Strangers With Candy
Strangers With Candy is my favorite TV show of all time! Of all time! Amy Sedaris is to be worshipped and adored and her Jerri Blank character from SWC is the funniest (and moistest) character to ever grace the silver screen. All 3 seasons are available on DVD, but you can get acquainted with the perverted, troubled and lovable Jerri right here.
Lucky for us, Community has recently returned to its Thursdays @ 8PM time slot after a unexplained brief hiatus (I'm lookin' at you NBC) and we can once again join in the hilarious discussions between the best study group at Greendale Community College. This is a majorly character driven show so if you don't watch know that a) you should start and b) you will fall in love/get obsessed with each of them.
Candy Tails from Tim & Eric
Tim & Eric are so weird and so great and so full of ridiculous gems like this one. This is actually one of their more "normal" scenes, but the way it reminds me of girls sucking on their hair in elementary school (what the hell was that about?!) has endeared it to me.
Arrested Development
Best known as 'the best show you're not watching' or 'the show that should never have been cancelled', Arrested Development has posthumously become one of the most popular comedies in the last decade. It's maybe literally the smartest (super subtle things pop up again seasons later) and funniest (just watch if you don't know) show ever. Every character is perfectly cast and there are actually new episodes being made again!
Party Down
I tend to have major crushes on hilarious shows that get cancelled way too early. Too often, I've been the (only?) one watching a great show during the original airing and then it gets cancelled and then it gets popular on DVD. That can be said for Party Down (and actually a lot of this list now that I think of it), but both seasons are on DVD and streaming and whatnot. The more you watch the more you love these characters (douchey haircuts and all).
I love all of these shows, but it was very hard to choose between these and others (I'm sorry Conan, Undeclared, Freaks & Geeks, The State, Todd Margaret...the list continues). What is your favorite show/movie/funny person of all time?