives and I can see where the Conservative has provoked the author or one of the other commenters but then tries to say it’s the Liberal’s fault. I think that is quite unfair and I don’t like that type of behavior. If a person is attacked, then that person has every right to defend him or herself, but to provoke the person and then blame the person whom you provoked…that’s just wrong. It makes me disheartened to see this type of behavior.

I’m a Conservative and I love my blog. I also like to visit other blogs, which includes Liberal blogs. I will continue to do this because it’s what I like to do and I DO what makes ME happy. I am very strong in my values and beliefs so I have no fear that someone is going to “brainwash” me or “skew my perspective”. Actually something really good has happened since I began blogging! I’ve met a lot of really great people and it makes me happy that I created my blog. But as everyone who has a blog knows, it takes time to maintain it. There are those of us who think of our blogs as our “babies”. We develop it, look after it and watch it grow. It’s our creation and we’re proud of it. So, when someone pollutes it, we take it personally. I’ve taken it personally when some people have disrespected my requests to be courteous. I feel it’s an affront to me. This is my special place…where I can spew my sentiments ‘til my heart’s content, and I would like for my readers, followers and commenters to respect that my blog is an avenue for me to express myself and it’s also a pathway for others to express themselves, BUT they MUST be polite, regardless of the topic or political persuasion.

Which brings me to my rules. They are posted at the top of my blog, but have been grossly ignored. I’m partially to blame for this. I should’ve been more strict with them, but I felt everyone had the “right” to “express” themselves. And, in a way, they do. However, just as I invite Conservatives, Liberals and Democrats to sit at my kitchen table, I would NOT hesitate to toss them out on their butt if they insulted me or one of my other guests. So, beginning with this post, my first for 2010, I will NOT hesitate to delete if:

You ATTACK me or one of my readers/followers

You get OFF topic


Because I’m having a bad day and YOU get on my nerves

Please familiarize yourself with my rules because they are not open for discussion and I will not explain if I delete you; apologize if I delete you; argue because I delete you. The rules are the rules. I don’t argue with my kids about the rules, so, since that’s the way I live in real life, and that’s how I want to run my blog, that’s what I am doing. Period.

I would like for my readers and followers to understand and accept that I am an independent woman who will do what’s in my heart. But for those who can’t, I will obviously understand and accept their decision to move on. And for those who feel the need to move on, I want to thank you for your contribution to my blog and I wish you every happiness and success that life has to offer.

For everyone who wants to follow the rules and engage in civil, courteous discourse—WELCOME! I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for all of us!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Blogging Competition

I know I’ve said this before, I’m new to blogging, but when I was surfing the blogosphere and saw 2007 Web Awards I almost fell off my chair! There are actually awards for this, I thought to myself. I immediately began scouring the lists, Best Blog, Funniest Blog, Best of the top 250 Blogs (to name a few) and while scanning I found a few that I liked and linked to, Jon Swift, Bitch Ph.D, Woman Honor Thyself, Dating Profile of the Day and I am Bossy.

I’ve also been reading the competitions’ blogs and I must ask, What happened to a friendly contest? I’m all for triumph but does bashing qualify as a standard to achieving that victory? Why can’t the readers just vote every 24 hours for their favorite blog and whatever blog gets the most votes wins?

I suppose what I’m trying to say is…play nice Bloggers and be honored to be nominated; there are millions of blogs on the web and yours was at least chosen for a category-that’s awesome! Heck, I’d be thrilled with a vote for a nomination to get my blog nominated. I’d even take an award for Most Boring Blog or even Worst Blog, at least that would mean my blog was noticed. As it stands I’m still trying to get out of the gate.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Comment Etiquette

I’m fairly new to blogging so when I checked my blog and saw 2 comments I got excited! Imagine my dismay when I read…

#1. I agree. Do you have spell check?

#2. It should be “play” not “pay” in your blog. Get with the program. Buck.

These anonymous comments were about my “Hillary and the Big Boys” blog and I typed pay instead of play, which I caught and corrected prior to reading these comments. I can’t respond to my anonymous critics, but if I could here’s what I would say…

#1. This blog is about me and my opinions and no one has to agree; that’s the beauty of blogging. Yes, I have spell check, however ‘pay’ isn’t spelled incorrectly.

#2. Thanks for the heads up there, Buck. Sure glad you had time to step out of your life and let me know about a typo. By the way, what program am I to “get with”? You aren’t referring to the spell check program that #1 is talking about, are you? Maybe you could step out of your life again and clarify.

I’ve read a lot of blogs since I entered the blogosphere and I’ve seen many grammatical and punctuation errors, as well as typos, but I’ve never left a comment regarding such. Not only do I believe it’s a waste of time but I think it’s totally ignorant. I’m not sure, but I think leaving comments about an author’s English capabilities would be against blogging etiquette and if it’s not, it should be. But I’m not the blog police, so I’ll just follow my own conscience and not comment on anyone’s typographical errors and ignore those who comment on mine.

My blog does state feel free to comment and I do want feedback, however, I would like comments that contribute to my commentary or are actually constructive. Maybe I need to clarify that for those less fortunate in the cerebrum. Nevertheless, I feel pretty darn good-one typo, not too bad for a new blogger, if I do say so myself. In closing, feel free to comment if you have something substantial to contribute.
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