Showing posts with label The Daily Dog Bone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Daily Dog Bone. Show all posts

This or That Thursday Link Up

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's been a while since I have posted many pics of our pooch Bella. I snapped some shots of her last weekend when we were in NC, so I thought I'd share them today. She is a sweet puppy and is great with the kids. I have long been a great dane lover. Once you meet one, they are hard to forget. Sweet natured, gentle giants they are. Bella is small in stature, but has that typical goofy dane personality that I just adore.

I'm wishing I hadn't cut off her bum in the last shot. I still need to work on slowing down and thinking before I shoot. I always feel I'm in a hurry with kids running about. But, these are all lessons I take in stride as I keep clickin' away ;)

Linking up today at Stop by and check out her gorgeous pics!

Also linking up at Rachel's place. Pop over to check out this talented and witty mama.

and then, she {snapped}

Thanks for stopping by! And Happy Holidays!!!


May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month and Blue Buffalo and Petco have joined forces to raise awareness and fight to find a cure. You probably don’t realize it, but dogs and cats get cancer at approximately the same rate as people do. Unfortunately, 80% of pet parents know little or nothing about pet cancer.

A couple of years ago I wrote about our sweet Great Dane Max, who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. He was so dear to me, and was definitely an important member of our family. Losing him was devastating, but watching him suffer was even worse.

Please join me in supporting Pet Cancer Awareness month. Make a donation, or just help get the word out. Together we can make a difference.

Learn more here.

Lend A Paw for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Americans Can Help Donate Up To One Hundred Thousand Dollars to the ASPCA

Bentonville, Ark. – April 15, 2010 – Walmart and its top pet suppliers are asking Americans to join them in their support for the ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month.

Animal lovers everywhere are encouraged to visit and help “Lend A Paw” to support the ASPCA’s mission to save and improve the lives of millions of animals nationwide. By clicking on the “Create a ‘Lend A Paw’ Post” button, Walmart, through the generous contribution of key pet suppliers, will donate $1 for each post (for a total donation of up to $100,000). All funds raised go to support the ASPCA, the first organization in the Western Hemisphere dedicated to the humane treatment of animals.

“Pet overpopulation, caused by far too many pets not being spayed or neutered –even by otherwise responsible pet parents – is a leading cause of unnecessary euthanasia,” said Elysia Howard, Vice President of Marketing & Licensing for the ASPCA. “In fact, half of all puppies and three-quarters of all kittens born are from unintended litters. Every dollar raised up to $100,000 through the ‘Lend A Paw’ campaign will help us get one step closer to our goal of helping pets in need. For example, $100,000 would help spay or neuter 1,000 animals.”

“Walmart offers everything pet owners need to care for dogs, cats and other pets,” says John Kunkel, Senior Pet Buyer, Walmart. “We are ecstatic about partnering with the ASPCA to help promote the importance of pet adoption and responsible pet ownership, and actively engage the American public to take part in such an important cause.”

I'm joining the cause to help our furry friends, won't you?

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm a little late getting my post up, but wow, has it been busy around here! We're trying to get the kids on a new schedule. I'm weaning Mr. Man (read getting up a lot at night and losing sleep) and trying to finish wrapping, baking, cleaning, etc. Blogging has fallen by the wayside.

Anyway, I guess my WW is not wordless at all.  I wanted to post a tribute today in honor of a wonderful friend I lost last year at this time. He was such a love and I miss him dearly.  Merry Christmas Max.

I hope you all have a blessed and happy holiday. Remember to hold your loved ones dear. 
May the true spirit of Christmas bring you great joy!

Be sure to stop by these fabulous blogs for more Wednesday fun:
5 Minutes for Mom
7 Clown Circus

Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I haven't posted much about Bella lately, so I thought I'd use this week's WW as an opportunity for an update. For those of you who are new here, Bella is our great dane puppy. We got her in late January and she'll be 5 months old this Saturday.

She weighed around 14 pounds when we brought her home, and at her vet check last week she weighed in at 46 pounds. She's a sweet goofy girl with a lot of spunk. She has a feisty streak and loves to play, but is generally pretty calm unless instigated into play fighting by our oldest, which happens quite often! She happy to be a lap dog though and thinks she's just the right size for the job.

She enjoys sun bathing and lots of time outdoors. She walks pretty well on her leash and is house trained, aside from being a terrible counter surfer (read thief of all things edible). She's quite like a goat in that she'll eat most, sticks, pine needles, paper, veggie burgers, you name it. But, at least she doesn't eat socks like our other dane, Max did (Yes, literally ate them. Swallowed whole and digested to later be found in the yard).

