Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

November 26, 2014

Book giveaways comin' atcha.

The official book launch for PickleWeasel Picture Riddles is set for this Monday, December 1st (you should have digested your turkey dinners by then). I've heard that some folks have gone ahead and bought it already though. Sneaky... and very pickleweasely.

Here's my daughter showcasing it.

To celebrate, there's a giveaway on Goodreads. Five books to win.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

PickleWeasel Picture Riddles by J.C. Little

PickleWeasel Picture Riddles

by J.C. Little

Giveaway ends December 03, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Also, we now have some gorgeous special edition hardcovers of The LAST Snowman. These are lovely quality books. The 14 year old girl (now 17) shows you the book here.

You can only get them from me directly and they are now at the seasons greetings price of $16 plus shipping. I would be thrilled and humbled to sign them for you. There is a giveaway for this one too - one book only.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The LAST Snowman by J.C. Little

The LAST Snowman

by J.C. Little

Giveaway ends December 03, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

I hope you like my books. They're mostly pictures.

April 19, 2014

Book cover sneak-peek! (and Goodreads Giveaway)

Where was I? Oh right, so my next book, Motherhood, is set to launch on April 28th. JUST IN TIME FOR MOTHERS DAY.
"This is the universal story of motherhood, from the gentle moment of birth to the inevitable letting go. In the playful and poignant simplicity that is her signature style, JC Little has captured the tender bond between mother and child. A timeless and wordless picture-book for mothers, sons and daughters of all ages."

Some of you might remember the bare bones of the story as blogpost. I want to bring it to a wider audience, so I fleshed it out into a book with completely new drawings.
  1. This book is wordless. Pictures only. And if you get the Kindle version, the page flips animate. So it's like watching a little film. Feel free to hum a little soundtrack to yourself as you read.

  2. It's for all ages. It's the kind of book that might be given by anyone experiencing mother-appreciation sentiments. Sons and daughters can give it to their moms. Moms can give it to their sons and daughters to help foster an understanding of the experience of motherhood. I'd want to give it to a new or expectant mom, a teen or young adult leaving home for the first time...and children who like to make up the words to the story themselves. I loved doing that when I was small.

  3. NB: some teenagers react to this book by sobbing on the sofa and needing cuddles.

  4. Did I mention that this book will make a perfect Mothers Day present? It'll be available as a paperback. Think of it as a really, really special card. I even included a clear page at the beginning for you to write or draw a little note (I am nice).

  5. This is happening:

    Goodreads Book Giveaway

    Motherhood by JC Little


    by JC Little

    Giveaway ends May 01, 2014.
    See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
    Enter to win

  6. If you'd like to review the book ahead of Mothers Day or soon after, please reach out to me for a review copy. I would be honoured...and humbled.

As always, I love you all very much.

March 6, 2014

Hot Chocolate Swirl.

Hot Chocolate Swirl...sound delicious right? Well, don't eat it, because it's soap!

Photo courtesy of Dot & Lil.

Dot & Lil came on board The LAST Snowman blog tour as a "featured sponsor". They create luxurious bath & beauty and skincare products with a fresh, young feel, handmade in their Montreal studio. This custom soap was designed just for the book giveaways - it's chocolate scented and has chocolate sprinkles on top.

Fun right?

Anne from Dot & Lil took some photos of the soap being made so I popped them into a timeline with one of The Huz's tunes.

"Hot Chocolate Swirl" soap is limited edition, meaning you can't buy it. So if you won it in one of the giveaways, consider yourself lucky*. Perfect for relaxing in a hot bath with a book. It's almost better than real hot chocolate.

Dot & Lil just launched their spring line - and it smells gorgeous and Mothers Day is coming.

January 27, 2014

EPIC blog tour for #TheLastSnowman!

Right. So here's something: I'm doing a virtual book tour.

From today all through the month of February, the 27 wonderful writers listed below will be offering up their impressions of The LAST Snowman picture-book and along with each, the chance for their readers to win prizes and swag-stuffs.
Tadaaa! I overcame my shyness enough to approach to some of my favourite brands.

Boiron® are a featured sponsor of this blog tour! They're a world leader in homeopathic medicines for the whole family. Since the book is winter-themed and winter is cold and flu season, The Boiron Prize Pack* is a selection of 'winter essentials' to help you stay healthy so you can get outside and build a snowman in this polar-vortexy-wintry wonderland.

The prize pack will include Oscillo, Coldcalm, and Chestal for giveaway winners in the USA, and Coryzalia, StodalOscillo and Cicadermine (great to relieve a red and irritated nose!) in Canada.
*These homeopathic medicines might not be right for everyone. Always read and follow the label.

I'm so pleased to be able to offer this to my blog hosts readerships in both the USA and Canada! These are brands that I use myself all the time, especially the Oscillo and also their Arnicare gel, and I trust them. It is a real thrill that they also love the book.

