This is ridiculous. (none / 0) (#12)
by Anne on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 02:03:01 PM EST
I can't even believe people are making this much noise about something that barely exists in the House bill, and doesn't exist at all in the Senate bill; honest to God, if this were about band-aids, these legislators couldn't decide on how many and what kinds to buy, and all they would manage to do is settle on (1) that little plastic case that holds 5 of the same size that you can keep in your purse or briefcase (House) and (2) none (Senate), and you wouldn't even be able to get the 5 band-aids if you already had some in your medicine cabinet.  This is what people are fighting tooth and nail for?


Yes, Americans do deserve an up or down vote on the reform they want - but is this it?  Is this really what people want?  Are we even sure we know what the "this" that would be voted on is?

People have lost their ability to reason - they are completley around the bend.

What's ridiculous? (none / 0) (#13)
by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 02:12:23 PM EST
Your comment is rather ridiculous imo.

Gosh, didn't see that one coming... (none / 0) (#17)
by Anne on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 02:25:01 PM EST
Which public option is it that people want a vote on?  The only version that actually passed the House?

I don't hear/read anyone saying, "vote on the House's public option," or "vote on so-and-so's version," which tells me that this is still just a term that means different things to different people.  They're pushing a concept - how do you vote on that?

It's ridiculous to be demanding a vote unless you know what it is that is to be voted on; I'm sorry you don't agree.


I expect that one (5.00 / 1) (#21)
by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 03:18:02 PM EST
But your comment was not about that.

Your comment was pure cynical anti-PO snark.

I get it. You think it is sh*t.

You could have repeated that without the other nonsense.

Look, nothing is going to pass at all imo.

But I'm not going to stop writing about it just because I think that.


Who asked you to stop writing? (none / 0) (#23)
by Anne on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 03:52:30 PM EST
Not me.

You're correct that I think the various versions of the so-called public option are not good, and I'm sure I have many comments that explain why I think that.

I hope you're right that the reform effort is dead, not because I don't think we need reform, but because I don't think the current effort will accomplish what I think reform needs to accomplish, and in fact, will set us back with little chance of ever fixing the fix.

What Obama and the Congress should be hearing, very loud and very clear, is that we, as individuals, and as a nation, cannot allow the insurance companies to continue to be the gatekeepers between us and the care we need; it is unconscionable that I have to pay almost $8,500 in premiums annually before I have even seen a medical provider - that's a toll that serves not as a facilitator to care, but as a barrier to it.  And with companies raking in ever larger profits, there simply is no justification on the basis of risk - it just doesn't wash.

It saddens and frustrates me that we are so desperate for relief that we think we have to fight for the meager crumbs the Congress reluctantly throws our way, while we see the ease with which they throw potentially billions into the pockets of an industry, and its executives and stockholders, that got us to this place.

I apologize if my snark seemed gratuitous to you.


I've asked for a "current" description (none / 0) (#20)
by BTAL on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 02:52:25 PM EST
of just what is the PO.  Got my fingers slapped too.

Take the House version (5.00 / 1) (#22)
by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 03:18:55 PM EST
or a tweaked version.

Or Medicare Buy in if you like.

But when you ask questions in bad faith do not expect to be treated seriously.


A Sellout Is A Sellout (none / 0) (#26)
by norris morris on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 01:15:22 AM EST

This is simply a sellout from Obama's dealmaking with drug and insurance monopolies right down to an out of control congress who ran amok and had no leadership.

We have a dysfunctional White House and Congress and this miserably contorted giveaway to private insurance is a disgrace.

Face it, we've been snookered. The fix has been in all year and we are watching what amounts to show trials. Our adoration meter was supposed to be so high that we never were going to oppose The Precious.

Any criticism of Obama would be met with horror by his worshipers, and we simple folk were never wxpected to catch on and show passion for a really decent HC bill.  Who knew we still had a few marbles left?

But any attempt to think anything good can come from this compromised giveway of a HC bill is
playing games with themselves. kidding themselves.

And play acting that bi-partisanship would or could produce a decent bill? More time to get time to put this through, but it backfired.

We're snookered.


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