Showing posts with label wiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wiring. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

Sawing the wires

High above the street, these guys are repairing wires.
Just look at the safety precautions.
Just look at the harnesses keeping them from falling off their precarious perch.
Just look at what tools they are using near high voltage wires.

Yeah, that's a metal saw.
They are sawing the wire.
With a saw.

I do not know how they have lived so long.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New grafitti and fixing phone lines

Today was the first day in, hmm....six weeks? that we had c0-op for school. It was the first day I'd been through the bazaar, otherwise when I've been out we've taken the long way around.
There are some new messages painted on the walls.

Phone lines and internet have also not been working as they should. Finally, the repair men are out to try and do something about that. This is the guy who fixes the phone lines.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

On the streets

Here's what you might see on the streets of India.
Lots of people.

Wires all crazy mixed up.

Parked cars.

Fruit sellers.
Men sitting in the middle of the road.
For no apparent reason.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The view

There are some nice sights on my way to teach every day.
Views of mountains and trees.

But this is not one of the nicer views I also walk past.