I think Trump is going to quietly back off on this with respect to Canada. The unintended consequences have already started, even though the tariffs haven't fully yet.
March 9, 2025
November 9, 2024
Two great observations from Ben Shapiro
Courtesy of Dave Rubin, two observations from Ben Shapiro, and the second one is just as impactful as the first:
July 2, 2024
The state of the race today.
A good summary from Ben Shapiro on the presidency, the senate, the Democrat reaction, and more.
January 22, 2023
Unseemly conservative split
Unseemly. Steven Crowder's disagreement with Daily Wire / Ben Shapiro is a business and/or strategic difference on conservative approach to the culture war. Only they know, and they probably see it differently as to on what it is they disagree. So why are conservatives taking sides and piling on? That's not helpful to the conservative cause.
For example, Mark Dice posted the following:
Steven Crowder has revealed himself to be one of the biggest frauds in conservative media. Bigger than most Conservative Inc. clowns, all while claiming to oppose them, which is a whole new level of grift. People need to know that he only decided to “expose” the Daily Wire as being Conservative Inc. *after* they turned down his request for $30 million a year (120 million for four which was his counter to their initial 50 million for four).
But he's making it seem like *he* walked away from "50 million dollars." NO. They rebuffed his counter demand of $120 million and cut off all further negotiations with him cuz he wanted too much money and they realized he's a primadonna.So now he’s grifting, hoping to get people to buy memberships for his mug club so *he* can “reveal” that *they’re* only about money.
How does that help? This is a specific disagreement, there's no need to take sides. Enjoy them both, or either one you prefer, or neither, and remain silent about their dispute. DO NOT pile on for either side. It will eventually sort itself out. Taking sides, is making rifts where no larger rifts are needed.
March 18, 2022
Russell Brand defends himself
Russell Brand, having talked to the likes of Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan has awakened (not become 'woke') in the sense of being Red-pilled. Because of that, he's under attack from the mainstream media (aka the woke leftists). Here he spends some time defending himself.
January 14, 2022
SCOTUS killed the unlawful vaccine mandate
In case you missed it, Ben Shapiro and others at The Daily Wire gleefully (and rightfully so) summarize:
August 6, 2021
January 17, 2021
Ben Shapiro talks with Bishop Robert Barron
Rational discourse, how to arrive at God, and the Catholic church of today.
October 9, 2019
Hillary Clinton
Where has Hillary Clinton been? Pretending she is the president. Ben Shapiro breaks down her comments on the Ukraine scandal.
June 18, 2019
Is James Allsup Alt-Right?
June 17, 2019
May 29, 2019
April 25, 2019
A great discussion with Ben Shapiro
October 17, 2018
Ben Shapiro's take on the pending midterms
April 18, 2018
White Privilege Debunked
And Ben Shapiro speaks to it brilliantly as he always does.
February 15, 2018
Conservative Insurgent Thursday - Episode #2
Last week the inaugural episode of Conservative Insurgent Thursday I profiled Milo Yiannopolous. As I mentioned, he has not only alienated most of the Left, he has also managed to alienate some on the right. Most notable among them is Ben Shapiro. Ben Shapiro's acutely incisive ability to talk intelligently, backed by an armada of factual information (which he seems to so easily pull from his memory with amazing accuracy) enables him to debate and engage with others with the forceful ability to convince or halt opposing viewpoint in their tracks.

Ben thinks and talks with such rapid fire precision that you have to imagine his thought process must run at about Mach 6.
Who is Ben Shapiro?
Ben Shapiro is not only an author, journalist, radio talk show host and frequent guest on mainstream media, he's also a lawyer. He's just 34 years old, and recently at that. Ben was born in Los Angeles in 1984 to Jewish parents who immigrated from Russia. He graduated UCLA at age 20 (where at age 17 he was the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in America). By 2007 he had graduated Harvard Law School.
Ben is quite young and as a result a lot of his background involves things that are still active, and in many cases he is still actively involved in them. Ben published his first book in 2004. His fifth book was published in 2013. From 2012 through 2016 he worked for Breitbart. He founded the conservative website The Daily Wire in 2015. He also co-founded Truth Revolt, a conservative version of the liberal Media Matters. Ben is Jewish.
Notable achievements:
In addition to all of the items listed in his background, Ben has frequented the university campus speech tour which has highlighted the duplicitous nature of the vocal left. Despite Ben's unoffensive, factual approach to discussion, his speeches and Q&A sessions have required him to hire security and caused riots when he tried to speak at U.C. Berkeley, not because of any sort of insensitivity or racially insensitive remarks, but just because he was espousing, and making the case for conservative ideas. That's all. Ben, unlike Milo is no bomb thrower, he is a fact thrower.
Why we need him:
In contrast to the bombastic and sarcastic approach taken by Milo, Ben's fact-based, logic-driven approach to advocating for conservatism makes his points almost impossible to dispute. In some cases, completely impossible. Ben provides a roadmap for conservatives with respect to how to approach a debate; preparation, keen observation, consistency of approach and logical rigor with respect to issues. We can all learn from him, and we should.
Ben advocates for a conservative approach to problems, and his ideological purity often puts him at odds with the likes of Breitbart, president Trump and of course his arch-rival/nemesis Milo. That's not a bad thing; there is still plenty of common ground between them, and the president while assuming the current mantle of conservatism, is not always right, nor always it's best face. The right is supposed to be a big tent party and a party of ideas. Keeping everyone in lockstep as the Democrats do, is ultimately unhealthy. Currently Ben serves as a reality check for conservatives who blindly follow the president regardless of his positions or approach. If we are to really self assess, we would not always blindly advocate for the president's positions or actions. We should not do that, or at a minimum we should assess the rationale for doing so, as well as the cost/benefits of taking such positions.
Additionally Ben touches on varied topics like metaphysics and in such forays, gets us to think about them and to think about political and social issues in those contexts as well.
Highlight Reel:
I've included a couple here, because no single 'highlight reel' does Shapiro justice.
Social Media:
-His own website (The Daily Wire)
November 30, 2017
Double standards on the right? I'm okay with it.
Ben Shaprio, brilliant as he is, fell prey to the old Democrat trick that has had a great track record for them in the past. Dinesh D'Souza isn't falling prey to the double standard. And he might have some solid ground behind him.