
Showing posts from June, 2009

Tauhu Goreng Bersambal UK....

Laaa...UK tuk Udang Kering yer... :D Hihihi...mcm pernah dengar nama dish nih ker ...betul2...resipi asalnya "Tauhu Kukus dengan Sambal Udang Kering"...tapi Love minat tauhu goreng...jadi namanye telah ditukar... Owner resipi nih K.Dayang@MyR ...tenkiu! Baru tadi habis sebat tauhu nih...Love buat tuk minum2 petang bersama anak. Memang sedap!

*Lychee Smoothie*

Just finished my daily home chores. While relaxing, I thought of the canned lychee fruit in the fridge. So...what else??? This smoothie idea came up.... It's delicious, no joke...hihi ;) U need :- 15 lychees - from the can (u may use fresh ones too) 250ml fresh milk 100ml evaporated milk 1.5tbsp condensed milk 200ml lychee water (from the can) Ice cubes Preparation :- Put in all the ingredients in a FP or blender. Blend till smooth. Pour in glass and add ice cubes. That's it! Cheers!

Udang Goreng Tumis/ Prawn Masala...

Laaa...Love tak tau nak bagi nama apa tuk udang nih...hehehe...Prawn Masala jer la! Nih resipi mak...dulu masa Love masih kecik, dia selalu buat tuk family.... Terlalu simple dan sedap makan bersama nasi putih atau roti... Love pun buat hari nih... Bahan2nye :- 700gm udang (dibersihkan...nak berkulit pun ok) 3 ulas bawang putih - dicincang 1 inci halia - dicincang 2 biji bawang besar (klu terlalu besar, boleh gn 1 shj) 1 tangkai daun kari 3 tangkai cili kering - potong dua 1.5 sb serbuk cili 1/2 sk serbuk kunyit 1/2 sb garam masala 1/2 sk serbuk jintan putih Garam dan aji Minyak masak Cara2 memasaknye :- Perap udang bersama serbuk cili, serbuk kunyit, garam masala, serbuk jintan putih, garam dan aji. Panaskan minyak yang secukupnya dlm kuali. Tumis bawang putih dan halia. Masukkan udang yang telah diperap tadi. Goreng sebentar. Bila udang dah masak, masukkan bawang besar, daun kari dan cili kering. Tumis sebentar...kacau2. Perasakan ngan garam dan aji kalau tak cukup taste. Padamkan ap...

Chocolate Vanilla Shake...

Adui panasnye hari nih!...tekak nak minum sejuk aje... So Love buat minuman ni plak...hehe Bahan2nye :- 500ml susu coklat UHT (yang sejuk) 6 sudu besar aiskrim perisa vanilla 1 sudu besar gula gula manik/chocolate rice sebagai hiasan Cara menyediakannye :- Blend susu coklat, aiskrim dan gula. Tuang dlm gelas dan tabur gula manik. Sedia diminum! Haa...nih Rishie punye...spesel ;)

Raita (Indian Salad)

Simple dish, yet delicious!!! Easy preparation... Goes along with Briyani and Ghee Rice... ;) or just like that ! Ingredients :- 1 carrot 1 cucumber (optional) 1 tomato 1 green chilli 1 red chilli 3 shallots 5gm corriander leaves 125ml plain yogurt Salt to taste Preparation :- Dice carrot, cucumber, tomato and chop green & red chilli and shallots. Put all in a bowl. Add yogurt, salt and corriander leaves. Mix together. Ready to serve. * U may keep it in fridge and serve it chilled too... ..

Honey Chicken (Ayam Masak Madu)

Here's the recipe :- Ingredients :- 1 whole chicken (clean and cut into small pieces) Blend together :- 6 dried chillies 5 shallots 3 cloves of garlic 2 inches of ginger 1 stalk lemongrass 5 tsbp chilli sauce 125ml honey Salt to taste 1 tbsp of cornflour - make a paste with little water Cooking oil Methods of cooking :- Mix chicken with lil salt. Heat oil in wok. Fry the chicken till cooked. Keep aside. Reduce oil in the wok. Add the blended ingredients. Stir well till fragrant, let it to boil. Add in chilli sauce, honey and salt. Mix well. Add fried chicken and cornflour paste. Mix together. Turn off the flame. Honey Chicken ready to serve! Yummy!!!

