Showing posts with label Bashed Potatoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bashed Potatoes. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ed Finishes The Sidewalk.

First, I offer you this lovely rose from my garden.
Beautiful, isn't is xmaskatie?

Ed showed up today to finish the walkway. If you recall, the walkway was done while Mr. H. and I were out of town, and one of Youngest Hawthorne's friends came by, stepped over the saw horse barricades and crime scene tape, and walked right through the wet concrete. Apparently, he fled the scene. I still have his shoe prints so I can check shoe patterns of visiting friends. I will find this person. I will hunt him down.

I had to spend an extra $200 to fix the concrete. Then, the guy at the paint store was either color blind or quite partial to Halloween, since he "matched" the original color up with pumpkin orange.

Buh bye, ORANGE!

Thank you, Ed.
Ed will be back tomorrow to seal the walkway and START ON YOUNGEST HAWTHORNE'S ROOM!

Go back to December 5, for the original walkway post, if you're so inclined.

Tonight, I made Amy Finley's (from The Next Food Network Star) Bashed Potatoes.
I had made this once before and blogged about it and said I would make it again.

I took the taters, bashed 'em with my rolling pin, then cooked in olive oil in a covered pan, with fresh rosemary and sage, until they were nice and browned.