Showing posts with label Oregon Coast 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon Coast 2022. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2022

The Wonder Garden at the Hoffman Center for the Arts

As I shared last week, Andrew and I recently spent a little time at Oregon Coast, during that adventure we visited a little garden with a big name; the Wonder Garden...

At some point in the past I'd heard of the garden, but hadn't ever visited and thus forgotten whatever it was that I knew. That is until my friend Denise—part-time Tillamook, OR, resident, part time Long Beach, CA, resident—wrote about discovering the garden. So when, on the first day of our beach stay the sun unexpectedly came out, that was the only encouragement I needed—I went to explore.

This ceanothus (maybe Ceanothus gloriosus 'Pt. Reyes'?) was absolutely covered in buzzing bees.

I risked upsetting them when I pulled the ceanothus back to get a better photo of the Saxifraga cochlearis 'Minor' beneath.

The garden itself is a series of berms, no doubt built to improve the soil quality and drainage, but they also give the flat lot some "topographical" interest. The upended driftwood adds verticality and a sense of place. 

Surely I can't be the first person who yearns to paint the house bordering the back of the garden black with yellow trim ala Derek Jarmon?

Astelia chathamica

Acca sellowiana (pineapple guava) and Callistemon pallidus 'Eleanor'

I would have been feeling extreme plant envy at this sighting, except for the fact I decided to play the odds and once again try to grow Euphorbia stygiana—I purchased a plant at Hortlandia.

I've lost two of these in the past, but what the heck, maybe the third time is the charm?

Blooms! My plants have never managed to get to this stage. We shall see!

The stated purpose of the  Wonder Garden is to "Provide educational garden-based experience: pruning, design, botany, culinary, aesthetic, using spectacular plants to show-case coastal gardening" as such they had a great assortment of arctostaphylos (common name manzanita, which is the name of the town the garden is located in), this one seemed familiar and when I leaned over to see the label it all made sense, Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Harmony'.

Just exactly as low and sprawling as it is in my garden.

Nicely incorporated driftwood.

Bronze fennel, Foeniculum vulgare. So lush, so lovely, so bent on world domination.

Oh! The labels all through the garden were fabulous, and this one had me longing for a plant that hadn't emerged yet! It's been a couple years since I've gown Eupatorium capillifolium but I think I might need to track one down this year.
Succulents out, but tucked in for protection.

Right about now is when I heard a couple of dogs barking nearby. Aware that Ketzel Levine (former Portland resident—I shared photos of her garden hereNPR host, author), is the force behind this garden as well as a dog lover and rescue advocate, I found myself thinking "wouldn't it be great if I got to finally meet Ketzel?"

...and when I looked over towards the parking lot, there she was! You know that moment of indecision? Should I introduce myself? Will it be awkward? Of course it will be, but do it anyway! And I did, and it was, awkward, for about a half second. Then she threw her arms around me and we were talking like old friends. If Andrew hadn't been with me (btw he'd since gotten out of the car and started loving on the dogs) I would have probably joined her working in the garden as it all felt just that comfortable.

Rhodocoma capensis

That looks like a protea! SO many things I wish I would have thought to ask Ketzel about but didn't.

The eucalyptus had been bent and broken but was thoughtfully pruned and carrying on.

Acacia pravissima

Fabulously booming.

You all know my metric for measuring the worth of any garden; "is there an agave?" Well thankfully there was. This agave, Agave americana 'Mediopicta Alba', had been overwintered elsewhere, but recently planted back out in the garden.

To it's left was a small, but expanding, patch of Agave parryi.

Pittosporum 'Nutty's Leprechaun', yes, that really is it's name.

What a wonderful spot set-aside for in-garden gatherings, although the Wonder Garden has also had a few online (ZOOM) gatherings as well, read more about those here.

Fabiana imbricata 'Violacea', aka Chilean heather—I might need one of these.

Andrew found a seat from which to consider some garden art, while I finished photographing (Ketzel had been pulled away for a meeting).

As we were leaving he stopped to admire the Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia', a plant I would have never even given a second look, but once he pointed it out I had to admit the dark foliage was nice.

And I'll end this post with Dyckia 'Burgundy Ice', spiky spiky! Do check out the Wonder Garden if you find yourself in Manzanita, Oregon...

All material © 2009-2022 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Escape to the beach...

Sometimes you need to give into the urge to run away from your troubles...
That's just what Andrew and I did last weekend. 

We didn't run far, just to the beach, the Oregon coast. We also didn't run to a luxurious resort that would tend to our every desire, instead we went old-school.

The weather was supposed to be stormy, so our main desire was a room with a view, an ocean view that is. Somewhere we could be warm and dry, but enjoy the surf. Well, we got that view, but also got abundant sunshine, it was absolute heaven.

A reminder of what we'd just dealt with earlier in the week (snow) to the north.

There wasn't much ocean flora washed up on the beach, but when I went to take a photo of this particularly nice clump it had me thinking of the moss I photograph on our forest adventures.

Well, there was snow in Portland in April, so why not a Christmas tree on the beach in April?

Dried kelp and broken sand dollar decorations.

I love checking out the local architecture wherever I visit.

There was a brutalist-style development under construction in the suburbs.

Pyramids and giant toilets, closer in.

That's a good-looking wall, don't you think?

Dogs love the beach.

Loree loves the warm sun.

It may have only been 50-degrees, but nestled up in the rocks it felt plenty warm to me.

I'm one of those people who can't help but fill my pockets walking on the beach. The picking weren't great this time, but three of these items came home with me, the rest were tossed back into the sand.

Our next door neighbors.

Of course I had to do a little exploring of the gardens nearby.

Yep, another one of those signs telling me what I can and can't do.

There were some sizable Cordyline australis in the area, I didn't manage to snap any photos of the really big ones.

Just this one in a front garden.

An empty lot had me dreaming maybe Andrew and I needed to make a sea-side investment?

Speaking of Andrew, he brought the supplies needed to let his mind wander a bit.

I love the colors he chose for the yucca patch.

Picking up dinner (seafood of course) I spotted Troxel's Rock Garden and Mini Golf.

Rocks available for purchase...

Pick some rocks, pay the box!

Mini-golf will run you $3, and yes... it's a Wizard of Oz theme.

We didn't take the time to play a round, instead took our yummy dinner back to the room and then went out to take in our final beach sunset. We'd spotted a heron on the beach the previous evening, and suddenly here he was with us at the water's edge.

He seemed to enjoy his dinner too, although he worked a little harder for it than we did.

Yep, that's just what the doctor ordered.

All material © 2009-2022 by Loree Bohl for danger garden. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.