
Showing posts with label Tyranid Hunters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyranid Hunters. Show all posts

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Tyranid Prime Ordo Xenos Crucifix - #KryptmansGambit

Behold! The most foolhardy machination the Ordo Xenos could devise: Kryptman's Gambit.

This project has been a long time coming. 
Some time back in 2011-2012, Hive Fleet Moloch, Hydra and me synergized a mad concept: what if the Ordo Xenos, in their unmatched hubris, sought to capture a live Tyranid synapse creature with the goal of using it as some kind of synaptic terminal through which they could force access to the Hive Mind. What you see above is that very creature, and what follows is some of the history for how we came up with it, more photos of my work on it, and an idea of what's next for this hideous creation.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Siege of Pech - Krootvasion of Adepticon

Some Shmexy kroot art from my dear and very talented friend Evgeny Pasternak
If you've been noticing a lot of Kroot conversions popping up on Instagram these days, you also may have come across the hashtag #SiegeOfPech or #Krootvasion. I've been meaning to do an explainer post on Siege of Pech for some time now, so here it is!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Kroot Tyranid Hunter

Today is a very special day: Brother Pink's Birthday! To celebrate the occasion of his birth, I decided to whip him up a little something that I'd been rolling around in my head for a while.
A Kroot Tyranid Hunter.