Dot & Lil are a featured sponsor too! They create luxurious bath & beauty and skincare products with a fresh, young feel, all handmade in their Montreal studio. Dot & Lil are designing a custom soap just for The LAST Snowman blog tour - a "Hot Chocolate Swirl" limited edition soap! Creamy chocolate scented with chocolate-soap sprinkles on top, and the book cover design on the label. Fun right? 

Because after playing in the snow (or just freezing your buns off out there) the best thing ever is to come inside and soak in a hot bath with soap that will leave you smelling good enough to eat.

You won't be able to buy this actual soap because it's specially made for this giveaway. So definitely enter for a chance to win!

Also included in Dot & Lil's gift bag will be the Shea Rescue Butter for lips and nails. This is just what you want when the extreme cold leaves you dry and chapped.

Dot & Lil's spring line is about to launch - surfing their Instagram and Pinterest is a real tease for the new products. You can almost smell the lusciousness...

Ahem. In addition to the above swag, I'm also gifting:

A cute mug featuring one of the illustrations from the book: perfect for a little hot chocolate after playing in the snow.

And of course, a paperback copy of The LAST Snowman.

This blog tour is going to be EPIC. Because all these people are in it:

Resplendent By Design
Mundane Magic
Life With Roozle
The Guavalicious Life
The Angel Forever
Kat's Book Buzz
Ginger Sass
Good Day Regular People
Jefferson Parish Parent
Pajamas & Coffee
Where's the F#*cking Mommy Manual?!?
That's What She Said
Last Shreds of Sanity
The (mis)adventures of Mamakujo
Musings on Motherhood & Midlife
The Smartness
Brookly Berry Designs
World's Worst Moms
Dragondreamers Lair
A Day in the Life of Kat
My Book Addiction
Don't Take the Repeats
They Call Me Mummy
Frosted Fingers
Am I a Funny Girl?
Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva

All different, all special and each with their own diverse readerships. I love them forever.

Go check out them out! Enter the giveaways! Tell them I said Hi!
The LAST Snowman is available on Createspace and Amazon. If you've read this book and you feel moved to do a short review on Amazon or Goodreads, it will be very much appreciated.

April 3, 2013

PickleWeasel EGG Hunt - WINNER.

Sooooooo....time to announce the PickleWeasel EGG Hunt winner. There were 13 entrants who tweeted the magical words,
"The #PickleWeasel app is simply marvelous for comics & drawing. But don't take my word for it - try it yourself."
and took a stab at guessing where the Easter Egg was hidden. I'm shocked at how many of you guessed it was under the Bunny's bum. YOUR MINDS ARE IN THE GUTTER PEOPLE. No, really folks, it was hidden under his tail.

The winner of the contest has been selected by random number generator, number "1" - the first person to tweet the magical words.
And that person is Pickleope. Congratulations Pickleope! Go now to my Zazzle shop and choose something (mug or t-shirt).

I like Pickleope. Not just cuz he shares some freaky DNA with PickleWeasel, but he's also a very funny blogger. I like him cuz he's not afraid to poke at stuff. Like human foibles. Squirm.

Surprize! I decided to throw this drawing in on a whim.

See? You never know when I might do that. I'll bet you're regretting not entering the contest now eh?

Fear not. There will be more contests, with prizes and drawings, and possibly even an iPad mini in the not too distant future.

All because I love you.

November 9, 2012

I Draw YOU - Maddy.

I get a lot of compliments on my boots. People ask me where I got them, and I tell them the truth:

"I did a drawing of myself riding a Unicorn wearing nothing but these boots. Me, not the Unicorn." True story, right?

So that led to a contest wherein the entrants had to let me know how they'd like to be drawn wearing their dream boots from Country Outfitter. And Maddy won. Which was kinda cool cuz it was her 17th birthday and also she'd just got her license. Triple congrats!!!

Per her wishes, she's wearing Corral Tan Mesquite Laser Harness Boots, in her long knitted sweater and some knitted mittens, and holding a Macbook. She wins this drawing on one of my Zazzle mugs and a $150 gift card from Country Outfitter.

Maddy is a budding animator experimenting with stop motion 'pixelation' - she's made a clever short film called "Magician Maddy and her Favorite Socks". If any of you doubt that you can make your own films, look no further for inspiration, cuz this gal is actually doing it.

Now Maddy, whenever people admire your boots, you can tell them one heck of a long and complicated story.

October 18, 2012

Naked on a Unicorn - Country Outfitter GIVEAWAY.


Remember my trick ploy uh plea to get you guys to help me bag my dream boots by tweeting to @CountryOutfittr? Where I promised to draw myself wearing nothing but the boots whilst riding a Unicorn?

