Showing posts with label Batik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batik. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Turquoise Batik Hot pads

 Sadly it has been too long since the last time I made a post.  I figured it was about time.  It has really been a long time since I have done any quilting.  I sorta lost my way.  Over the last 2 weeks I have done a few smaller hot pad projects and I figure they are a good enough excuse to post and share them.
 A lot has happened since I last blogged.  Rebecca my 2nd oldest got married, Then had a baby.  My wife I am sure will soon share her baby pictures
 Last year I lost my job and then got it back.  Long story but things are at least ok in that area of my life.
I have also done a little programming and created a site to share stuff on.  Its meant to be a site that any one can share their stuff its still a work in progress but if your interested in looking at it here is the link.  Craft Lovers  It is not a completed site but it does work.  Feel free to create an account and share a craft project.  If you do give it a try please email me at and let me know what you think about it.  And if you have suggestions for improvements let me know.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Batik's and Birthday's

Last year some time my wife bought me this huge stack of Batik's and as my wife said I did not seem excited or care.  I dont know how I went almost a year with out being excited about these but for my Birthday I decided to treat my self and cut into this stack.  I started last night (My B-Day Eve) and I finished this morning.  And will share in Pictures.

I really enjoyed visually how this stack was put together it had the lighter on one side and the darker on the other side.  So I had to get a picture of both sides of this bundle to show it all off.

The way my wife cuts material is so much different then my style of cutting.  Many or most I would assume cuts 1-2 layers of material at a time.  For me that is way too slow and not as efficient.

It might be hard to tell but the stacks that I am cutting are about 12-15 layers thick.  The cutting blade I use is the larger of the 2 standard size blades and I always make sure my blades are sharp as I like to cut thick stacks.

Here is more of a close up.  Please note these are 2 stacks thick each but gives you an idea of how many layers are in the stacks.

So you may ask what in the world am I doing with all of these.  My plans are too make 3 quilts (yes I cant ever seem to make a single quilt at a time, though Tanya is trying to convince me to make 4 rather then 3 quilts go figure)  To explain the material at the top of the above picture is what is left of my Fat Quarter Bundle which is about 1/3 of the fabric left.  The long strips will be a diagonal lap quilt and maybe a 2nd baby quilt if Tanya gets her way.  The 2 1/2 inch squares in the 3 bags will make 2 different quilts one will be one of my 25 squared patterns and the other will be a granny square quilt which I have made many times but never made a pattern for but will make a pattern this time while making it.

Well I still had a little time before having to leave for work so I started to sew my strips together.  At the point I took this picture the strips each had about 6 strips sewed together so the weight of it was dragging them off the side of the table.

The funny thing about Batik's are that my wife hates them and complains and the longer I play with them and sew them together the more she starts telling me how much she likes them and wants me to make more and more.  She just cant make up her mind.  

What I love most is the contrast in the colors.  Any way this is the pile that I had when all the strips were sewed and there is only 5 long strips left.

While I am finally at work and they thought to celebrate and since it also shows off the quilt on the wall in my office I took a picture sorry for the poor quality and poor editing I was at work after all but Happy B-Day to me.  And for those that are curious I turn 47 today.  I was born in the summer of 1969.

Last and not least Google had to get in on the B-Day Action and I seem to be getting a B-Day google celebration page.  If you click it it goes to my profile so good job Google and thanks.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Quilt From the Past

I don't know how much I ever talked about this quilt top, I finished it like a year or so ago.  It it twin sized, one of the biggest I have ever made.  I made a twin for Rebecca and finished it.  This one has sat in a pile for a long time being neglected.  Not for lack of love, but you would think so.  It took 6 months after I made the top to make a back for it.  After all, I did not know how to make a back that big (yea I know, only a twin, but that is huge to me)  Then it sat again, because Tanya did not want to baste it.  Well I am glad to say Tanya has about given up on me quilting anything, because I have been  obsessed with granny squares and other 2 1/2 inch blocks (after all she has like 8 quilts basted ready for me to quilt). She sat down this last weekend and she basted the above quilt.  So I must change focus and quilt it.  Now how the heck should I quilt this one? Hum it better not be another 6 months figuring that out.  Any way it is on the table and next up to go in the machine.

Daily Quilting Deals at Craftsy.comI do not generally do directs adds in my blogs, but I want to take the time to thank those that follow my blog and support me in my blogging effort whether that be commenting on my blog or visiting the various sponsors by following the advertisement links found here on my blog.  A couple months back I was introduced to Craftsy and now love it.  Not only do I sell patterns though Craftsy, but I am a affiliate using there advertisements and get a little money off that.  In the past I have got revenue from new people signing up for Craftsy and for those that have signed up though my site got a percentage of money from classes they sign up for.  Starting today (or soon, I did not read the fine print very well) I will start getting money from the sell of supplies bought if you are referred though me.  If you have not signed up for Craftsy please do click on the link to the left and do so.  Buy a class or buy some quilting supplies and you can make me rich (OK maybe only in my dreams).  To entice you to visit if you do so look me up and comment on a pattern or project of mine on Craftsy and I will give you a free pattern of your choice.  If you make me rich, I can afford to have a new giveaway? (comment here also if you want a pattern and the name of it, on Craftsy just leave a nice comment about the item you chose to comment on).

I am off the sells soap box and yes still making various blocks while trying to avoid quilting all those quilts Tanya wants done.

Wait, I guess these 2 Tanya made, so its not just me making quilt blocks? What she plans for these I am not sure, but I am sure she is up to something.

Oh ya, some purple blocks I did.

Hum, I thought I was done cutting flannel.  Yes I found a few more bolts that were missed that first time!

 Last, if not least I have a pile of these?  Hum what the heck am I chopping piles of scraps for?  Oh ya, I did make a couple more granny squares while Tanya was looking the other way.

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