Showing posts with label Krauthammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Krauthammer. Show all posts

October 3, 2014

March 2, 2012

You can't stop the Romney?

Oops moments.
Apollo 440 had a very catchy song called "Can't Stop The Rock". It comes to mind when looking at the  state of the GOP nomination race and wondering whether Mitt Romney has become more inevitably the nominee than before?  Charles Krauthammer seems to think so, and he blames that eventuality (which I believe he actually prefers) squarely on Rick Santorum.  A few weeks ago I argued that by backing out of the additional pre-Super Tuesday debate Rick Santorum had chosen the right tactic (pulling out) for the wrong strategy (consolidating his Not Romney position).  

July 22, 2011

The Obama plan IS 'no plan'

There is no plan.
There's one obvious point that I think is being largely missed in the right blogoshpere with regards to the debt ceiling and the budget cuts debate. If not being missed, perhaps it is being skimmed over but it is an important point that should be a Republican talking point at every interview they get - be it on Fox, CNN or MSNBC.
The point is that we can say with virtual certainty that the President is playing politics with the debt ceiling. The reason for that certitude is that while he is trashing the GOP plan he has put no plan on the table whatsoever. That is clearly deliberate.

July 16, 2011

What Republicans' 3 favorite words should be

"President's own commission."

Simpson-Bowles debt commission
Since the Republicans came out yesterday with another plan to move forward, seemingly in defensive mode yet again, this post may be a day late.  But it's not going to be a dollar short.  I was thinking of a plan yesterday morning to out maneuver the president and still get something done on the debt ceiling and government spending. My idea - go long. Offer Obama something even bigger than what he asked for because he doesn't really want something big.  He wants something that makes him look big.  So make him look small and petty because after all, he's putting politics ahead of the nation's interests.  He's all about re-election.  And his drive to include tax increases as part of a package is all about pleasing the left base, about stoking class warfare and the cuts are about appealing to the middle.  He's rounding up voter groups.  Never mind all of his lack of substance, he's in it for the optics.  So destroy the optics.

July 15, 2011

Obama's new found debt resolve is pure politics

He can sense it. Despite his tone deafness to moderates and anyone concerned about fiscal sanity the last two plus years, the president realizes that the tides are pushing in the direction of tackling the debt. Why else would he be on board with what he surely considers a ridiculous notion of fiscal restraint other than one word: re-election.

June 27, 2011

Worst 48 hours of the Obama Presidency

Passing Obamacare despite public opposition?  The nonchalance on the BP oil spill?  Appointing ultra-liberal Supreme Court Justices? Unemployment peaking above 10%? Buying GM? Trillion dollar deficits?  All those are bad, but the last 48 hours have delivered us to a point of an American autocracy.

June 11, 2011

MSM Meme in trouble - Palin not a dimwit

Newsflash:  Sarah Palin apparently is no dimwit, but was a hard working loyal and diligent governor.  How do we know?  CNN says so.

April 14, 2011

Late but brief: Obama's Speech in 3 words

"Tax...and spend."

How on earth was that a deficit reduction speech?  It was vitriolic, partisan, filled with numbers pulled out of the air, and farcical accounting tricks.  But he wants to go back to killing the Bush tax cuts for the 'rich'.  And he doesn't want to give up spending money.

He's a progressive.  He's a tax and spend liberal.  I know, I've gone beyond 3 words.  I refer you back to the first three words.  That's more words than that speech deserved.  And to go even further, Charles Krauthammer did it in one word:


Kudos to Krauthammer for such accurate brevity. And he did it faster than me too.

March 22, 2011

Krauthammer Wrong on Nuclear

Charles Krauthammer has an interesting way about him.  He's either bang on or completely off base.  These comments from Krauthammer fall into the latter category.  Nuclear power is not going away.  Just like oil.  In fact, it will probably outlive oil by decades or even centuries. This reaction from Krauthammer is hysteria, and it's just plain wrong.

November 21, 2010

The TSA and the Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
~Fourth Amendment to the Constitution

I haven't commented on the latest TSA versus the Fourth Amendment illegal search and seizure issue that has been raging since the invasive airport scanning machines and invasive groping searches that involve agents touching people's "junk" has hit the headlines. There's a reason for that - it's a complex issue and I've been reserving judgement on it.  While liberty and safety are at odds in this case, I'd prefer to see the government err on the side of liberty.  Better still, I'd prefer to see the government come up with a different solution than the one they have.  I'm still not sure what the best solution might be, but there are some interesting observations to be made.

“They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

~Benjamin Franklin

September 21, 2010

Hey, GOP Establishment, there's no 'RINO' in TEAM.

I respect people like Charles Krauthammer and Karl Rove. They have brilliant minds and are right about various topics most every time. But as establishment conservatives, they are wrong on O'Donnell to a point of excess. Karl Rove on Sean Hannity's show the other day reiterated that he was for the Republican (hey, how about using her name in that context Mr. Rove?) and then followed it with the biggest BUT in politics.  Krauthammer gave O'Donnell a 1 in 10 chance of winning the Senate seat. If you think that, fine but don't say it in public. You back the Republican and if she loses you have a real weight behind your I-told-you-so. In the meantime you don't run your own play because you don't like the play the coach called on third down. You run the play the coach called. 

July 3, 2009

Palin Heartache?

Governor Palin is resigning as Governor of Alaska.


I don't think so. Who knows what happens from here. Her career could be over or just moving to another phase. But the "Eat Their Own" mentality of some conservatives is really disgraceful. And that IS a heartache.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air whom I respect and usually agree with thinks she's being weak. Really Ed? This is day one. Do you really want to be the instant reaction political version of Perez Hilton, who speculated a little too early over the Michael Jackson heart attack? Maybe Governor Palin is going to concentrate on running for President. Or Congress or the Senate. Maybe she's just sick of being a punching bag for the left, and some of the right. And her children were not immune from the spite either. If she's leaving politics, how can you blame her?

Then there's Charles Krauthammer saying she wasn't a serious Presidential contender.

This is the type of stuff we expect from the far left. Not from our own. She hasn't even left office yet - are you trying to score shock value attention by beating the left to use her as a pinata?

She alone handed John McCain a shot at getting back in the Presidential race last year - he was the one who blew it, not her. How soon we forget. Kudos to those who have had enough class to appreciate her work for conservatives.

Sanford needs to sort his life out, Jindal fell flat on the GOP rebuttal speech. Now Palin is leaving office and before the whole story is out some on the right are all over her. Anybody else you want to beat up? How about we go after Rush and Beck and Romney and Gingrich again. Pretty soon the face of conservatism will be a cardboard cutout of Ronald Reagan. C'mon people, cut each other some slack and fight the real enemy!
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