Menu tuk hari ini...

Hello semua...buat apa tuh...masak2 ker...dah makan ker...keluar jln2 ker? Hari nih Love sediakan menu nih tuk Love dan Rishie.... Dan itemnye terdiri drpd...taraaaa.... Nasi Minyak... Ayam Masak Madu ... Raita ... Sirap Ros Kasturi...

Nasi Goreng simple...

Buat nasi goreng simple aje tuk dinner tadi...guna aje apa yang ada kat fridge tuh...hihi... Okey, nak chat online ngan hubby kejap...;) Good nite all...

Jom Minum...Sirap Ros Kasturi...!

Haaa...hari nih tak masak...tapau kat restoran mamak aje... Pagi2 lepas hantar Rishie ke tadika, Love gi shopping kat tesco...beli brg keperluan harian dan tuk dapur gak... Sejak tengahari tadi asyik hujan aje...tapi di hari hujan pun, tekak nak sometin cool teringat Sirap Ros Kasturi KakFida@MyR plak... So, Jom Minum!

Sambal Ikan Bilis & Kentang...

Dish yang simple...tapi delicious!!! Thanks to Lina_pg@MyR! Love selalu buat sambal nih....tapi guna serbuk cili aje... Tuk kelainan, try style Lina pulak...memang best...crispy! Love CnP resipi di sini :- Bahan-bahannye:- 4 biji kentang 1 cawan ikan bilis belah 3 ulas bawang merah (ditumbuk) 1 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk) 3 sudu makan cili boh (boleh dikurang/tambah) 2 sudu makan sos tiram 1-2 sudu makan madu (optional) Minyak utk menggoreng & menumis Cara2 membuatnye :- Kentang dikupas kulit, potong bentuk wedges, goreng hingga perang dan ketepikan Goreng ikan bilis hingga garing dan ketepikan Tumiskan bahan tumbuk hingga wangi dan garing. Masukkan cili boh, tumis sampai pecah minyak. Kemudian masukkan pula sos tiram dan madu. Kemudian masukkan kentang dan ikan bilis. Gaul sebati. Siap!!! Happy Trying! Recipe translated to English...(as per request by Anon)... * 4 potatoes * 1 cup cleaned anchovies * 3 shallots (pounded) * 1 clove garlic (...

Transformers back in action!

Transformers : Revenge of the theatres from today! Pity my hubby cldnt go for the 1st show this time...coz he's at offshore Angola rite now... He'll surely go for the movie once he's back home...with our son... Hubby been watching Transformers since he was can say he's a BIG Fan of Transformers lah! Knows from head to tail...hehe...and his favourite had been always Optimus Prime.... He has a number of Transformers characters collection from Hasbro...still collecting...hehehe... I didnt know anything abt Transformers until he took me to watch the 1st movie few years back... I liked the baddie...Megatron!!! cool laaa! Our son likes BumbleBee...hehehe Here we are!!! Hubby's Fav : Optimus Prime ! My Fav : Megatron ! Rishie's fav : BumbleBee !

Full Cream Choc Pudding...

Another pudding from me...I just love puddings...;) U need :- 400ml full cream milk 50gm sugar 1 tbsp agar-agar powder 1 tbsp cocoa powder - make it a paste with lil hot water 30gm whipping cream - beat it (preferable thickened cream) Ways of preparing :- Bring milk, sugar n agar-agar powder to a boil. Keep stiring with a lower heat. Add in cocoa powder paste, stir. Turn off the fire. Strain the mixture into another bowl. Add whipped cream and mix well. Pour into ur favourite moulds n store into fridge. Serve Chilled...;)

Ayam Goreng Berempah lagi...

