Showing posts with label outfits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outfits. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24

Broken Cameras and Big Button Dresses

I have no idea how this happened because this week feels insane, but I BLOGGED TWICE IN ONE WEEK! I feel like after typing that in all caps my computer is gonna bite the dust or something. 😂 Anyway, my friend, Mallory just released her new collection and I'm in love with this dress! The color! The buttons! The pockets! I I think it's going to be a main go-to for Fall!

Mallory Mallory 
Mallory Mallory Mallory
Dress: Mallory // Shirt: Urban Outfitters // Tights: Target // Boots: Jeffrey Campbell

Fun story (big time sarcasm here): We took the girls on vacation to Destin, FL last month and I decided to throw my DSLR in my backpack so I could capture some beachy photos. One of my girls had been rifling around in my bag for sunglasses and hadn't zipped it back up all the way. My camera, sitting at the top of an over-stuffed backpack, pushed its way free and hit the pavement. Devastated, I grabbed the camera and just hoped, by some crazy amount of voodoo luck, that when I pushed the shutter button it would miraculously have gotten away unscathed. Nope. It was BUSTED. We reached the beach (we were literally across the street- there's almost no pavement!) and I sat and shed some tears under a beach umbrella for a quite a while, mourning the loss of my camera. It's one of those stupid moments when you're just so frustrated, but it's not really anyone's fault. Then I bought myself a piña colada and decided I wasn't going to let it wreck my entire day. 🤷🏼‍♀️
So yeah, I'm back to using my partially broken Canon 60D while my 7D is in the shop. Light a candle for her, won't ya? 😉 This also explains the double photo shoot locations. My 60D is a finicky girl.

Life happens, I suppose.

Oh, yeah- I've decided to scrap the "Weekly Wears" title since I haven't been keeping up with outfit posts. They can just be a happy spot when they actually happen. I love documenting cute outfits and getting to look back on them, though, so maybe I'll start doing it more frequently.

I hope you're having a great week so far. Be sure to check out Mallory's new collection if you get the chance!

Friday, April 13

Weekly Wears: View Master

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Top & skirt: Forever 21 // Tights: Target // Shoes: Free People // Bag: Portland Leather Goods // Rings: Shop Wrenn // Lipstick: Beautycounter Red (my current favorite!)  // Viewmaster: Mab Graves

If you follow along on Instagram, you know I've been working hard on the room directly behind me in the above photo. That room will house my closet, my sewing space, and Johnny's desk/work space. It's coming along nicely and I hope to share finished photos in the coming weeks! I can't tell you how nice it is to actually have a closet I can access again. Like, I can find things I'm looking for. WHAT?!

I'm slowly getting back into feeling like myself and feeling blogging again. I really appreciate those of you who have hung with me during the lulls. A combination of staying so busy I haven't been giving my creativity a chance to present itself, coupled with depression that has crept back in over the last several months, has made this space a bit quieter than intended. Anyway, please know I SO appreciate you and your comments and emails. 💛

Tuesday, October 31

Weekly Wears: Vintage Scores

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Happy Halloween, friends!  I can't believe it's already here!  The girls are pumped for trick-or-treating tonight and I'm pulling out my warmest clothes because it's supposed to be pretty chilly.  Oh yeah, and I'm throwing chili in the crockpot so I can come home to warm comfort food.

Shirt: vintage from Maude Vintage // Dress: Whurl // Bow brooch: Color Theory // Shoes: Bali ELF

This outfit has nothing to do with spooky, scary things, but whatever.  I'm sure tonight I'll find something to fit the theme for tonight.  If you guys know of any great Halloween playlists, please leave me a link!  I'm ready to celebrate!

Friday, July 7

Weekly Wears: Betty and Veronica

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Guys.  I'm in love with a jumpsuit.  I haven't owned a jumpsuit yet that I feel comfortable in... until now.  Hooray for stepping out of your box and discovering something new!  It can be hard for me not to just throw on a skirt and top in the summer, so this feels big for me... ya know, in the way of dressing myself.  😉

Jumpsuit: c/o Betty and Veronica // Bag: c/o Kelly Moore // Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens // Pin: Nostalgia Vault // Scarf: vintage

So, I haven't asked this in a while: what are you guys watching right now?  I keep starting shows that I like in the beginning, but I get bored quickly.  We did just finish "Glow" last week and I loved that one!  Gimme your recommendations!  We have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, so keep that in mind!

Happy weekend, friends!

