Showing posts with label Mahonia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahonia. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2024

My garden, now

We had our first frost early this morning with a brief low of 27F, it really is winter now (meteorological winter begins on December 1). I'm still trying to be better about embracing the garden in all seasons, so, to that end, here are a few photos taken at the end of November/beginning of December. We start in the front garden...

The always sexy bark of Arctostaphylos x densiflora 'Harmony', this is the most coppery in color of all my manzanitas...

Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ takes its job of feeding the hummingbirds very seriously.

Mahonia nervosa wins for fabulous cool-weather foliage color. That's another shot of A. x densiflora 'Harmony' in the background.

The Fuchsia procumbens has lost nearly all it's leaves, but there are many colorful berries left behind, I wonder how easy this plant is from seed?

Both Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Red Top’ in my garden have colored up as never before. 

Myriopteris tomentosa / Cheilanthes tomentosa (I think? I get these dryland ferns mixed up). The texture of these fronds is like a million tiny pebbles glued in place.

The driveway plantings feel so bare to my eyes.

I was the lucky recipient of a bag of black mondo grass a neighbor had dug from her garden, so it's hanging out in the stock tank until next spring, when I'll plant it out around the garden.

Winter color of Schefflera (Heptapleurum) delavayi.

The upper back garden, as you walk past the schefflera.

 Looking to the left, Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata'.

Rhododendron 'Ebony Pearl'

Hedera colchica 'Sulphur Heart', winter color.

This area along the back of the house has really benefitted from increased light after last winter took out parts of the Callistemon viridiflorus and knocked the Callistemon 'Woodlander's Hardy Red' back to the ground.

Athyrium niponicum ‘Godzilla’

That color!

Another painted fern, one whose specific name I lost track of a long time ago.

Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Akebono’. The rest of those leaves (last year's) will soon fall but the blooms won't open until March.

The potted pseudopanax/carnivorous plants that filled the bench in the summertime have moved to protected spots, now it's all about the pyrrosia.

Behind the bench, Polygonatum kingianum.

Those little curly hooks send me, how cute are they?

There's fruit too!

Hakonechloa macra

Close-up of the previously mentioned pyrrosia...

Fantastic pyrrosia variegation.

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) blooms, another hummingbird favorite.

Looking over to the shade pavilion in it's greenhouse form.

The leathery leaves of podophyllum in their autumn colors.

The stems that held the flowers, and then the fruit, almost look like they might start moving about, like under-sea creatures.

Mahonia eurybracteata 'Indianola Silver' backed by small M. eurybracteata 'Cistus Silvers' and M. x media 'Marvel'.

And the golden fronds of Osmunda regalis wrap up this post.

If you happened to notice I didn't do my full "garden tour" posts this fall (it's an annual tradition), I just wanted to mention they're coming! I took lots of photos but haven't gotten around to editing them down. I think maybe January will be the time to look back at the garden that was.

—   —   —

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All material © 2009-2024 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Old Goat Farm, finally

We all have a garden or two that lives large in our imagination. One we always meant to visit, but never did. And then the property sold, or the garden closed—later when the garden comes up in conversation you feel a little sad tug at your heart, why didn't I...? Well, this is the happy story of my getting to visit one of those gardens before the gate was closed...

Old Goat Farm (OGF) is the farm, garden and nursery created by Greg Graves and Gary Waller at their home just outside of Orting, WA (approximately 25 miles southeast of Tacoma/150 miles north of Portland). Greg Graves is a name that lives large in our PNW plant community. I knew of him from his time at the Miller Garden, his legacy as a past president of the Pacific Horticulture, and his work with Great Plant Picks—yet I had never met Greg before I visited OGF last Tuesday. Sadly Gary Waller passed away in June of 2022.
Last summer I had every single one of the OGF open garden events marked on my calendar, and I didn't make it up for a single one of them. When Greg announced earlier this year that it was time for him to sell OGF (it just wasn't the same place without Gary) I figured I'd missed my opportunity. 

