Showing posts with label sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sports. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

remember that one time...

... we put Trace in soccer practice just to spend the half hour like this and not to ever return. Yeah..... $100 down the drain, haha!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

playing catch up - labor day weekend

This week has been a crazy one!
I've been up in the wee hours of the morning, just to come home sore and exhausted.
I had a great working experience, but one that left me no free time.
The last thing I wanted to do once home was focus my sleepy eyes on a computer screen. No way.


So lets go back to Labor Day weekend...


Labor Day weekend was a jam packed one!
Bryan flew to Atlanta for the weekend to manage a program at the Chick Fil A kickoff games.
Tennessee vs NC State, Final score: 32-21
Auburn vs Clemson, Final score: 19-26

While he was out of town, I had Ashton and her dog over for a relaxing evening in... and a little facetime with Shannon... to discuss her new man... before I jetted up to Washington DC for the 2nd time in a week.

I was in DC for less than 24 hours and thankfully stayed right next to Reston Town Center.
The only thing worth mentioning from my short work trip was this delisciously overpriced cup of vanilla tart and raspberry frozen yogurt topped with gummy bears.

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

when so cal comes to clt, we're there with bells!

I'm pretty sure that we are the only ones in Charlotte, the Carolina's and quite possible the entire south who is rollin' around with a Clippers license plate on the front of our car. I come from a Laker's family, so I can't stand it, but Bryan loves the Clippers, so I'm trying. 

When we saw that the Clippers were coming to Charlotte to play the Bobcats, without hesitation we made sure to get ourselves tickets. I mean, a little bit of home in our neck of the woods? Sold!

I'm not going to lie - the game was awesome! The Bobcats are real bad, but the Clippers are 1st place in the western conference (ahead of the Lakers). They have this guy, Blake Griffin, and holy crap - he's a power dunking machine! Although we were in a crowd full of Bobcats fans, the crowd went cRaZy when Griffin dunked. I mean screaming, clapping, standing and roaring from every which way. The man is loved as a true pro. And I'm pretty sure the stadium was packed just for him. 

These 2 clips were the #1 and #2 hightlights of the day on ESPN's Sports Center!

They're not called Lob City for nothin'! 
Oh, and #3 on the Clippers has a house on Lake Norman. Just sayin'!

*It was a crowded game. This was in the last 2 minutes, so many had left to beat traffic*

And if you were ever wondering what color eyes we have, here's an extreme close up. Scary...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

that's a wrap!

Anyone curious to who Bryan and I have been working for?

Coca Cola... specifically Coke Zero!

We have been representing Coke Zero at NCAA games, NFL games and on college campus' throughout the south this past fall.

Here's a look back at some of our events...


Texas Tech (yep, that's 2 flat screens attached to the doors!)

Champs Sport Bowl game

Red River Rivalry - UT vs OU NCAA game

KU vs KS NCAA game - band performing in front of our event
UNT Pep Rally

Saints @ Titans NFL game with Nashville skyline in background
Robertson Stadium - Rice @ UH NCAA game
Mizzou homecoming game

Invesco Field - Bengals @ Broncos NFL game, Denver skyline in background
Texas State campus
KU campus
UGA @ GA Tech NCAA game

Razorback Stadium - South Carolina @ U of AR NCAA game
Setting up our event and goofing around

Southern Miss campus
Reliant Stadium - Jacksonville Jags @ Houston NFL game

Raymond James Stadium - Panthers @ Jags NCAA game
Oh looky, our truck and trailer are at our house!

Chick Fil A Bowl

I just want to reiterate that we don't just work these events, we meet with event contacts, do site visits, set up every aspect of the event, manage all of our staff, run around like crazy people to ensure success and then tear down the event... just to drive to our next city/state to do it all over again!

Aaaaaaand, that's a wrap!

Friday, January 6, 2012

atlanta: chick fil a bowl and falcons game

We concluded our tour right where we began, in Atlanta -- We worked the Chick Fil A Bowl on New Years Eve and the Falcons vs. Bucs game on New Years Day.

Cali came to work with us on our last day. She loves a good tailgate!

Every year Cali has to earn her keep, so we brought her to work the Falcons game with us. I put her in charge of protecting our truck from bad guys. She took her day of work very seriously and did a fantastic job, so we're keeping her around for another year ;)

Cali even met the Falcons mascot. He appeared to be afraid of her... apparently Falcons are scared of dogs. But here it looks like Cali's the scared one!

And this here is where Cali started to fail at her job. I mean, you give a dog specific orders and she ends up sleeping on the job? Not cool Calz, not cool...

And..... that's all fokes! It's wrap.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

orlando, fl: champs sports bowl

A few days after Christmas Bryan, Cali and I hopped back in our truck and drove down to Orlando to work the Champs Sports Bowl. We stayed with Shannon and her boyfriend so that our pups, who are best friends, could spend every minute together playing! The four of us went out to dinner, chilled around their condo and stayed up late talking. Although it was a work trip, it sure felt like a mini vacation!

Champs Sports Bowl: Florida State vs. Notre Dame

Cali has taken over as Bryan's co-pilot...

And we're off to our last stop on this 4.5 month tour!

Monday, December 19, 2011

auburn and atlanta: fly by

Our time in both Auburn and Atlanta was quick.

We drove from Nashville to Auburn last Wednesday to work the USF @ Auburn basketball game that evening.

The next day we drove to Atlanta and worked the Thursday night Falcons game.

Both locations were a whirlwind and we were more than okay with that!

Auburn, AL

the old National Championship trophy
the oldest rivalry in college football is between Auburn and Georgia. This is the trophy that Auburn won at their 1st meeting many moons ago
modern day National Championship trophy

Atlanta, GA - my friend, Jeremiah, worked with us!