Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

Friday Photo Journal Link Up - 48

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What have you been up to?
Friday Photo Journal
Please read this important note:  Many of you know Gina Kleinworth of Kleinworth and Co. Sadly Gina lost her mom this week to cancer. While she has mentioned her mother's diagnosis once or twice on her blog, she has been very discreet about the details to protect her family's privacy. Many of us know and love Gina as a dear supportive friend, fellow photographer, mom, and all around fantastic lady. To show our support for her at the difficult time, KimTamar and I would like to ask anyone interested in participating to post an image of a lit candle tomorrow, Friday, December 6, on instagram with the hashtag: #supportforgina We'd like to allow her to grieve privately and share in her own time, but thought the show of love and support would be a nice gesture. We would love it if you would join us. Thank you for your support.
Thank you so much for stopping in! Have a fun weekend! :)
Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China. Photobucket

Friday Photo Journal - Week 46

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hi friends! I have a busy weekend ahead with family sessions, mini sessions, a wedding consult and a senior session. I'm not sure I'll get much sleep! Next week will be the big cram to get all that editing done and I also have a wedding to work on, and a wedding album design. I haven't even begun to think  about Christmas shopping! Have you?

Here's a peek at last week's shenanigans:

What have you been up to?
Friday Photo Journal
Thank you so much for stopping in! Have a fun weekend! :)
Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China.

Friday Photo Journal - Week 45

Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Friday my friends! Welcome to this week's edition of Friday Photo Journal. I hope you have had a great week! Our temps have dipped down and it's feel very much like late Fall here. I hope it warms up again a bit, at least for a while, I have many sessions planned and I don't want to freeze my Francis off,  ha ha.

Here is a peek at our week -1. Sassy pants trying on her holiday outfit, 2. school project, 3. Girl Scout rededication, 4. trip to Tarjay

What have you been up to?
Friday Photo Journal
Thanks so much for stopping in! Have a super weekend :)
Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China.

Little Things Thursday - Little Minds at Work

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My little thing today is watching those little minds at work. Even though they sometimes drive me crazy, I know it is a privilege to watch them grow and learn.

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking up with Kim for:
Little by Little

Friday Photo Journal - Week 39

Thursday, September 12, 2013

This week was another crazy one. I had a bridal session on Wednesday and because of some September 11th bomb treats on local tunnels, I was stuck in the car for about 6 hours trying to drop the kids off with my mom and then make it to the other side of the water for a Bridal session with a lovely bride to be. That really threw a wrench in our homeschooling this week...and by Thursday we were all coming down with a cold. Not an ideal way to finish off week two of our new school year. 
So, this weekend I will be nursing a cold, editing three sessions, shooting two and spending all day Saturday at Busch Gardens with extended family. 
Should be fun, crazy and utterly exhausting! Wish me luck :)
What do you have planned?

Here's a quick, hastily posted, unedited peek at our week:

Friday Photo Journal
Thanks so much for stopping in! Have a super weekend :)

Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China.


Friday Photo Journal - 38

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Friday friends! I have managed to make it though (almost) this jam-packed short first week of school and hubs first week of work at his new job. It has been a bumpy road trying to navigate a new schedule and fit everything in. It is likely to only get busier as we have taken this month off of extra-curricular activities. Next month, with PE classes, Girl Scouts, drum lessons, etc., might throw me for a loop again. At least by then the kids should be settled into a full time school routine again. We normally don't take much time off in the summer, but this year we took August off.  It has not been easy to herd them back toward school, lol. 
Here's a peek at our activities from last week: 

How was your week?

Friday Photo Journal
Thanks so much for stopping in! Have a super weekend :)

Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China.


Friday Photo Journal - Week 35

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hi friends! Happy Friday to all!! Today is a special day for us, as my youngest son turns 6. We will be hitting the bounce house and then Nana's pool for some fun festivities. The kids ought to be dog tired by the time we get home! I am looking forward to a family day ;)

We had another birthday earlier this week when Little Miss turned 3 on Tuesday. My babies are growing up :(  I am so very proud of the little people they are becoming though!
Here's a peek back at our week:

What have you been up to?
Thanks for visiting and linking up this week!

Friday Photo Journal

Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China.


Friday Photo Journal - Week 34

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hello friends! It's been another crazy busy week here at the Rich house and we are now gearing up for the big week of birthdays! No slowing down in sight. I think I need a vacation from summer vacation!
Here's a peek at the fun we managed to pack in this week:

What have you been up to?
Thanks for visiting and linking up this week!

Friday Photo Journal

Also linking up with Lisa at The Long Road to China.


