Showing posts with label super powers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label super powers. Show all posts

November 12, 2020

Kym and me.

One can say a heck of a lot about Kymberli Barney. Beyond her family and friends, Kym touched many people with her gifts. I'm sifting through my memories of her and it actually blows my mind not only how much she accomplished, but also the precious communities she blessed with her heart. It's not a surprise to see how loved she was. I only met Kym in person once, but I first got to know her as a fellow blogger, and so that's what I'll spring from here.

To be a blogger, and to spark and nurture the very specific kind of friendship that exists on the Internet, is a new and divergent behaviour in the realm of human connection. It's a relationship that can expand very quickly from casual witticisms to sharing the intimate intricacies of our lives. Like pen pals on steroids, thanks to technology. Quite often bloggers share the subtle nuances of hopes and fears with their blogging community that they may never feel safe or comfortable sharing with In Real Life loved ones. The intensity of such a friendship has baffled those who exist in-person; how can you feel this depth of caring for someone you've never met?

How, indeed? The written word is powerful, and so are drawings. Words and pictures open doors. And that's pretty much what happened with Kym and me.

It was 2011. There I was, happily blogging my drawings right here, when some lady called The Smartness started waving at me on Twitter. She said she'd drawn me (usually it's me who draws people) and put it on her blog and was terrified that I'd be mad. 

Kym's drawing of me, on a mug. I'm actually terrified to break it now.

Well. As if. LOL.
I clicked the link and promptly fell in love.

Kym had dubbed me an Honorary Gangsta in her drawing, complete with baddass attitude and hefty bling. Gangstas and Bling were identifiers she often invoked in her writing to connect her readers, and sometimes as a trope to push a point, as only a Black woman could. Kym's sense of humour was both mightily sophisticated and steeped in the Brew of the Potty; damn she was funny. I can't count the number of times she showed herself out. 

That's how it started. Kym drew me, and in so doing, drew me to her. I drew her right back and sealed the deal, Gangsta 101

As Kym would say: WORD.

What I saw in Kym was a kindred creative spirit. Her humility, thoughtfulness, curiosity and sheer brains, it all shone through in her writing. She was a natural leader, organizing fundraisers and support for others. We put our heads and hearts together on projects, as friends and bloggers, as teachers and artists, as mothers and wives. She inspired me. Kym was generous with her light

The rest was history. Eight years of comments on blog posts and social media, advice asked and given by email, endless meandering conversations via private messages. Always there, just one click away. Even when she got sick. I did my best to make her laugh.

Radio Kym!


I told her I loved her. She said she loved me too. And then she was gone. 


Kym had often ninja-posed for photos after some of her cancer treatments. When her mum asked me to draw a cartoon of Ninja Kym to print on their Celebration-Of-Life t-shirts, I thought about drawing her in the usual way: cute, hilarious and kicking cancer's ass. Kym was funny but she was beautiful too, and so much more than a simple stick-figure cartoon could convey. 

So I went with my super-hero style; classic ninja pose, ascending with dreamy heart-shaped radial wings, and a halo, the ultimate Bling.

Did you know Kym?

March 6, 2019

My kids are superheroes.

I drew my kids as superheroes.

This was kind of a cool exercise, as an artist and as a mom; I had to really think about their characters, their individual strengths and gifts. I had fun with the poses and costume details.

Also, no one knows a superhero's back story like their mom.

If your kid was a superhero, what would their power be?

July 17, 2015

Super hero portraits.

Here's some recent commissions, drawing real people as superheroes. Most of the work is in studying photos of the person and getting a feel for who they are.

Turning public speaker Anna Apoian into a super hero.

The 15 year old Trend-Blazer - her superpower is trendsetting in fashion and makeup.

The 11 year old Tree-Rider - her superpower is jungle parkour.

The 2 year old Key- Surfer - her superpower is piano mastery.

I enjoyed drawing these. My rates are here.

May 12, 2013

Mom Super-Powers.

The ten-year-old boy is now thirteen. That means we now have three (3) teenagers in the house.


A rhetorical question.  Actually it wasn't even a question (I didn't put a question mark, did I?) ...more of a "wondering aloud". Seems like only yesterday, I myself was but thirteen, and not entertaining any deep thoughts beyond pondering how to dance without making people laugh and point.

Nonetheless, here am I, on yet another Mother's Day, reflecting on my three children. The  thirteen year old boy loves comics (especially Spiderman); superheros with superpowers are a big topic of conversation around here.

