Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. Panasonic AUTOMOTIVE



Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.



Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is an essential and important piece of our mission vision.

The environment surrounding us is constantly changing, and our values are diversifying. The automotive industry, in particular, is undergoing a period of change that occurs once every 100 years and is undergoing major changes in its value-added structure. It is difficult for a company to survive unless it can adapt flexibly to change and innovate on its own with diverse ideas. In other words, diverse ideas are the source of corporate competitiveness.

At Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd., we aim to be the ""best team"" among a diverse group of people, each of whom demonstrates his or her individuality and ability to the fullest, and each of us can shine by making the most of it. To this end, we will improve and reform the company's systems and systems so that all employees can work energetically and with a sense of worth.

Corporate Vision


Choose the work style best for you now

Infotainment Systems Business Division
Mr. Tomita

Since joining the company in 2009, Satoshi Tomita has been responsible for mechanism design of…

Diversity opens up new directions and solutions

R&D Division
Ms. Yamashita

Chisato Yamashita, who is developing an algorithm that measures an individual’s level of drowsiness, has been working hard on her…

For a Better Future for Our Children

Cabin/Interior Innovation office
Mr. Miyamichi

Toshihiro Miyamichi has consistently worked in embedded software development since graduating from college, joining Automotive…

Transcending disability to challenge a world of sound

Infotainment Systems Business Division
Mr. Kenichi Osawa

Mr. Osawa, who is deaf, sent us his answers to the question sheet in advance of the interview, and provided his own material. In addition, the cover page he sent us read…



We conduct training for female employees to improve their practical management skills with a view to their success as managers. It is an opportunity to learn about leadership and business literacy through classroom study and exchanges between senior employees and trainees, and to rethink the future of one's career and the way one lives and works.

The photo shows the results meeting held in December 2021. The participants shared their learning and awareness through the training for about six months and made heated comments about their future careers.


Mike's Room is a Teams program open to employees in which the president invites both internal and external guests to talk once a month. In October, the program was held under the theme of "Let's talk about DEI!".

In October, Mr. Ohashi, who transferred from Connected Solutions Company (now Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd.), which has been called a leading DEI company in the Panasonic Group, to Automotive Company (now Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.), was invited as a guest and President Nagayasu interviewed him about his impressions of Automotive Company and examples of efforts in Connected Solutions Company.


The Executive Management Meeting is a forum for senior management to exchange opinions on issues and topics that should be shared by the entire organization. In October, the meeting was held under the theme of "DEI," and senior management discussed WANT (What is the ideal company?) and WHAT (What should we work on?) in the context of DEI.
The presentation was made public to employees, who were also impressed by the management's emphasis on DEI and their efforts, and received many positive comments that expressed sympathy and expectations for the acceleration of DEI.