Thursday, February 4


The shop update is tomorrow at 3:00 Central!  Here are a few things that you will be seeing:





And baby hedgies!!!

I hope to see you there!  xoxo Katie xoxo

Wednesday, February 3

Sneak Peek

I've been working hard, as you know, and I thought I would share a new friend with you.  She's the second baby hedgehog that I've made, and I plan to have at least 4 for the Friday (the 5th!) update.  Some will be boys and some will be girls.  :)  Holding them in my hands makes me wish they were real!!!

I'm off to do more stitching!  2 more days!!!  *hugs*Katie

Tuesday, February 2

Busy Fingers

Just popping in to say hi before I get back to work on stuff for the update on Friday.  Here are a few Flickr favorites to make your eyes happy!

Back to work for this girl!  I'll be seeing you soon.  :)  xo Katie

Monday, February 1

Music Monday

I usually participate in Music Monday on Twitter, and I thought that I'd start doing a Music Monday post on ye old blog every week as well.  Today's Music Monday feature is Sam Roberts.  I LOVE this man/band like I can't describe, and his music never fails to make my face happy.  Not to mention, "Love at the End of the World" is great living room dance party music.  :) 

I hope you enjoy!

I'll also post a few more pretties from our Flickr group.  You guys are so talented!


A cheerful addition to any house.  :)


Sweet, sweet, sweet.

Happy Monday!!! xo Katie