It turns out Country Outfitter not only has a wonderful sense of humor, they can also appreciate and value your [somewhat bizarre] desire to see such a drawing. Cuz they gave me boots! Behold the awesome.

Yes, I am posing on my bed. I might be naked. Maybe. Never mind that, feast your eyes on the chocolatey swirls and turquoise detail. HAWT.

Country Outfitter were sponsoring the Aiming Low Non-Conference where I was the *ahem* Opening Keynote, down in Atlanta, and they sprung these beauties on me at the closing party.

Because you helped me out by tweeting and being amazeballs and stuff, we’re doing a giveaway contest thingie – you could win a $150 gift card to Country Outfitter AND a custom drawing from me on a mug. It's like Christmas!

To enter you must do these three things: 
NOTE: Contest open to US residents only.

1. Click here and enter your email address. Country Outfitter will occasionally send you marketing messages, and you are welcome to opt out at any time.

2. Tweet THE LINK to your favorite boots to me @LittleAnimation.

3. Tell me how you’d like to be drawn with those boots, in the comments below.

You need to do all three to enter.

I'll draw the winner and then I'll draw the winner. And btw I’ll just draw YOU, not you with your kids or best friends or you dancing with the different animals at the zoo. Contest closes on Monday at 9 PM. Winner announced Tuesday evening.

Oh yeah...a deal’s a deal. So here I am, naked on a Unicorn, wearing nothing but cowboy boots. Ta-daaa!

What would you do for your dream boots?

UPDATE: October 23, 2012. 

The winner of the contest has been selected by random number generator, number "10" - the tenth person to enter in the comments below. 

Congratulations to Maddy! She has a cute blog called A Little Fringe

Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter. That was kinda fun!

March 17, 2012


When I was out and about this afternoon, there were an awful lot of green people hanging out of windows and lurching about the street. I think I even saw some green barf on the sidewalk. That means it's time for another Impromptu St. Patrick's Day contest. I hope you're feeling as lucky as last year cuz I'm giving away a mug OR t-shirt OR calendar from my Zazzle shop.

All you have to do to enter is look at this drawing and comment like this:

"Hey JC, I think Pickle Weasel is sitting on a Pot of __________." You fill in the blank.

Share this post on Twitter or Facebook, you know the drill. Don't forget to leave your Twitter @, email or someway of contacting you. I'll use my Random Number Generator to select a winner tomorrow (Sunday) at 9 PM Montreal time.

Feel free to admire the toilet paper!


WINNER ANNOUNCED! Wow, you guys are hilarious! There were 34 separate entries in all. The Random Number Generator (AKA the 12 year old boy) selected a number between 1 and 34 and that number is...

...32! The winner is @johndstearns - Congratulations dude. You WIN something from my shop, so start thinking about what you want.

Okay folks. You're all awesome, I think this was more fun for me than for you. Thanks for playing.

November 23, 2011

The Supah-Sam CONTEST!

Introducing...four year old Sam, who loves peanut butter and jelly passionately, and wants to fly through the sky in a blue Supah Suit. Did I mention his favorite color?

This imaginative little boy is the surro-baby of my friend The Smartness AKA @JWMoxie. She cried out for help last week cuz Sam has leukemia. That's cancer folks.

Why the contest? Morale!

Sam just started chemo and he's bravely facing the ordeal with his parents, Terry and Stephanie, and a very fine companion named Chemo Duck. I wanna cheer them on.

Now, when you're four... your imagination is in free flow, unfettered by responsibilities. So for this contest, I want you to pretend that you are four years old, like Sam! Use your imagination.

All you have to do to enter is comment below, like this:
  1. "Dear anummated laydi, I'm 4 years old, my name is _________ and I want you to draw me dooing _________. Draw me as cool as Supah-Sam." 

  2. Get out there in the real world and hug somebody you love. This part is super important. If you don't do it your name will be mud.

  3. Then Stumble, Tweet, G+ or Facebook this contest. Use this hash tag liberally - #SaveOurSam.
Zee Prize: I'll draw the winner as a four year old and give them a t-shirt AND a mug with it.

Zee Rules: You can only enter once. Most inspiring entry wins. I get to decide that and if you want to know how my brain works, well, just check out a few of my previous contests. If there's over a hundred entries I'll award a few consolation prizes. Contest closes Friday December 2nd at midnight. Winners announced the following Monday.

By entering this contest, you agree to allow me to draw you and to blog the drawing of you. I own the artwork but you can use it as your avatar if you want!

I like to get behind causes from time to time. A little animation can go a long way.

Find out who won!

March 3, 2011


See that "t" shape in this picture? It's NOT a "t". It's a cactus. In no way can it be mistaken for the Twitter "t". Got that?
Okie dokie let's get this contest started. I'm celebrating coming up to 5000 followers on Twitter. Woohoo. So here's another caption contest like the 3000 FOLLOWERS one. That was great for building community and stuff....

