A Sellout Is A Sellout (none / 0) (#26)
by norris morris on Fri Feb 26, 2010 at 01:15:22 AM EST

This is simply a sellout from Obama's dealmaking with drug and insurance monopolies right down to an out of control congress who ran amok and had no leadership.

We have a dysfunctional White House and Congress and this miserably contorted giveaway to private insurance is a disgrace.

Face it, we've been snookered. The fix has been in all year and we are watching what amounts to show trials. Our adoration meter was supposed to be so high that we never were going to oppose The Precious.

Any criticism of Obama would be met with horror by his worshipers, and we simple folk were never wxpected to catch on and show passion for a really decent HC bill.  Who knew we still had a few marbles left?

But any attempt to think anything good can come from this compromised giveway of a HC bill is
playing games with themselves. kidding themselves.

And play acting that bi-partisanship would or could produce a decent bill? More time to get time to put this through, but it backfired.

We're snookered.


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