I'm not going to lie, it's been kind of a rough week. I can't be totally specific
(which is annoying, I know), but it's just been one of
those. In times like
these, you've gotta search for the happy. You have to push out the negative,
and find some sunshine. Here are some things that are helping:
Naps. Oh my gosh... naps. They don't happen very often, but when they do it's amazing.
dresses on the way. Shallow, I know. Who doesn't love a pretty new dress, though?
Date nights... complete with unhealthy food. Sometimes you just have to. ;)
Pretty babies snuggled up in slings (and NOT crying).
Tonight I plan to relax, play cards with friends, get a little extra prettied up for
no reason, and remember all of the good things in life. I hope your weekend
is wonderful. *hugs* Katie