Friday Photo Journal - Week 31

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hello sweet friends! I hope you are enjoying the summer days because they sure seem to be flying by quickly. Hard to believe it's nearly August already! This week for us was rather uneventful. Just work, chores and some thunderstorms. I do love a good summer storm, but the one last night was a little too close for comfort and kept me and the kids awake a while. Woke up to a wet garage too. Not major flooding, but we had to clean it out to dry. Thankful it was nothing more!

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the week:

I hope you've had a great week. I can't wait to see your photos!

Also linking up with The Long Road to China.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Photo Journal Blog Hop - Week 30

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hello sweet friends and welcome to week 30 of Friday Photo Journal! 
It was another busy, fun-filled week here. 
Here's a peek at our pics:
1. Gorgeous sunset on my birthday.
2. Sweet sleepers.
3. Another sultry sunset. Love!
4. My big girl getting her swim on.
5. My big girl obliging me with a photo session.
6. My littles splashing in Nana and Billy's pool.
7. My awesome new birthday mug :)
8. Clouds and sun flare. I love them. 
9. My silly curly sue enjoying her brownie payoff after our photo session.

I hope you've had a great week. I can't wait to see your photos!
Also linking up with The Long Road to China.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Photo Journal
P.S. Thanks a million to all who voted in the Circle of Moms Top 25 Photography Blogs Contest! I am truly grateful :)

Friday Photo Journal - Week 29

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy Friday (already?!). I don't know where this week has gone. It's possible I'm becoming more forgetful since I am getting OLDER. Ugh! I'll be 40 on Sunday and I'm not thrilled about it. Not only do I not know where the last week has gone, I am completely clueless as to where the last 20 years have gone!!  Thank goodness I always have a camera near by to help me remember the little everyday moments. Here's a peek at our week:
I can't wait to see your images from last week. I hope you are busy capturing your beautiful life moments. They sure seem to pass by in a flash.

Also linking up with The Long Road to China.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday Photo Journal
P.S. I have been nominated by again this year for the Top 25 Photography Bloggers at Circle of Moms. If you have a minute to click, I would greatly appreciate your vote! You can vote once per day for the next couple of weeks. Last year I made it to the Top 5 and it was truly an honor. 
Thank you for your support!!


Friday Photo Journal - Week 8

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hello Sweet friends. I'm glad you're here! I hope that each of you has enjoyed a productive and fulfilling week. The past week, for me, brought some big highs and some big lows. I'm trying to focus on the highs and ride out the lows with faith and positivity and an extra bowl or two of ice cream. 

"For every day that there is sunshine, there will be days of rain,
it's how we dance within them both that shows our love and pain."
~Joey Tolbert

Here's my recap from last week:

Friday Photo Journal

Thanks for visiting! I love catching up on your news. 

Scavenger Hunt Sunday, er...Monday

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hello bloggy friends!  It has been a busy week and weekend here. We had birthday celebrations for my two youngest kiddos on Saturday. They both have birthdays this week!  I've also been up to my eyeballs in editing from two shoots last week, so this is all I could manage for the hunt this week. They are all photos. But I love playing along so I wanted join in. Here are my interpretations for this week.

Forest: (OK, not exactly a forest but as close as I came to one last week):

Morning Light:



Coffee or Tea:

That's it for this week. Thanks so much for stopping in! 
Be sure to stop by Ashley's place for more Scavenger Hunt fun! 


Friday, August 3, 2012

I enjoyed making collages in recent weeks during the Summer Daze Fun photo party. Sadly, that party has come to an end. But, I decided to keep up with the theme and post a collage of my favorite recent images anyway so that those of you who don't follow me on can see more of what I've been up to. (That's for you mom, and mawmaw ;)

And in case you missed it, Audrey from The Daily Wyatt wrote a great post on how to take awesome pics over at Paper Heart Camera.

Thanks for stopping in. Have a wonderful weekend!


Our Summer Daze

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy weekend friends! I hope you are able to spend some time with those you love and enjoy a beautiful summer weekend together. 

The Summer Daze Fun Photo party is winding down. I've had such a great time participating and seeing what all my bloggy friends have been up to this summer. I'm also loving the instagram collages. This has made me think I should make them regularly and compile them into a book of memories. I think the little everyday moments are my favorites to capture. Here's another peek at our summer activities over the past week. 

Be sure to stop by and visit Alicia, of Project Alicia,  Kristi, of Live and Love out Loud, and Rebecca, of Bumbles & Light, for more of the Summer Daze Fun Photo Party – a 6-week photo party link-up aimed at capturing your fun summer memories. 


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