
百度,全球最大的中文搜索引擎、最大的中文网站。1999年底,身在美国硅谷的李彦宏看到了中国互联网及中文搜索引擎服务的巨大发展潜力,抱着技术改变世界的梦想,他毅然辞掉硅谷的高薪工作,携搜索引擎专利技术,于2000年1月1日在中关村创建了百度公司。 “百度”二字,来自于八百年前南宋词人辛弃疾的一句词:众里寻他千百度。这句话描述了词人对理想的执着追求。 百度拥有数万名研发工程师,这是中国乃至全球最为优秀的技术团队。这支队伍掌握着世界上最为先进的搜索引擎技术,使百度成为中国掌握世界尖端科学核心技术的中国高科技企业,也使中国成为美国、俄罗斯、和韩国之外,全球仅有的4个拥有搜索引擎核心技术的国家之一。 从创立之初,百度便将“让人们最平等便捷地获取信息,找到所求”作为自己的使命,成立以来,公司秉承“用户至上”的理念,不断坚持技术创新,致力于为用户提供“简单可依赖”的互联网搜索产品及服务,其中包括:以网络搜索为主的功能性搜索;以贴吧为主的社区搜索,针对各区域、行业所需的垂直搜索;以及门户频道、IM等,全面覆盖了中文网络世界所有的搜索需求。根据第三方权威数据,在中国,百度PC端和移动端市场份额总量达73.5%,覆盖了中国97.5%的网民,拥有6亿用户,日均响应搜索60亿次。 在面对用户的搜索产品不断丰富的同时,百度还创新性地推出了基于搜索的营销推广服务,并成为最受企业青睐的互联网营销推广平台。目前,中国已有数十万家企业使用了百度的搜索推广服务,不断提升着企业自身的品牌及运营效率。 为推动中国数百万中小网站的发展,百度借助超大流量的平台优势,联合所有优质的各类网站,建立了世界上最大的网络联盟,使各类企业的搜索推广、品牌营销的价值、覆盖面均大面积提升。与此同时,各网站也在联盟大家庭的互助下,获得最大的生存与发展机会。

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    Happy Xiaoshu (Minor Heat)🌞! The 11th solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar brings about a variety of cherished customs. On this day, people wear jasmine for its delightful fragrance, relish early-season rice 🌾 and seasonal delicacies 🍉, sun-dry clothes and quilts to remove moisture, gather herbs 🌿 for nourishing soup and tea, and marvel at the enchanting sight of fireflies. A wonderful celebration of traditions and seasonal joys! * Images created by ERNIE 4.0 #Chineseculture #ERNIE #AI

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  • 查看百度的公司主页,图片

    275,368 位关注者

    Happy Xiaoshu (Minor Heat)🌞! The 11th solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar brings about a variety of cherished customs. On this day, people wear jasmine for its delightful fragrance, relish early-season rice 🌾 and seasonal delicacies 🍉, sun-dry clothes and quilts to remove moisture, gather herbs 🌿 for nourishing soup and tea, and marvel at the enchanting sight of fireflies. A wonderful celebration of traditions and seasonal joys! * Images created by ERNIE 4.0 #Chineseculture #ERNIE #AI

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    🚀At the ongoing #WAIC2024, Baidu CEO Robin Li shared his outlook on the future of AI applications. He highlighted that "super capable apps" may be more important than "super apps" focusing on DAU metrics. According to Li, AI agents are the most promising frontier in AI application development, and search will become the primary gateway for distributing the millions of agents that will likely emerge to form a massive ecosystem. #BaiduAI

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    🌏Together with IFAW @ifawglobal, we developed the "AI Guardian of Endangered Species" – the first-ever AI tool to fight online wildlife trafficking a few years ago. Elephants, tigers, and pangolins are just a few of the species that this tool is helping to protect. 🐘🐅🦔 Now, with version 2.0, the AI tool can identify wildlife products from 29 different species. Watch the video to see how we’re using AI to disrupt wildlife cybercrime and safeguard biodiversity. #BaiduAI #Baiducares

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    🎉At #WAVESUMMIT, Baidu's deep learning developer conference in Beijing, Baidu CTO Haifeng Wang introduced the upgraded deep learning framework PaddlePaddle 3.0. He also highlighted the expansion of the PaddlePaddle-ERNIE ecosystem. With 14.65 million developers, 370,000 enterprises served, and 950,000 models created, the ecosystem is advancing at a rapid pace. 🚀 #BaiduAI

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    🎉Exciting news from #WAVESUMMIT, Baidu’s deep learning developer conference in Beijing! Baidu CTO Haifeng Wang unveiled the ERNIE 4.0 Turbo. With its faster responses and superior performance, it advances the capabilities of the ERNIE 4.0 foundation. Plus, Baidu’s gen AI product ERNIE Bot has hit 300 million users, handling 500 million daily queries. The future is here! #BaiduAI

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