Then I decided to take matters into my own hands. I asked my friend Camille (who has visited many times) if she thought mid March would be an okay time to walk the garden, and if she'd want to go with me. Then I emailed Greg to see if he'd allow a visit, and just like that it all came together—and with perfect weather to boot!

Rhododendron pachysanthum front

And back...

Besides the goats (which you'll see in a bit) when I think of OGF I think of the rock gabion pedestals used throughout the garden. They're in so many photos I've seen of the garden. It was so wonderful to see them in real life, finally!

And even though it's still very early in the season there were ferns looking good on the fern table.

While we were admiring this rockwork Greg shared that Gary used to go out of town for a couple weeks each year to visit family, that gave him time to complete a few projects he had in mind that he didn't necessarily what to "discuss" before doing. I think we can all relate?

The moss could not have been better if it had been cultivated. The pot holds hakonechloa (Japanese forest grass) that has yet to wake up for the growing season.

Weathered to perfection.

It's hard to tell scale, but this is the largest Asplenium trichomanes I have ever seen.

Simple perfection.

Turning with your back to the above gabion pedestals this is what's a head of you.

Greg shared that the friend who was with them when they saw OGF for the first time was a lover of boxwood, so this boxwood city-scape (what it looked like to me) was done in her honor.

The rocks were stacked, the moss came later.

And the sword ferns too I would imagine, they have a way of moving about.

The sun made for dramatic shadows during our visit. I suppose some would have wished for overcast skies to improve the photography opportunities. Not me.

The back of the shed.

More rock-work.

Rhododendron strigillosum

The farmhouse and "garage", there was also a large barn that I failed to get a photo of.

I should have asked Greg how long it took to find the perfect rocks to fill the cages.

The more formal elements fit right in.

Love that roof!

In another outbuilding we greeted one of the resident peacocks.

And then Greg took us out into the woods...

The bit of planting and pathway work done perfectly enhances what's here naturally.

In one corner of the woods is Greg's stumpette...

I visited at the wrong time of the year to see all the ferns in their glory, but absolutely loved what I did see.

This part of the garden is fenced with a gate to keep the creatures out. Greg pointed out this one of the gate-gabions was bent and about a foot shorter than it's partner. A tree fell on it and drove it that much further into the ground!

Decaying log, but the bark remains.

I left this garden visit certain I need to add more Mahonia nervosa to my garden. It's a native, and the two I have could not have cared less about the horrible winter storm that made a mess of my other mahonia.

Plus their winter color is fantastic!

So, the goats... of course there are goats at Old Goat Farm!

They're charmers too...

Peeking in the greenhouses I got to admire this flawless Rhododendron sinogrande...

A ginormous pair of Woodwardia unigemmata.

And a handful of blooming Trillium chloropetalum 'Volcano' that Greg had dug to take with him to his new garden. 

Sciadopitys verticillata (Japanese Umbrella Pine) with extra chunky leaves.

I'm filing away the use of the cement piece as a base for raising up a container. Of course it wouldn't be nearly as fabulous without the moss.

In season I'm sure there's water dripping from the column and maybe a plant on top. 

After we completed the garden walk-around and were relaxing with a tall glass of lemonade, Greg said that he hoped my drive up to see the garden was worth it, that the garden wasn't at it's best. I assured him it was very much worth it. So very much...

It was one of those afternoons when I feel so completely blessed to be a gardener and exist in the company of so many other like-minded and talented plant people.

Of course before we left Camille and I had to take a pass through the nursery area. This tangle of wisteria trunks was nearby. Earlier Greg had pointed out a tall conifer from across the garden and mentioned the sticks you could see were wisteria vines, this is the base. Wow. 

I did leave with a couple of plants, but that's part of Wednesday's post! Thank you so very much Greg, for interrupting your day to spend time with us in your garden, it is a magical place.

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All material © 2009-2024 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.