Showing posts with label Uptown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uptown. Show all posts

Monday, October 6, 2014

knights game

Back in early August Ashton and Eric came into town and invited us to go to a Knights game. They had box seat tickets, so although the company was questionable, we clearly couldn't turn down box seats ;) We got ourselves a babysitter, threw back some beers and just had the best night with this awesome couple!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

bryan's birthday dinner in Uptown

January 12th, the night before Bryan's birthday we had dinner at Luce in Uptown followed by dessert at Crave. We all (my parents were here) had a nice night walking around the city, but our minds were really on 1 thing -- the fact that the following morning we were going to open up Bryan's birthday present, of which was going to reveal the gender of our child. Would it be pink or blue? Barbies or Legos? In just about 12 hours we would be able to visualize our future and know who our baby is...

Bryan's birthday was right around the corner... And I've never been so excited for anyone's birthday so much in my life!


Come back on Friday for the big gender reveal... and if you haven't weighed in your opinion yet, go here and let me know if you think we're having a boy or a girl!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

nc music factory: vbgb & the fillmore

A couple of weekends ago we went out with friends to the NC Music Factory (ala where Emily and Arie had their 1st date, the Gloriana live concert). Every picture below portrays a girl having a blast, but don't be fooled... I was faking it! Yes, I love hanging out with friends and had a great time in Uptown. But no, I just don't like the nightlife anymore. Bryan has never liked the bar scene and I think this night proved that I've finally caught up with him! 

I loved getting to spend time with friends, but I'm pretty sure drinking overpriced Jack and Diets* and staying out in Uptown til 1:00am won't be in our future. I mean, we are in our 30's and can't hang like we could just a mere couple years ago :)

* I evened out my $9.00 Jack and Diets with $1.50 PBR's. Classy