Look at this cutie pie!! Believe me when I tell you she is an Angel of a dog; the sweetest most loving personality. And so smart! Just think; to a dog, every day is the weekend!! Here's hoping yours and the fur babies you love, along with the rest of the fam, of course, have an awesome laid back kind of weekend. Here are the Friday Favorites for this last week of January.

1. Daisy Mae's 11th Birthday
Why I am showcasing our princess and my only "girl"...because it's her birthday!
I know, you are wondering is that the same dog? Look how cute she was as a pup!! I remember the first night we got her, I put her in a tote bag and took her to the video store. I knew I would be up with her most of the night, so I wanted several movies to watch. 
There's not doubting those sweet eyes.

2. Duck Boots
Hello 80's! I actually had a pair of burgundy boat duck shoes that I adored. Now that the trend has returned, my mom got me these Sperry's below for Christmas with the grey and black plaid and I love them. So comfy.
Wore this to go see the movie "The Revenant"

More Inspo:

My friend Shaunacey over at Confessions of A Frumpy Mommy does Duck Boots so well!!

3. Week's Attire

Loft top and Cardigan, Kohl's scarf
T.J. Maxx dress, J.C.Penny cross necklace

Kohl's cardigan and tank, Ann Taylor pants, Scarf knited by my late MIL.

4. Red Velvet Puppy Chow
For Humans, of course and I better stay away form it or I'd eat the whole bowl. The red, pink and white Valentine M & M's are my favorite.

5 C. Rice Chex
3/4 C. white chocolate melts or chips
1/4 C. chocolate melts or chips
2 oz cream cheese, room temp
1 1/2 Tbsp. milk
1 C. Red Velvet Cake mix
1/2 C. powdered sugar
Valentines colored M&M's or other candies
Heart sprinkles for extra decoration and cute-ness

1. Measure out Rice Chex cereal and place into a large bowl.
2. Place cake mix and powdered sugar into a large plastic bag or tupperware with a lid. 
3. Melt chocolates together in the microwave or on the stove top. Careful not to burn and stir until smooth.
4. Stir in cream cheese and milk (the chocolate will get thicker, but it's okay)
5. Pour chocolate over Rice Chex cereal and stir until coated. 
6. Dump cereal into the bag or tupperware with powdered sugar and cake mix. Shake, shake, shake until coated.
7. Dump onto a cookie sheet and let cool.
8. Mix with extra colorful candies and serve! 

5. My Valentine Decor
I definitely don't put out much Valentine decor, I think it's cause I go so hog wild at Christmas, that a lil simplicity is best but here are my two little decor favs I have displayed.

Hope Your weekend is overflowing with fun and Love!!
Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday   // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday



I know, I know, here I go again with a delightful poncho, but it's PURPLE, I mean a pretty purple, and I do not have much purple. Here's the story behind this one. My friend, Tami really loves wraps too and wanted one for Christmas. Our place of employment has a darling little boutique type gift shop called The Maple Corner and she told me she was loving their ponchos so I meandered on up there to find a reversible one in her favorite!! As I was checking out, the manager asked me if I knew that came in other soon as I saw it, I knew the collection would grow...again, especially after she told me I could use my employee discount...SOLD!!! 

Just LOVE the back of these!!

I love that so many ponchos pack such a pretty punch that you can just start with a simple canvas like leggings, boots and a long tee and the poncho does all the talking. This one actually has sleeve holes so it's a little more secure than just over the shoulders. 

How cute are these bow gloves from TJ Maxx?

Week is half over.....YAY!!



 I love soups and stews all year but something about them in Fall and the dead of winter is extra comforting.This slow cooker version is heavenly. Ever since I was a little girl, my favorite thing to pair with beef stew is a fluffy biscuit...or two. I like to pull little pieces off and pop in the stew for a bite with each spoonful.
This hearty, warming stew of beef and chunky vegetables is the ideal dinner on a cold chilly night. Yum

                           The meat slow cooking all day is so tender and the flavor so satisfying.
Oh and uh, slow cooker, crock pot?? Same diff to me I just wanted to call this one Slow Cooker as I feel it is definitely best when it slowly cooks all day.

What you'll need


2 pounds beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch cubes
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 onion, chopped
4 cups beef broth/canned or make your own with a good beef base
4-5 potatoes, diced 
4 carrots, sliced
2 stalks celery, chopped

Place meat in slow cooker. In a small bowl mix together the flour, salt, and pepper; pour over meat, and stir to coat meat with flour mixture. Stir in the garlic, bay leaf, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, onion, beef broth, potatoes, carrots, and celery. Cover, and cook on Low setting for 10 to 12 hours, or on High setting for 4 to 6 hours. (I like it best on low, especially when you're at work all day and cannot check on it) If you'd like it a little thicker, scoop out a small portion of critic andnmix with a 2 Tbsps of cornstarch tis smooth then return crockpot for about 15 minutes before serving. Maybe while your fluffy biscuits are baking. :)


My husband and I don't usually do big lavish Valentines gifts, we save those for birthdays and Christmas but I am a creative gift giver so I'd like to think outside the box a little bit! This idea is from an anniversary a couple years ago but it would be perfect for Valentine's Day coming up for a husband, for your kids, or even a friend! I assembled all these goodies in a black oval metal basket I found at Hobby Lobby and just added some ribbon and a printed dolled up sign. 
(by dolled up I mean glued to card stock and using pinking shears, lol) 

When I used it for our anniversary after all the goodies were devoured

Little red tissue paper for filler and you're good to go.

Some of the GOODIES I put in Mr. NINE'S basket and the sayings that went along with them:

This idea is all mine and I just used a picture from clipart

Butterfinger - Life is BUTTER with you by my side, so glad to have this ring on my FINGER
Snickers - I Love your laugh and your SNICKERS
Gummy bears - Life would be "unBEARable"without you
Mint - We were MINT to be together 
Hot tamales - You are one HOT tamale
Nuts - I'm NUTS about you 
Reese Pieces - I love every little PIECE of you 
Breath strips - You still take my BREATH away
Combos - We make a great COMBO
Good and Plenty - Today is a GOOD day and PLENTY of good times are here to stay
Sugar Babies -  Give me some SUGAR, BABY

Now, here is a secret one for hubs..on a SKOR candy bar..get your mind outta the gutter, just means he's gonna eat a Skor, wink wink

I used a few of my own, these Love Notes Candy Bar Printable's and printed here below on either white paper or cardstock and used pinking shears to cut them out.

You could also spread these little gifts out and give one per day the 14 days leading up to Valentine's Day. I just happen to love putting Gift Baskets together.

Happy Monday Loves!!