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Showing posts with label toomuchinformation. Show all posts


TMI/Too Much Information

Tagged by my lovely friend AMY

What are you wearing?   
Honestly? Homer Simpson pajama bottoms and a white vest with no bra on, sexy!

Ever been in love? 

Ever had a terrible break up?

How tall are you? 
5ft8, I hate being so tall. 

 How much do you weigh?  
Haven't actually checked in a while too scared!

 Any tattoos?   
Yes, two wrist ones on the right a Dove with Peace written underneath and on the left a swirly heart with dots. I really want a back tattoo but makes me think when I get older what it's going to look like a wrinkly back of ink sounds so unappealing!

 Any piercings?
Ears and Nose but took my nose piercing out years ago.


 Hayley Cropper and Roy Cropper in Corrie, was heartbreaking when she died, poor Roy!

Favourite show?
I loved CBB this year!

Favourite bands?
Oh I don't have favorites there are too many bands/artists I love and all genres of music except rave, heavy metal and most drum'n'bass.

Something you miss?  
My dog Bouncer hope he's having fun in heaven.

Favourite song?   
At the minute Rather be feat Jess Glynee, Clean Bandit.

How old are you?  

Zodiac sign?  

Quality you look for in a partner? 
Loyalty, Humour & Loves me for me.

Favourite quote? 
'If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best' - Marylin Monroe.

Favourite actor?  
Channing Tatum s abs
Same as Amy Channing Tatum, just look at him ahhh I'm just melting looking into his eyes and abs, not gonna lie.

Favourite colour?  
Pale yellow

Loud music or soft?  
Depending on the day I have had I like both.

Where do you go when you're sad?
To my beauty room and get lost in the smell of my Lush bath bombs and admire all my beautiful things instantly makes me feel a little better. Or I just look at my son and his smile makes me feel so much better.

How long does it take you to shower?  
30 minutes I literally dilly dally in there even longer if I'm shaving aha.

 How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Depends if its work or a night out aha. Work - 20 minutes/half hour.
Night out - Hour up to hour and a half aha.

Ever been in a physical fight?  
Yes, both accounts not wanting to at all!

Turn on?
Sexy outfit, Good aftershave, Ear nibble/Neck kissing

Turn off?
Poor Hygiene, People who show off and people who speak chavy.

Reason I started blogging?
I started when I was pregnant as it was something to do and it has become my favorite hobby and helped me through depression and anxiety all the wonderful people I have met along the way. I absolutely love my blog even if it isn't as big as others.

 Not being strong enough, Spiders and getting old.

 Last thing that made you cry?   
 I watched a video Zoella posted on Twitter about families missing there dad in the Army and they all suprised there families by coming home early. Proper tugged the heart strings!

Last time you said you loved someone?
Literally just to my Son before I put him to bed.

Meaning behind you blog name?  
My preferences on life in general really and products I'm loving.

Last book you read?  
Chloe Sims from Towie Autograph. Don't judge.

Book you're currently reading?
Lyndsey Kelk - I heart New York

 Last show you watched?
Big Bang Theory

Last person you talked to?  
My Boyfriend

Relationship between you and the person you last text?  

Favourite food?  
Curry! I could literally eat it every day.

Place you want to visit?  
Times Square. New York City
(pinterest image)
New York, So bloody much me and my partner are hopefully going this year fingers crossed, we need to save!

Last place you were? 
Downstairs making a brew? 

 Do you have a crush? 
Obviously my boyfriend but there's no harm in looking right? Channing Tatum, David Beckham, Gerard Butler & Tom Hardy, Swoon.

Last time you kissed someone?  
My Son goodnight.

Last time you were insulted?   
Today me and my Boyfriend had a little tiff aha.

Favourite flavour of sweets?   
The yellow starbursts.

What instruments do you play? 
None but I'd love to play guitar.

Favourite piece of jewelry?  
Pandora Bracelet that my son and boyfriend got me with the charm saying Mum in all the languages.

Last sport you played?  
Tig? Aha

Last song you sang?  
Mickey Mouse to my son it cheers him up aha. 

Favourite chat up line? 
The most cheesiest one someone gave me when I was working in a bar..
'Are your legs hurting? Because you've been running through my mind all day'

 Have you ever used it?  

Last time you hung out with someone?  
Lastnight with my boyfriend we watched movies together.

Who should answer these questions next?