She does have some serious separation anxiety issues though, and has recently gotten herself in a bit of trouble around here, eating garbage and getting stuck halfway out an open window. I guess it's a good thing she's so darn cute!

For more Wordful Wednesday visit Seven Clown Circus. And if you'd rather go wordless, stop by 5 Minutes for Mom!

Bella! Bella!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yesterday, we went to the vet. Bella, the three kids and I. Bella gets car sick, and though the vet is only about 7 minutes away, she started drooling half way there, all over my leg (wet jeans, yuck) and barfed on my cd case just as we pulled into the parking lot. (Picture me running back and forth from van to small strip of grass with soggy kibble laiden wipes.) Yeah, fun. Poor pup, she just does not like riding in the car. And, since she has so rapidly out grown her crate, it is tough to keep the wet kibble contained. Yes, we will be getting a new crate, pronto.

Thankfully, once in the vet's office, she did fine. She got lots of "awww's" and tummy scratches and "Wow, look at those paws! She's gonna be big." comments. She weighed in at 39 pounds, a gain of 11 from 3 weeks ago. She also got a clean bill of health, booster shots, another dewormer (just in case) and a follow up scheduled for 3 weeks. Then she barfed again on the way home.

After a few laps around the yard and scarfing down a bowl of Nutrish, she promptly collapsed on the couch and started snoring. She was one pooped puppus. (Mommy wanted to join her).

By the way, Bella loves these shirts from Cafe Press:

FREE Doggie Treats

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'll admit it. I love free stuff. Even free samples. Maybe I need more of a life (or at least an occasional afternoon outside my own home, which, by the way, feels smaller every day). But, I do get excited when the mailman brings me free goodies. And when they smell yummy, Bella gets excited too.

Check out these freebies for the puppus in your life:

Treat People



Nutrish (Bella loves this stuff!)


The Daily Dog Bone

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them; who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Maxwell Marmaduke Rich June 13, 2002 - December 22, 2008.
There are no words to describe how much you will be missed.

The Daily Dog Bone

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Daily Dog Bone

Monday, September 8, 2008

Update: Max is still hanging in. He seems happy and perky, but is starting to limp a little again, even on the meds. I dread what the future holds for him, for us. But, I am thankful each day that I can rub his nose, scratch his ears and water him from the kitchen sink. He is enjoying the sunny weather and loves to lounge in any spot of sunlight he can find.

Thought I'd share a couple of our favorite books for readers and dog lovers:
Amazing Gracie is one of my all time favorites. It is a true story of a Dane named Gracie and how her special needs led to the creation and huge success of the Three Dog Bakery. An easy and inspiring read that will tug at your heart strings.
Eco Dog is a great resource for greening your grooming and healthifying your pooch's diet. Loaded with tips and pics it's lot of fun and very useful for the eco-minded puppy parent.

Hope you enjoy these pics and take pleasure in each day with your pet.
Big sloppy wet kisses,

PS: Show your Great Dane Pride :P

The Daily Dog Bone

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Last week I reported the news that Max has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, or bone cancer. It was a devastating revelation. I want to thank every one for their kind words, for sharing their personal experiences and advice and for their prayers. I am happy to say that Max has been feeling much better since starting his medication. He perked up almost immediately and has even been playful and sassy...he can be very persistent when he wants something, like a treat or more love. Though we don't know how long we have with him, we are doing our best to make every day count.
Here are some photos of Max enjoying his new baby. He has been quite spoiled lately ;P and is eating it up.

The Daily Dog Bone

Monday, August 25, 2008

Today was a very sad and difficult day for me. After a few days of limping from what I had thought was arthritis, I took Max to the vet, which was in itself a challenge with three kids in tow. After an hour long wait to see the doc, an x-ray was taken and the diagnosis came. Bone Cancer. Osteosarcoma. It was a total shock. Not at all what I was expecting from the limp and some swelling at his wrist joint. After reading up on it now, I should have known better. I should have known more, questioned more at previous vet visits, researched more, done more...but here we are. And I am beside myself with grief.
As far as blogging about it, I have so much to say and so few words. Perhaps in a few days I'll get my thoughts together. For now, I am just too sad and too tired. Max was put on pain medication and it was not recommended that we pursue surgery or any rigorous protocol. He is what they call an elderly Dane, a senior at 6 years old. He seems far too old for his young age and I long for the days when he would run laps in the yard like a crazy rabbit. I simply can't imagine life without him.
If you have an inclination to prayer would you please say one for my dear sweet Max, for whom I have boundless love and devotion. He is such a good-hearted soul, kind and gentle, silly and sweet. May the days he has left here in the earthly world be joyful ones. May he know how very much he is loved and valued. May he not suffer, but find comfort and peace.


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