The Best Kat Dennings Movies

Ranker Film
Updated March 1, 2025 90.7K views 18 items
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1.2K votes
430 voters
2 reranks
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Vote for your favorite movies, regardless of critic reviews or how big the role was.

More than 390 movie fans have come together to cast their votes for the best Kat Dennings movies. From her breakout role in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist to her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as Darcy Lewis in Thor, Kat Dennings has proven time and again that she is a force to be reckoned with. Her performances often combine equal parts wit and charm, making it easy for audiences of all ages to fall in love with her characters.

When it comes to choosing the best Kat Dennings films, there are several contenders. To Write Love on Her Arms is a classic comedy featuring an unforgettable performance from Dennings; meanwhile Thor: The Dark World gives us a clever and endearing version of Darcy Lewis. Topping off the list are classics like The 40-Year-Old VirginCharlie Bartlett, The House Bunny, and Suburban Gothic - each of which offers something special from its star.

Whether you're looking for some lighthearted laughs or a heartfelt story about human resilience, this list has got you covered. Check out these top picks now and don't forget to vote up your favorites on the list.