Showing posts with label Mama Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mama Series. Show all posts

Daffodils: Mama Kate

Frogs, snails and puppy dog tails,
That's what little boys are made of.

As a mother of 2 boys, I couldn't agree more.

Hi, Schue Love readers! My name is Kate and you can find me over at Daffodils blogging about my life in Monterey, CA with my handsome hubby and two boys: Cullen, age 3 and Bennett, 15 months.
Since Ethan is still a sweet little baby who can't get into too much trouble, I thought I'd share with Natasha, and all of you, what life with boys is like as they get older.

They love dirt. On their hands, in their mouth, all over their face. Don't try to stop it, they will find a way to end the day as dirty as possible.
They are wild. Even my oldest, who has always been a very cautious kid, is a little bit crazy. The other day, we were at the park and two little girls were playing house. They invited Cullen to play and he said ok, and then determined that he would be the dinosaur that breaks in. It was the first time he's ever been asked to play house, and that's what he came up with. Wild, I tell you.
They play sports, even though they don't know they are playing sports, they just do it. I was trying to fold laundry last week and Bennett turned my basket into a hoop. He is 15 months old and has never seen a basketball game. It is just their nature, I swear.
It is possible to dress them sweet and classy.
Although if it were up to them, this would be everyday attire.
But the best thing about raising boys is that they love their Momma. While they rough and tumble with Daddy, they cuddle with me, want me to hold them when they are sad, love to help me cook and Cullen tells me all the time that I look pretty. They keep me busy and challenge me everyday, but I am thankful for them and so blessed to be their Mom. No matter how much trouble they make, these two will always be my perfect angels.
Thanks for having me!

Supermom with Southern Charm: Mama Maggie

Hey y'all!  I'm Maggie, a southern gal who has lived all over the southeast including Knoxville, New Orleans, Atlanta and I currently call Durham, NC home... for now.  I started my blog Supermom with Southern Charm last year during my pregnancy and have enjoyed keeping family and friends updated on my journey as a new mama.  My baby boy is 7 months old, and I'm still nowhere close to being a "Supermom" but I'm doing the best I can!  As a new mom (I think I'm still a "new" mom, right?!) I have loved reading Natasha's Mama Series with all of the great tips and special memories. It has been extremely helpful and reassuring knowing that other new mamas are going through similar experiences, including the ups and downs.  I am so excited to be here today and introduce you to my sweet boy!

Thomas Campbell Whittaker III made his big debut January 10, 2012 (3 days fashionably late)!  Campbell weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces and was 20 inches long.  We got off to a bit of a rocky start when an elevated white blood count and a few other issues kept him in the NICU for a week.  Thankfully by the end of that first week he was a healthy baby boy, and we were able to take him home!

My favorite photo from his newborn session.  Taken at 2 weeks old.

Memories by TLC

Since I'm still a newbie I don't really have any earth shattering advice to share.  But I will tell y'all what has helped me the most along the way... don't sweat the small stuff! {Following this advice is a constant work in progress!}  I'm a perfectionist by nature so there are times I beat myself up and put myself under so much pressure to do everything flawlessly.  I'm also a working mama, so I'm continuously trying to improve my juggling abilities between career and personal life.  But no matter what you are struggling with at the moment (whether it be nursing, sleep issues, teething, etc.) just remember to give yourself a break, and take a look at the bigger picture.  Your baby doesn't know if he/she has a Pinterest-perfect nursery or if you are on top of all the household chores... at least I hope mine doesn't! :) All kidding aside, perspective is key.  A smile or giggle from Campbell usually helps me refocus and remember to thank God for such an amazing gift.

Soak up all the sweet moments because being a mama is one of life's greatest blessings!

he has my heart <3


h.davis photography

~family love~

I could stare at him all day...

A big thank you to Natasha for having me today... I'm so glad I could share a little bit of my life with you and your readers!  I have loved following your journey as a new mama.  Enjoy all the precious moments with sweet Ethan, and I look forward to all the exciting updates to come!

Mad Max and Family: Mama Tara

Hello!  I'm Tara from Mad Max and Family and Mad About Town.  Thank you Natasha for letting me guest blog for you while you are getting to know your bundle of joy.  Congrats to you and Ryan!  Ethan is adorable.

Enjoy the newborn stage!  Max arrived on Jan 7, 2011 ... and blink, now he is 18 months!  We are looking forward to the newborn stage again because his little sister (Sadie) is arriving in late October.  (We welcome any tips for a soon-to-be Mommy of two!).

One of my favorite newborn photos of Max (Erin Carlyle Photography).  He was named after his late Great Grandpa Maximino (and that was his doctor bag).  (I already started thinking about Sadie's newborn photos and props.  Suggestions welcome!)

And before I knew it we were celebrating his 1st Birthday, and then up to now!

He was actually a bit younger than 12 months here (but he still didn't have much hair at his birthday!  It's finally coming in now).  (Erin Carlyle Photography)

And now he is my walking and jumping (well, attempting to jump) little tot.  They grow so fast, no?  This photo is from our recent trip to Disney World.

