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Showing posts with the label bisque

Crawfish Red Pepper Tomato Bisque Served with Artichoke Cream Cheese Galettes

I love this elegant ,easy recipe of crawfish bisque and was really craving it today. Served with beautiful artichoke cream cheese galettes  ( artichoke cream cheese pancakes) it is the perfect brunch or midnight meal both of which are popular in Nashville. You can whip this up in advance and the galettes as well, just reheat them right before serving. To make this bisque you will need: 4 cups vegetable stock 1 cup half and half 2 tbls red wine vinegar 1/4 cup tomato paste 10 to 12 ounces of roasted red peppers 1/4 cup flour 1/4  cup butter 1 tbls olive oil 1 medium onion chopped 3 cloves minced garlic 1 hefty tbls cajun seasoning 1 lb boiled crawfish tails This is for four servings- Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil about 10 minutes or until translucent and set aside. In a separate pot whisk butter and flour over medium heat until brown tinged. Add all the ingredients except half and half and red wine vinegar, turn down heat to let it simmer ab...