Summer is flying by and my garden is starting to produce some lovely things! I figured it was time for a peek at what I'm growing this year and what's proving to be successful so far.

The strawberries I planted last year have quadrupled in size. I'm guessing in the next year or two I'll have an entire box of strawberries. I went ahead and bought netting to keep the birds from nibbling our berries and that's been successful. The ants (or whatever else) I have under the netting are still getting their fill of ripe strawberries, though. Boo.
I have 5 tomato plants that have lots of green guys but haven't quite ripened yet. I am excited for them... it's almost salsa season!
The brussels sprouts came back this year but I'm not holding my breath on those. I ended up with very tall stalks and baby brussels last year, but nothing ever really happened past that. We'll see how this season goes.
My squash has blossoms like crazy and I've planted more flowers and a bee balm plant near them, so hopefully I will actually get some squash this year. I tried hand pollination last year but I'm hoping the bees and wind will go ahead and do that job for me!

My cilantro, rhubarb, and peas are doing great! I planted onions and a green bean bush (?) for the first time, so we'll see how those do. My peppers are flowering but I'm still waiting on buds.
Anywho, this is the first exciting stage of the year for me when it comes to gardening. Most fruits and veggies are either green or flowering, and I get to sit by and see what works and what I will need to change next year. Also, if you know of any other ways to utilize rhubarb besides pie, please let me know. I have no idea how else to use it but have a TON!