I love traditions. I mean LOVE!!! Holiday traditions have special meaning as I grew up in a household that held them dear. I remember a conversation my husband and I had early on in our courtship about traditions as he grew up with them too. We knew they would be important to the dynamics of our family and I think our sons really appreciate them and hopefully will continue them on with their own families. Christmas is my MOST favorite holiday, #1 because it celebrates the birth of Jesus and well, the rest of the festiveness explains itself! #somuchlove
Here are 9 of our family's Christmas Traditions:
1. Day after Thanksgiving Tree Chop
often discuss getting a pre-lit tree but the boys will have no mention
of it. They relish going out to the tree farm, picking out the most
perfect Fraser Fir and taking turns with the saw to chop it down. We also get out the tri-pod and do a family photo, more to come on that next week...
Last Year
2. Breakfast before chopping down the Tree
Before we get the tree, we head to breakfast and fill up with protein for the best day of tree decorating.
One of my Favorite Cracker Barrel Pictures a few years back on an exceptionally warn day after Thanksgiving.
And one from a few years before that at Cracker Barrel as it was a picture fail this year at the restaurant "Stacks"
3. Bailey's and Coffee
As soon as we get home from getting the tree, I'll brew a cup of coffee
and add Baileys and whipped cream. Now, most likely I'll get so busy
that I'll set it down and forget where it is, but it's tradition so if I
have to reheat it 4 times, then so be it or maybe I'll be so tired I'll
just swig the Bailey's from the bottle.
4. Christmas Eve Appetizers at Mom's
Christmas Eve has always been at my moms. Instead of a big meal, we opt
for an appetizer feast. Favorites include her cheese ball, sour cream
fudge, eggnog truffles, meatballs, fruit dip and pineapple, and all
kinds of goodies. Each year she usually tries a new app as well like
bacon wrapped bite size filet mignons.
Just a sampling from last year
5. Gifts on Moms Tree
She has the most adorable spinning pencil tree with pink, silver and
white ornaments. On it she hides a gift for each of us and it is
the last thing we open and search for. It's so fun trying to find them
and we always help each other out. Things include pocket knives, gift
cards, candy, jewelry, etc.
6. Mistletoe
Years ago my mom got us a mistletoe. When I was a little girl I remember
my parents kissing under our mistletoe. The boys get out our tallest ladder and hang it in our entryway. They've kissed a few girls under it
but since those girls are not in the picture anymore, I thought I better
leave those pictures out, lol
Here they are hanging the mistletoe a couple weeks ago for us.
7. Reading Twas Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve
Twas Night Before Christmas is the 2nd best Christmas story next to the reason we celebrate
this glorious day: The story of the birth of baby Jesus! I have read this to our
family on Christmas Eve forever, even when they stopped believing in Santa and plan to read it to by grand kids
someday too or make sure their parents do.
8. Leaving all the Lights on Christmas Eve
My parents would always leave every Christmas light on in the house and outside on Christmas Eve. Usually it would still be dark outside when we awoke to Christmas morning so they felt it was magical to have them still be on. And so of course I am all about magical. While I know firefighters will say this is a fire hazard, it is just a tradition I must stick with (making sure there are no frayed cords, of course!!)
We do turn the fire off ;)
9. Christmas Day PJ's and Routine
Christmas morn is spent taking turns unwrapping presents, hanging in our PJ's, looking at our new stuff, having a nice dinner, usually a red velvet cake for dessert, watching movies like A Christmas Story, maybe playing a game and simply relaxing by candlelight.
Christmas funny gift: Silly Straws
Bonus: The SANTA Purse
Years ago Bath and Body had these adorable bags in red and brown with these darling fluffy white balls hanging from them. They were filled with Bath and Body products. The next year I decided to use it as a purse and people went crazy for it. Although the balls are getting a little dingy now, I still pull it out and carry it around while shopping.
What are your cherished Christmas traditions? I'd love to hear about them!!