Hey everyone! My name is Mateya and I blog over at The Best Is Yet to Come! I am a new mom to our sweet baby boy, Hayden, who was born on May 23rd. In my whole month of being a mommy, I have been exposed to the most wonderful love I could ever imagine!
I honestly wasn't one of the women that felt an extreme connection with my baby while I was pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I loved the little baby I was carrying and I was so excited to meet him, but it was hard for me to fathom that there was a little person inside of me. It was so hard for me to imagine him on the outside. The second that baby boy was laid on my chest, I felt the most intense love I have ever felt. It was so crazy how much I loved something so small! I couldn't believe that my husband and I made such a beautiful little person. The perfect combination of his dad and I. His dad's tiny little lips, my long skinny fingers, and the tiny little nose that both of us share!
Hayden has completely stolen our hearts. I can't imagine my life without him. He is the sweetest little thing. He is such a good baby, a great eater and sleeper from the very beginning! It is so amazing to watch him grow and change every day. I love the way he looks right into my eyes when I am feeding him and the way his head turns as he follows my voice around the room. We share a bond that no one else can take away. I am so thankful for being able to carry him for 9 months and bring him into this world!
I truly love everything about being a mom. It is the greatest gift I have ever been given and I thank God every day for entrusting me with this perfect angel!
Natasha-I am so excited for you to get to know your little man and for you to embark on this wonderful journey called motherhood! You are going to love it!