Saturday, January 16

Musings From My Week

Like I said yesterday, this week has been a whirlwind of fun.  Here's a glimpse of some of the things that have kept me busy:

Birthday parties!

Awesome mail.  :)

Almost breaking my leg while standing on a piano bench to reach the tiniest nesting doll off the top shelf... you know, to make this: 
Totally worth it.  ;)

More birthday fun... (Erin's photo)

Buttons!!!  (Will's photo)

Friend time at a soda fountain.

Customizing tough Blythes and hanging out.  :)

Playing Blythes with the best pal ever... (Erin or Will... I don't even know...)

Absolutely great days. (Will's photo)

All in all, I'd say I liked this week.  If you haven't gotten your swap partner, don't be sad.  I promise it is coming.  I finally got through all of my Wednesday emails around 2 am and had to get some sleep.  If you have gotten your partner, please get in contact with them, and feel free to chit chat.  This is gonna be a lot of fun!!!  Happy Saturday!  xoxo Katie

Friday, January 15

Oh Happy... Week

This week has been crazy busy... but crazy good.  We've had multiple birthday parties and multiple house guests.  I'm (hopefully) finishing up all swap partners (Don't panic if you haven't gotten yours.  It's coming.)  tonight and then relaxing with my Mr.  I think I need it before we have more house guests tomorrow. :)

Check out pretty James' blog, if you haven't already.  She's doing round 2 of Show and Tell, and it's so fun to read!
You'll find me over there showing off my favorite record.  :)

(Oh, and this boy got a MUCH needed haircut tonight!)

And, I promise to be back with more outfits (I need a name for this new blogging venture, I think... suggestions are welcome) and pictures from my week.  For now, it's resting time.  I luff you.  Katie

Wednesday, January 13


I've been emailing out partners like crazy!  If you haven't gotten an email yet, don't worry.  I have about 200 and counting to respond to, so I will do my best to get you your swap partners quickly.  :)

Here is my outfit today... like, my best attempt at being a librarian, I think.  ;)

I have to run.  I have guests coming and a cake to bake.  I'll leave you with this:

I can't remember where I found it, but I thought was completely awesome.  Loves, Katie

Tuesday, January 12

I Heart Buttons!

I have quite the extensive button collection, and sometimes it can get out of hand.  Here are a few ideas to utilize some of those vintage pretties.

Hope's little collection.  :)

Frame adornment
I just hot glued pretty buttons all around until all of the empty spots were covered.  Cute!

Spice up an old garment
Mismatched buttons added to an old cardigan or vintage coat makes it lovely.  :)

Button earrings
Jump rings + buttons = earrings

I'm sure a lot of you collect buttons as well.  I'd love to hear about some of the things that you do with them!
Lastly, a pic of what I wore today.  This is one of my very favorite dresses (Please forgive the ick on the mirror! Must clean...).  I think I'd like to start sharing photos like this more often.  :)

I'm off to send out some swap partner emails.  I've had a ton of response so far.  Yay!
Happy Tuesday!  xoxo Katie