The Best R-Rated Comedies
  • Photo:
    • FX Productions & ABC Signature Studios/Deadpool, Warner Bros. Pictures/The Hangover

The Best R-Rated Comedies

Ranker Film
Updated March 7, 2025 213.4K views 167 items
Ranked By
49.1K votes
5.2K voters
2 reranks
Voting Rules
Add your favorite movie to the list if it's missing, but only if it's the correct rating.
Latest additions: Mickey 17, The Turkey Bowl, Old Guy
Most divisive: Good Boys
Over 5.2K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best R-Rated Comedies

The best R-rated comedies offer something distinctly enjoyable for lovers of mature humor. These funny adult movies serve up laughs that are big and bold. R-rated comedy movies have carved out a unique niche where the humor is the main attraction - emphasizing the genre's dedication to delivering top-tier entertainment.

So, explore the best R-Rated comedy movies of all time in this list, tailored for those who appreciate humor with a bit of an edge. This selection highlights the most uproarious and daringly funny R-Rated movies, each ranked for how well they blend comedy and mature content. Unlike broader comedy genres, these films specialize in delivering laughs that are both bold and unreserved, often venturing into funny adult movie territory.

This list is a testament to what fans find most entertaining in these movies. Take Deadpool, for instance. As a paragon of R-rated comedies, this film has set the bar high with witty banter and relentless action wrapped in a superhero guise. Then there’s Step Brothers, helmed by Adam McKay, which pairs comedic heavyweights Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly to depict the ridiculous yet charming lives of two adult step-siblings. These comedy movies combine multiple forms of humor with mature themes, offering both laughter and relatability.

This list is not just a static compilation; it's a living, breathing catalog where every vote influences the ranking. Do you think a particular film deserves a higher spot among funny inappropriate movies? Your input can propel it to a higher position. This interactive nature ensures the list remains up-to-date, echoing the opinions of a diverse audience.

Whether you're exploring streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime or seeking recommendations for comedy rated R movies, these selections represent the pinnacle in this category. Immerse yourself in this assortment of the best rated R comedies and prepare for a memorable laugh fest.