Ayam Goreng nih memang favourite anak Love...dia yang mintak buat tuknye... Makan ngan nasi dan rasam...Simple dish tapi sedap...mengenyangkan... Kepak ayam Love sibuk berposing tuh....;) Untuk resipinye, boleh klik di sini... Ayam Goreng Berempah

Rasam 'Indian Soup'...

Hari nih Love masak simple saje...buat Rasam ngan Ayam goreng berempah... Rasam nih masakan orang India...memang kaya ngan herbanye...baik untuk penghadaman... Sometimes kalau sakit, Love suka makan nasi ngan rasam nih dan ikan bilis goreng aje...memang simple gitu...tapi best giler... Ni ha resipinye... Bahan2nye :- 3 ulas bawang putih - ( x buang kulit..cuci dan ditumbuk kasar) 5 ulas bawang merah - ( x buang kulit...cuci dan ditumbuk kasar) 1 sb biji jintan putih (cumin seeds) - kisar halus 1/2 sudu besar biji lada hitam - kisar halus 6 tangkai cili kering - potong dua 1 bawang besar - hiris 1 biji tomato - potong empat 1 tangkai daun kari Sedikit biji sawi Sedikit biji halba Segenggam asam jawa - ambil jusnye 1/3 sk serbuk kunyit Garam dan aji 3 gelas air Daun ketumbar Garam secukupnye Minyak masak Cara memasaknye :- Panaskan minyak dlm kuali. Tumis biji sawi, biji halb...

Happy Father's Day....

Wishing our PAPA a Very Happy Father's Day... U r the Best...We r missing u Dearly...;)

Creamy Yogurt Pudding...

For those who loves a dessert rich in cream n milk...try this out! My son just loved it...U'll love it too.... U need :- 200ml fresh milk 1/2 tbsp agar-agar powder 30gm sugar 30gm whipping cream (prefer the heavy) 3 tbsp full plain yogurt 2 tsp fruit flavouring (mango/orange) - I used 1.5 tbsp mango concentrated Ways to do it :- In a pot, boil together milk, agar-agar powder and sugar. Stir often. Turn off the flame. Strain the mixture into a bowl. Add whipping cream into the mixture n mix well. Now, add plain yogurt and the fruit flavouring. Stir till fine. Pour into your favourite moulds and store in fridge to cool. That's it...make sure the pudding is cool before u serve.

Grape Smoothie...

The day is just too hot chill urself with this refreshing Grape Smoothie...;) U need :- (for 3 glasses) 30-40 red grapes ( I had more, hihi) 1 cup full cream milk (u may use low-fat milk too) 1/2 cup plain yogurt (according to ur taste) 1 tsp honey ice cubes a blender or food processor Preparation :- Wash grapes, cut into half, throw the seeds. Blend together grapes with milk till fine. Add yogurt, honey and ice cubes. Blend again. That's it...pour into glass and ready to drink! For Malay version, click MyR

Sotong Masak Kari....

Hello khabar di sana??? Haaa...hari nih Love masak Sotong Masak Kari...actually nak buat Sotong masak kunyit ciptaan Hasue...tapi ketandusan kunyit next time la...musim sotong nih! hehehe... Rishie minat betul sotong masak kari....selalu mintak Love masak tu knye... Selepas hantar dia gi tadika...Love pun cepat2 balik dan masaklah. Dah habis masak, baby Ashika pun bagi dia susu...main2 kejap...then she went to sleep again... Nak cepat2 post nih...nanti kena gi pick up Rishie... Okey...happy always...;)

Rishie's field trip to Vitagen...

Hi u all doing today??? Masak apa hari nih??? Today was a bz day for me son's kindergarten Smart Reader Kids...organised a field trip to Vitagen factory in PJ... ;) Rishie dah lama excited about this trip...hehe...mestilah, coz Vitagen is his most favourite drink...everytime gi tesco, kena beli few packs. So can say he's going to see how his fav drink is made...mcm show 'How It's Made"....chewahhh! ;)) So pukul 745am, kita dua dah sampai kat SmartReaders...then came some other kids with their parents...yang tension nih pagi2 hujan...thank God...lepas few minutes, dah mula kurang...drizzle aje... In a while, basnye muncul...cantik gak bas dia....Bas Persiaran...air-conditioned. Around 830am...semua kids naik bus....about 4 teachers went along... Ni first time Rishie gi somewhere without parentsnye...sblm nih tak pernah dia gi mana2 dgn orang lain....selalu ngan Papa dan Ma dia hati Love berat aje tgk busnye jalan. Tapi nak ...