Wednesday, June 7

Weekly Wears: Confidence, Girl

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
(photos by Elise Abigail Photography)

I went through a period this winter/early spring where I just kinda lost my confidence.  I was over analyzing EVERYTHING and felt insecure about decisions I was making.  That typically happens for me when I'm having a creative block.  (My therapist keeps reminding me that my creativity, or lack thereof, does not define who I am as a person, but that's a post for a different day.)  I've posted many times about letting go of self-inflicted pressure and allowing self-forgiveness, but I'm also no stranger to allowing myself to feel overwhelmed or down.  Those are the ups and downs of life, I suppose. Anyway, I'm happy to report that I'm making my way back to self love and understanding.  Oh yeah, and that confidence is returning!  Hooray for that.

Dress: F21;  Socks: Tabbisocks;  Choker: DIY on ABM;  Shoes: Seychelles;  Purse: Bali Elf;  Hair pom: keychain turned hair accessory

I guess that was a bit of word vomit, but hey-- whatever.  I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about where you are at any given point.  We all struggle and if you're there right now, I feel you, friend.  Go easy on yourself.  💛

Wednesday, May 31

Weekly Wears: Slow Down

Weekly Wears
Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
(Photos by Elise Abigail Photography)

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite dresses.  Johnny and I took a trip just the two of us last year during one of those points in life where you need to get away.  We spent two days doing whatever we wanted, so there were evenings at our favorite jazz lounge, late mornings and brunch, and a bit of shopping and exploring.  I found this dress on display and it happened to be the only one in the store.  I didn't think it would fit, but I tried it on anyway.  It's one of those simple times where you get to spend REAL time with your person... even if you're just sipping coffee and making jokes. This dress takes me back to that.  😊

Dress: Free People // Bag: ABM DIY by Rachel // Scarf: vintage // Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens

I've been under the weather so far this week after a long weekend, but I'm crossing my fingers that I'll bounce back quickly.  I have two bachelorette parties and a wedding shower to attend/help out with this weekend and I need all the extra energy I can summon!  I'll tell you all about the one I'm throwing on Saturday soon, but my lips are zipped for now so I don't ruin any surprises!

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far!!

Wednesday, May 10

Weekly Wears: Vintage Paisley

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Aaaahhhh, Spring.  Thank you for finally being here.  Now that the rain has subsided, I have been spending lots of time enjoying the magic of porch swings and cool evenings.  I never seem to be content with one project at a time, so Johnny and I have begun digging out this space for a future backyard patio.  Our patio from last year will still be utilized some, but I want a space for gathering friends that A) isn't sweltering due to 0 air flow, and B) is twinkly and dreamy and comfortable for kicking back with people I love.  The ivy in this back area is gorgeous (though it made it hard to dig out the first layer of ground and grass) and the big old tree will be perfect for hanging lights.  Oh, and if I get really ambitious, I'm thinking of making a screen for the side of that shed for movie nights!  A girl can dream, right?

Skirt: vintage;  Shirt: Marshall's;  Purse: Kate Gabrielle's closet sale;  Bow: Nasty Gal;  Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens

I've been having a lot of fun getting back into vintage clothing lately.  I've found some gems here in town that I plan to alter and I've been going through my collection for a little purge.  You can't keep everything, right?  At least, that's what I tell myself when my wardrobe rack gets so full I can't find anything.  Share the wealth, Katie!  I'll keep you posted on that, for sure.

I'm off to get back to finishing up some DIYs that will be coming to ABM soon.  I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!

Wednesday, April 5

Weekly Wears: Scallops and Stripes

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
I got this dress for Christmas and I've been waiting for it to finally get warm enough to wear it!  I can tell it's going to be one of my Spring favorites, but for now I still feel most comfortable dressing it with tights.  I'm the kind of gal that needs to ease into the new season.  Like, I envy people who can throw on open toe shoes or shorts at the first breath of warm air.  I'm telling you, the first time I walk outside without tights or knee socks is going to feel so weird!  Oh yeah... and I seriously don't own a pair of tights without snags these days.  I'm too clumsy or something.

Dress: Dolls Kill // Purse: Kate Gabrielle's closet sale // Tights: Party City // Shoes: Nasty Gal // Pin: Kill Em With Cuteness // Choker: Free People

Totally off subject but way more interesting to me-- I'M SEEING RADIOHEAD TODAY!  This is going to be one of those special life experiences, I just know it.  We've been waiting years to see them and I can't believe it's finally going to be here!!  Thank goodness the terrible storm coming our way hit on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.  Driving 3 hours in that weather would have been so stressful.

Anyway, happy Wednesday/Katie goes to Radiohead day!  xo.