Showing posts with label stop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stop. Show all posts

October 20, 2014

Never a Good Time

There’s never a good time to spill your dinner on your nice shirt. There’s never a good time to start that business. There’s never a good time to have another child. There’s never a good time to move. There's never a good time to act on that idea. There’s never a good time to make any decision in our lives.

We can use that as an excuse, a reason not to move forward, or face things head on. I can’t speak for you, but there are countless times in my life I haven’t had the bravery to make the call. And whatever happened was what I safely accepted as what was supposed to happen.

I was reviewing a post I wrote here on January 1st of this year. It was a simple list. It was a brave list. It was easy to write it because it was just a list. Ten months in, I wonder if the list meant anything.

• Complain less. Do more.
• Worry less. Inspire more.
• Look back less. Self-trust more.
• Compare less. Share more.
• Doubt less. Create more.
• Stop less. Listen more.
• Discuss going for it less.
• Actually go for it more.

There's never a good time to stop participating in our own lives.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit


July 29, 2014

Ideas and Action

I was sifting through some older pieces this week as I prepare drafts for my first book and saw this post that reminded me of a lot of things going on in my life – perhaps in yours too.

Money and time have been the hurdles to pushing through that big idea you've had for far too long. Imagine for a moment both evaporate and you are free to act.

Every time you want to say "not", imagine for a moment you change it to "why not". Imagine for a moment the story you've been telling yourself for years was simply because it was easier than trying. And you take the first step. Imagine for a moment you take one item on your wish list and get it done.

If we stop ourselves, we steal our own energy. If we allow others to stop us, we surrender our energy. Get quiet, think deep, and get to the core of what you want. Then get to it. The past has passed, we have far too much to get done.

Let's get back to work.
Kneale Mann | Leadership and management consultant helping leaders, teams, and companies get clear on their goals and results.

© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
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