I wanted to share with you two things that I've really loved about being a Mommy.

I love watching him grow and getting to know his uniqueness and personality.  The older he gets the more his talents and personality shines.  I think he's quite a goof ball, but one of my favorite memories from his first year is when he started whistling around 7 months (this probably came from my musical Mom and their recorder time).

Max whistling!  I'm really glad our photographer was able to capture this at his one year photos (Erin Carlyle Photography).

Also the arts and music are a big part of our family (I'm an art teacher).  Max loves playing the piano, and I love my weekly "Mommy and Me" time with him at music class: SongPlay!  I started going with him when he was around 5 months, and now we've been going over a year.  I didn't realize how much I would enjoy that special time with him.  It's great to see him have fun, learn, grow in the class, and get to know other children and adults (and music of course!).  I didn't realize also how much fun it would be for me to get to know other moms / parents and kiddos in my community.  And those songs and movements sure do come in handy (like waiting at the doctor's office)!

Max started swim lessons this summer, so now he gets special "Daddy and Me" time too.

Any tips for a (soon-to-be) Mom of two?  

What unique traits do you love about your kids?  Do you have special "Mommy and Me" time you enjoy?  At home or away?  Or for those of you with tiny ones, any "Mommy and Me" time you want to try out in the future?

Natasha, thank you again, and enjoy the journey!

xo Tara

A Dose of Pretty: Mama Sara

Hello, my name is Sara and I write the blog a dose of pretty.
I am here filling in for Natasha while she enjoys being a new mom. I am
here sharing a bit about motherhood and my family.
I recently wrote a post about the 10 things moms should try to do
and you can read about it here.

Just two months ago we were a family of three. 

And now there is four of us. I gave birth to Ella Sofia on June 3, 2012.
As you probably heard from the rest of the moms, being a mom is truly the best
job and the hardest. I love being a mom. It's the best feeling in the world.
I know this is so cliche, but I am struggling finding the words to describe the feeling.

Anyway, most of the time my house looks like above, toys scattered all
over the place. I would love my house to look organized every hour of the day,
but I have learned to let go and instead I am learning to appreciate
the lived-in look with toys. I have learned that baskets are a mom's best friend.
I literally have baskets in every room of the house so that when the kids go to bed
the mess of toys can easily disappear. It's important to me on some nights to enjoy
a glass of wine with the hubby without the evidence of toys staring at us.

Congratulations to Natasha on her new baby! Thanks for having me
on your wonderful blog.

Life Treasured: Mama Abbey

Hi, I am Abbey and I blog over at Life Treasured. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have 9 month old spontaneous triplet girls....although our first ultrasound told a different story.

Our three little ladies entered the world as most triplets do....early! We just didn't expect the girls to come into the world as early as they did at 29 weeks and 1 day. It was one of the scariest, yet happiest days of my life. After 96 days spent in the NICU, all three of our little ladies were home and we were ready to embark on our journey as a little family of 5.
Since our girls were premature, we had to take a lot of precautions in order to protect their premature immune systems. Therefore, outings were few and far between. So when the girls got older and stronger, we began venturing outside of the house more and more. It has been such a thrill to watch the girls explore the world around them. Their curiosity, their excitement and just the little expressions that come across their faces as they experience the little things in life is priceless!
Like the pure excitement that comes with the first time you feel the pool water on a hot summer day...
Or the first time laying under the sky and observing a bird flying overhead...
Or just feeling the grass between your toes....
I love that our little ladies have opened our eyes and shown us how to slow down to enjoy the simpler things in life. It is so precious to see the world through a child's eyes....especially those little things that we often take for granted!

The Best is Yet to Come!: Mama Mateya

Hey everyone!  My name is Mateya and I blog over at The Best Is Yet to Come!  I am a new mom to our sweet baby boy, Hayden, who was born on May 23rd.  In my whole month of being a mommy, I have been exposed to the most wonderful love I could ever imagine!

I honestly wasn't one of the women that felt an extreme connection with my baby while I was pregnant.  Don't get me wrong, I loved the little baby I was carrying and I was so excited to meet him, but it was hard for me to fathom that there was a little person inside of me.  It was so hard for me to imagine him on the outside. The second that baby boy was laid on my chest, I felt the most intense love I have ever felt.  It was so crazy how much I loved something so small! I couldn't believe that my husband and I made such a beautiful little person.  The perfect combination of his dad and I.  His dad's tiny little lips, my long skinny fingers, and the tiny little nose that both of us share!

Hayden has completely stolen our hearts. I can't imagine my life without him.  He is the sweetest little thing.  He is such a good baby, a great eater and sleeper from the very beginning!  It is so amazing to watch him grow and change every day.  I love the way he looks right into my eyes when I am feeding him and the way his head turns as he follows my voice around the room.  We share a bond that no one else can take away.  I am so thankful for being able to carry him for 9 months and bring him into this world!

I truly love everything about being a mom.  It is the greatest gift I have ever been given and I thank God every day for entrusting me with this perfect angel!
Natasha-I am so excited for you to get to know your little man and for you to embark on this wonderful journey called motherhood!  You are going to love it!