I'm taking a slight break from my cooking posts
to blog about the dogs and my flowers.
This is the mimosa tree in my back yard.
I love the smell of the silky mimosa blossoms.
If the wind is just right,
I can be sitting on the deck
and catch a whiff of this intoxicating, heady fragrance.
I also have baby mimosas popping up all over my yard.
If they're teeny tiny, as in inches tall,
you can dig them up with a shovel,
as long as you dig very deep.
If they're several feet tall,
you can still transplant them,
but do NOT dig them up.
They have a very long tap root
which you will damage if you try to dig.
What I do is grab the tree by both hands
and very slowly and gently pull it straight up
out of the ground.
Transplant it immediately
in your desired location and water, water, water.
(If you don't transplant it after pulling up,
it will last in a bucket of water for a few days.)
Usually after transplanting,
the mimosa goes into shock
and all the leaves drop off.
Don't worry.
Keep watering.
And in a few days, you'll see new growth.
Beau just doesn't seem to learn.
Beau, you do NOT come over in Dixie's personal space,
NOR do you touch her blanky.
Every year, this is the first glad that blooms.
I love the coral color.
The pink is tall phlox,
not the creeping variety,
and it's very aromatic.
My sunflowers.
My zinnias which self-seeded from last year.
The purple plant is Setcreasea pallida "Purple Heart."
It looks very similar to a Wandering Jew,
but it has tiny pink blossoms on it.
It's a perennial here.
It dies back during the cold weather,
but comes back every spring.
I have it all over the garden
and I easily propagate it by cuttings.
The green plant behind it is my Mandevilla
I planted last year.
It's not supposed to be a perennial
in this climate zone and I've never had one come back before.
So Rosie's happy about this turn of events.
And here's Dixie doing what she loves best.
Ah, sweet Dixie!
ReplyDeleteMimosas are very iffy here, but I would love to have one.
A lot of people here and down Rosie's way consider mimosas to be weed trees. Au contraire. I lllllove them. Maybe I'll come yank some out of Rosie's yard.
ReplyDeleteYou're more than welcome to come get some. I'll be sure to hide the evul white rice.