Trip reports
”Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
"One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller
Here is a list of links to my trip reports around Europe and within the UK:
European trips
Republic of Ireland - January and February 2020
Netherlands - December 2019
Coming soon …. North Finland and north Norway - June and July 2019
Coming soon …. Bulgaria and Romania - May and June 2018
Hungary, Slovakia and south Poland plus Prague, Czech Republic - May and June 2017
Estonia and north east Finland plus Saint Petersburg, Russia - May 2016
Iceland - June 2015
North Greece - May 2015
North east Poland - May 2013
South and west Spain - April and May 2012
North Norway - March 2012
South and north west Spain - September 2010
North Finland and north Norway - April 2010
North east Spain - November 2009
North and east Finland and north Norway - May and June 2009
North Norway - February 2009
UK trips
Kent, Suffolk and Norfolk - December 2024
Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and East Yorkshire - June 2024
Essex, Sussex, Suffolk, Wales and Somerset - May 2024
Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - January 2024
Kent, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - November 2023
Essex, Norfolk and Lincolnshire - September 2023
Dorset - July 2023
Essex, Norfolk and west Wales - June 2023
North and mid Wales - May 2023
Essex and Norfolk - January and February 2023
Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - December 2022
Suffolk, Norfolk and Yorkshire - June 2022
Wales, Dorset and West Sussex - May 2022
Essex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk - April 2022
Yorkshire - July 2021
Somerset and south, mid and west Wales - June 2021
East Anglia and south west England - January 2020
West Scotland - September and October 2019
North and west Scotland - June 2019
East Anglia, Wales and south west England - May 2019
Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and south west England - January 2019
North and west Scotland - June 2018
North and mid Wales and the Somerset Levels - May 2018
South west England - January 2018
Northumberland - December 2017
West Scotland: Islay and Mull - November 2017
North and west Scotland - June 2017
North and mid Wales - May 2017
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula and Mull - September 2016
North and west Scotland - June 2016
North and mid Wales - June 2016
South west Scotland: Dumfries and Galloway - January 2016
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula, Mull and Skye - September 2015
North and west Scotland - June 2015
South west Scotland: Dumfries and Galloway - January 2015
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula, Mull and Skye - September 2014
North Scotland - June 2014
North east England - June 2014
North, mid and west Wales - May 2014
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula - October 2013
North Scotland - June 2013
Mid and north Wales - May 2013
Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria and south west Scotland - January 2013
North Scotland - June 2012
West Scotland: Argyll and Mull - November 2011
North Scotland - June 2011
Mid and north Wales - May 2011
North Scotland - June 2010
Mid and north Wales - May 2010
North Norfolk and Scotland - December 2009 and January 2010
Mid and north Wales - May 2009
West and north Scotland - April 2009
West Scotland: Islay and Mull - November 2008
North Scotland and Shetland - June 2008
Wales - May 2008
West Scotland: Islay - November 2007
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
"One's destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller
Here is a list of links to my trip reports around Europe and within the UK:
European trips
Republic of Ireland - January and February 2020
Netherlands - December 2019
Coming soon …. North Finland and north Norway - June and July 2019
Coming soon …. Bulgaria and Romania - May and June 2018
Hungary, Slovakia and south Poland plus Prague, Czech Republic - May and June 2017
Estonia and north east Finland plus Saint Petersburg, Russia - May 2016
Iceland - June 2015
North Greece - May 2015
North east Poland - May 2013
South and west Spain - April and May 2012
North Norway - March 2012
South and north west Spain - September 2010
North Finland and north Norway - April 2010
North east Spain - November 2009
North and east Finland and north Norway - May and June 2009
North Norway - February 2009
UK trips
Kent, Suffolk and Norfolk - December 2024
Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk and East Yorkshire - June 2024
Essex, Sussex, Suffolk, Wales and Somerset - May 2024
Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - January 2024
Kent, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - November 2023
Essex, Norfolk and Lincolnshire - September 2023
Dorset - July 2023
Essex, Norfolk and west Wales - June 2023
North and mid Wales - May 2023
Essex and Norfolk - January and February 2023
Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - December 2022
Suffolk, Norfolk and Yorkshire - June 2022
Wales, Dorset and West Sussex - May 2022
Essex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Norfolk - April 2022
Yorkshire - July 2021
Somerset and south, mid and west Wales - June 2021
East Anglia and south west England - January 2020
West Scotland - September and October 2019
North and west Scotland - June 2019
East Anglia, Wales and south west England - May 2019
Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and south west England - January 2019
North and west Scotland - June 2018
North and mid Wales and the Somerset Levels - May 2018
South west England - January 2018
Northumberland - December 2017
West Scotland: Islay and Mull - November 2017
North and west Scotland - June 2017
North and mid Wales - May 2017
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula and Mull - September 2016
North and west Scotland - June 2016
North and mid Wales - June 2016
South west Scotland: Dumfries and Galloway - January 2016
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula, Mull and Skye - September 2015
North and west Scotland - June 2015
South west Scotland: Dumfries and Galloway - January 2015
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula, Mull and Skye - September 2014
North Scotland - June 2014
North east England - June 2014
North, mid and west Wales - May 2014
West Scotland: Ardnamurchan peninsula - October 2013
North Scotland - June 2013
Mid and north Wales - May 2013
Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Cumbria and south west Scotland - January 2013
North Scotland - June 2012
West Scotland: Argyll and Mull - November 2011
North Scotland - June 2011
Mid and north Wales - May 2011
North Scotland - June 2010
Mid and north Wales - May 2010
North Norfolk and Scotland - December 2009 and January 2010
Mid and north Wales - May 2009
West and north Scotland - April 2009
West Scotland: Islay and Mull - November 2008
North Scotland and Shetland - June 2008
Wales - May 2008
West Scotland: Islay - November 2007