Custard Milk Pudding...

Here's another version of Custard Milk Pudding... Ingredients :- 400ml water 1 tbsp agar-agar powder 200ml fresh milk 100gm castor sugar 50gm custard flour 1/2 can of sweetcorn (blend) Red coloring Preparing method :- In a bowl, add fresh milk, castor sugar and custard flour. Beat till fine and keep aside. In a pot, boil water together with agar-agar powder. Stir always. Add the milk mixture into the pot and stir till even. Take 1/3 of the mixture and add 1-2 drops of red colouring. (double boiler) Add sweetcorn to the rest of the mixture in the pot. Mix well. (double boiler) Pour the mixture with corn about 2/3 of the moulds. Leave it to cool awhile, then add the red colored mixture on top. Store in fridge. Serve chill. Happy trying...;) psst! bg mrk yang nak puding lembut sikit, boleh kurangkan serbuk agar2. Nak omit pun buleh.

Ayam Masak Merah...

My style of cooking 'Ayam Masak Merah'...hmm still checking what to be called in English... Anda perlu :- 1 ekor ayam - dibersihkan dan dipotong sederhana besar. (perap bersama garam dan serbuk kunyit) Bahan diblend bersama:- 12 tangkai cili kering (dididih bersama air) 6 biji bawang merah 5 ulas bawang putih 2 inci halia 1 batang serai --------------------------- 2 biji bawang besar (potong bulat) bahan tumis 4 sekawan 4 sb puri tomato 100ml susu cair garam dan aji minyak masak Cara memasaknye :- Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Gorengkan ayam hingga cukup masak, tos dan ketepikan. Tumis bahan yang telah diblend tadi hingga pecah minyak. Masukkan bahan tumis 4 sekawan. Masukkan puri tomato dan gaul sebati. Masukkan bawang besar yang telah dipotong bulat tadi. Kacau sebentar. Tambah susu cair, perasakan dgn garam dan aji. Akhir sekali, masukkan ayam yang telah digoreng tadi. Gaul sebati...biar sebentar dan padamkan api. Sedia dihidangkan. Sel...

Happy Sunday...

Hi all...buat apa di sana? Love hari nih lepak2 ngan kedua2 anak...tak keluar...tgk tv aje... 2moro school re-opens...Rishie kena gi Smartreaders again...hehe dia dah tak tahan dah terperap aje kat rumah...Love tak bawak mrk 2 keluar sgt pun...sini jerebu quite bad also...lagipun mrk 2 baru sembuh dari flu n cold... Anyways, bagi anak2 yang gi sekolah esok...Happy Schooling!!! Jaga2 bawak diri tuh... Bg mummies, Happy Getting Ready the kids...hehehe...! Okey, tuh aje msg dari Love buat kali nih...take care yer! Happy Sunday!

Menu hari ni....

Dah lama hujan tak berkunjung ker area Love...hari nih dah sampai pun...hehe...kasi reda panas dan jerebu kat luar tuh...tak leh tahan dah... Di hari yang sejuk nih, Love telah menyediakan sajian untuk lunch dan dinner buat Love dan anak....maklumlah hubby kat overseas lagi...miss makan bersamanye ;) Kena cepat2 masak sblm baby bangun. :p Haaa...set menunye terdiri drpd : Nasi beriani... Ayam masak merah... Acar timun-nenas... dan airnye Sirap Bancau... Itu aje...simple kan...;) Nanti dpt time, Love akan post resipi setiap item kat set nih...(ayam masak merahnye dah masuk ker MyR) Nilah gambar complete set...(sorry 'terflashkan' gambar...)