This is one example:

He's always so eager at this point in the conversation. It's really cute.

Actual. Tears.

What Spidey said, dude.

When given a choice of what my super-power would be, I always answer, "The power to heal, my son" cuz check it out yo. That would be ain't got no problems if you got your health. Give folks their health, make the world better. And so on.

Well anyways, Happy Mother's Day. What would your super-power be?

PS. I've decided to be a little more personal with my blog. 

February 25, 2012

FUQMAN! Dance remix & music video.

WARNING: This tune is kinda catchy.

Legitimize the "eff" word? FUQ YEAH! Here's the music video to FUQMAN, the short film I made a few weeks ago.

Irresistible grooves by The Huz. Put this in your playlist you crazy fuqqers.
Get fuqqed with FUQMAN t-shirts!

January 23, 2012


WARNING: Parental discretion.  

True story: our old zombie car wouldn't start....until it was actually being towed away. The lights came on and the engine roared, I kid you not. My husband raged, "The Lords Of Irony are at it again! Wreaking havoc in our lives!" And the idea for this superhero hit him in the face and knocked him flat. While he was recovering, I made this little film.

Irresistible grooves by The Huz himself. Cuz he's a mewzishun, yo.

Wanna see the dance remix? I'm thinking ...FUQYEAH! OK here it is, FUQMAN the music video.

Get fuqqed with FUQMAN t-shirts!

November 23, 2011

The Supah-Sam CONTEST!

Introducing...four year old Sam, who loves peanut butter and jelly passionately, and wants to fly through the sky in a blue Supah Suit. Did I mention his favorite color?

This imaginative little boy is the surro-baby of my friend The Smartness AKA @JWMoxie. She cried out for help last week cuz Sam has leukemia. That's cancer folks.

Why the contest? Morale!

Sam just started chemo and he's bravely facing the ordeal with his parents, Terry and Stephanie, and a very fine companion named Chemo Duck. I wanna cheer them on.

Now, when you're four... your imagination is in free flow, unfettered by responsibilities. So for this contest, I want you to pretend that you are four years old, like Sam! Use your imagination.

All you have to do to enter is comment below, like this:
  1. "Dear anummated laydi, I'm 4 years old, my name is _________ and I want you to draw me dooing _________. Draw me as cool as Supah-Sam." 

  2. Get out there in the real world and hug somebody you love. This part is super important. If you don't do it your name will be mud.

  3. Then Stumble, Tweet, G+ or Facebook this contest. Use this hash tag liberally - #SaveOurSam.
Zee Prize: I'll draw the winner as a four year old and give them a t-shirt AND a mug with it.

Zee Rules: You can only enter once. Most inspiring entry wins. I get to decide that and if you want to know how my brain works, well, just check out a few of my previous contests. If there's over a hundred entries I'll award a few consolation prizes. Contest closes Friday December 2nd at midnight. Winners announced the following Monday.

By entering this contest, you agree to allow me to draw you and to blog the drawing of you. I own the artwork but you can use it as your avatar if you want!

I like to get behind causes from time to time. A little animation can go a long way.

Find out who won!

June 17, 2011

X-Men WHEELS Are The New Black. AND Blue.

Twitter convo yields low hanging fruit sometimes. Here's an example:

Anissa Mayhew asked for X-Men wheels for her wheelchair. And One Chunky Mama suggested I help out with that. Me being a recovering YES-aholic, I can certainly recognize when I'm being voluntold.

Since I've already drawn Anissa, I simply made a few modifications to the original design... ...and presto! X-Men WHEELS.

So yeah. What's the name of the blue lady in the X-Men movies? Smurfette?

Now do the sharing thing.

May 22, 2011

Bacon POWER!

It's the weekend! Trouble waking up those sleepy teenagers before morning turns into afternoon? BACON POWER will give them the olfactory nudge they need!

Works every time. Can't guarantee they'll stay awake, but prop them up with a vacuum cleaner or a rake and they should be fine.

Use Bacon POWER sparingly; too much bacon is exceedingly unhealthy.
This drawing was inpsired by @80sgirlforever and @TrenDspa who were actually having trouble waking themselves up.

Share the smilies.

May 6, 2011

Get a HOLD of Your SELF!

Yesterday I was all beaten Spiderman "...strength fading....can't hold on..."  I felt the Overwhelmption of the Rushing RIVER of Life.