I won't fall to my knees begging you to "follow" this blog, to "like" my Facebook page, repost it on your own Facebook page, retweet the bugger using the button at the bottom of this post, or urge everyone in this universe and all parallel universes to follow me on, I won't beg, because that would be slutty. and even though I've been known to make out with the whole band, I'm no slut. But I will get you drunk* if you share this link right now. Yeehaw! 

* If we ever meet in real life, and while quantities last.

There's three t-shirts up for grabs:
One t-shirt goes to the 5000th real Twitter follower. Bots can get stuffed.
TO WIN one of the other two t-shirts simply comment on this post as follows:
  1. Fill in the speech bubble. Try to keep it clean and just make sure all the words will fit.
  2. Leave me your Twitter @ or blog or email so I know who you are.
  3. Give someone you love a hug. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
The winners will be the two funniest ones, and I get to decide that, cuz it's my contest.
Oh yeah, if you win, you can post the pic to your blog or Facebook page (if you have one) and link back to here. That would be cool. Last time we did this, the winners also posted pics of themselves wearing their tees, which was awesome.

Contest ends Monday, March 7th, midnight. I'll announce the winner on Wednesday evening. Open to anybody anywhere, though I can't guarantee shipping to some remote places.

PS. Thanks to the amazing Mom-O-Matic for the gunslinger suggestion!

Oh lookie, here's that tweet button I was just talkin' about....(hint - klunk). And don't forget the hug.

Find out who won.


January 24, 2011

3000 Follower WINNERS.

If you didn't win a t-shirt here, there is a consolation prize. It's called "The Battle of the BABIES" and it's pretty epic if I do say so myself.

Time to announce the winner for the 3000 FOLLOWERS "speech bubble" contest! 
It weren't easy. I struggled....the entries were all great. It tickled my funny bone to see how many of you really pay attention to the stuff that goes on around here. Even if you missed the contest, it's worth reading it just for the entries, heheh.

So right! Two winners coming right up. But first, know this:

Humor is subjective. The only person who had to find these funny was me. The only person who gets to wear this shirt, is the winner. So you might not find these as funny as I do, and that's okay. Got that? Good! Great! Fabby! All decisions are final.

Top winner is Frazzledmomma AKA @ihave7monsters!

And a close second is @EllieM72!

And that's it! I'll get a hold of you both on Twitter and get your sizes.

Special mentions of appreciation go to:
@mentallyinked for "Animated is the new BLACK."
@barbieangell for "i'm not as drunk as you tweet i am."
And @brermatt for "Baby Palin 2012" and a ton of enthusiam.

That was fun. Shall we do it again some time?


January 18, 2011


I'm coming up to 3000 followers on Twitter. Woohoo. I'm thinking I'd like to celebrate that and give a little something back to you guys in appreciation of all the nice things you say to me.

So here's a little contest / giveaway thingie. See this drawing? Picture it on a t-shirt.

I'll prolly make them on Zazzle or something so you get your choice of size etc.

"Hey JC! I'm kinda scared. How do I enter?

Fear not! I'm won't make you jump through hoops in my contest. Even though I could ask you to "follow" this blog, to "LIKE" my Facebook page, repost it on your own Facebook page, retweet the sucker to kingdom come using the button at the bottom of this post, and urge everyone you know to follow me on Twitter...I won't. Because that would make me a slut. Obviously, though, I totally appreciate retweets and shoutouts and will be your best friend forever if you share this link right now. Whee! 

There's two t-shirts up for grabs:
One t-shirt with the "t" goes to the 3000th real Twitter follower.
The other t-shirt goes to another follower who comments on this post as follows:

UPDATE: Due to the huge number of hilarious entries and general enthusiasm combined with the fact that you guys retweeted like a bunch of maniacs...I'll be selecting two winners.
  1. You may suggest something to replace the "t" - a big banana, a rocket ship, a street lamp, or something funny that fits in that space. *
  2. You must comment your idea of what should go into the speech bubble. Try to keep it clean and make sure all the words will fit in the bubble.

    *A crowd of people who look like your relatives will get you automatically disqualified!
The winner will be the funniest one, and I get to decide that, cuz it's my contest.
Oh yeah, if you win, you should post the image to your blog or Facebook page (if you have one) and link back to here. That would be cool.

Contest ends Friday, the 21st of January, midnight. I'll announce the winner on Monday evening. Open to anybody anywhere, though I can't guarantee shipping to some remote places.

A note about the image: Twitter's trademark people just got back to me about the "t" in the design. They say I can do a one - off contest as long as I don't sell any. 

Um. Remember that thing I said about being your best friend...?

Find out who won.