Today, with a supreme effort, I managed to grab a hold of my self.

I was kinda struggling to hold on. But then I remembered, "Hey wait a minute - I can fly!!"

Who woulda thunk it! Can you fly too?

Share it.

April 29, 2011


I finally recovered from my Easter HANGOVER when suddenly I smelled a smell! What's that luxurious aroma? It's filling my senses with a delectable deliciousness! It's chocolate alright, but not the edible kind. Behold The Awesome Power Of Chocolate Soap.

Technically a Soaper Heroine, Chocolate Truffle is smooth, rich, creamy and soapy. She joins Oatmeal Milk & Honey in the team of Dot & Lil bubbly Soaper Heroes. Her super-power? She can fly, duh! 

And btw, Dot & Lil only make this soap at Christmas time, so you won't find it on her website. *pouty face* When I did this drawing though, Anne said she could do special orders if you ask her really nicely.

Inspired by my friend @DotandLil's fabulous blog post. featuring @WhyisDaddyCryin and @missrogue. GO AND READ IT NOW - it's hilarious and informative. This is NOT a product review. I don't rilly do those. I only did this cuz it was funny. I did NOT receive any free soap for drawing this. Okay, okay... she did promise me a plate of homemade mini-cupcakes. But no soap what so ever.

Share the chocolatey goodness.

March 13, 2011

Soaper HERO!

Oh Oatmeal Milk & Honey is my Soaper HERO! I swoon for his simple yet subtle, sweet and stealthy elegance. Not only is he slippery when wet, but his super powers are activated by contact with water! He lathers perfectly and feels oh so gentle and smooth on my skin.

And best of all - virtually no soap scum residue! I'm in love.

Inspired by my friend @DotandLil's fabulous blog post. This is NOT a product review. I did NOT receive any free soap for drawing this. Okay, okay... I did get a plate of homemade candy brittle. But no soap what so ever.


February 21, 2011

YOU. @ragekat

Some of you know her as @ragekat. Some of you know her as I'm Too Pretty For This blogger. But I know her as ...RageKAT!

She's a Super HERO Chick. Part humanoid, part Kat. Her superpower is that she's purrfect in every way, and .... um... (I'm just making this up as I go by the way, feel free to jump in) - RageKat's only weakness? Man.

She's HAWT.

@theblondeview suggested this awesome visual.

RageKAT gear is now available in my Zazzle Shop.


September 8, 2010


It's time for a contest.

First let me introduce you to Earl Woodman, A.K.A. @EarlJW. By day, he's just a regular guy. But by night....he's a Stealth LumberJACK.

Here's a picture of him "logging off" which he says he does at least once a day.

If you wanna know what the real @EarlJW is like, just go follow him on Twitter. If you're feeling especially daring, check out his blog.

Now for the contest:
You simply have to leave a comment here, suggesting what you want to see the LumberJACK do. I'll use a random number generator (AKA my ten year old son) to draw the winner. And then I'll draw* the LumberJACK doing that thing (whatever it is).
Animation's fun right? It's kinda like having super powers!

What's the prize, I hear you thinking.....the winner gets a signed original drawing of themselves posed with the LumberJACK. Contest ends Monday night, Sept. 13th, prize awarded the following Wednesday.

*draw or animate, depending on how much free time I have.

OK folks! Finish this sentence "Dear JC, please make the LumberJACK ...."

Wanna see who won?


August 14, 2010

The Dream WEEVER.

As you know, my first surf lesson ended in excruciating pain when I stepped on The DREADED Weever Fish. As those three little spines pierced the tender flesh where my toes join my foot, I could almost feel the weever fish VENOM injecting itself into my bloodstream.

Time passed, I had a few more lessons with the young/tan/fit/smiley dudes at Shore Surf, and I thought nothing more about it  But that venom was up to no good inside me. I began to have a series of bizarre dreams...

...prolly just the weever fish DNA fusing with mine, right? In my dreams, ha ha ha!

Well, imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning with VENOM-induced SUPER POWERS!!!

Don't laugh. It happened to Peter Parker, didn't it?

I still haven't figured out what those Super-Powers are, but I do have a strange urge to head to the beach, fling myself under peoples' feet and shout loudly:

Any suggestions for what my Super-Hero name should be? Will I be Hero or Villain? And how will my Powers manifest?!? Most importantly, what kind of Super Suit should I get?
