Showing posts with label beavis and butt-head. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beavis and butt-head. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2012

Beavis & Butt-head: Butt-head

 Time for the brains (?!?) of all the operations, Butt-head!

The character to which Mike Judge relates to (if he HAD to pick one) is Butt-head. Care to comment? Most people know how really hard is to create a 3D model from a 2D basis. And this is how it should always be done. Perfectly.

MOC, Moore Action Collectibles, 1998.

Figure: "Butt-head". Uh huh hu... so... are we like... gonna do it?

Included accessories. The so loved remote!

Voice chip technology stand also includes a peg for the figure.

Once connected, it actually allows quite a few good angles even for Butt-head´s big and heavy (and hollow) head.

The chip contains 3 cool phrases. Originally, one of the 3 was supposed to be "This rules!", but I guess it must have been a hard (he said hard...uh huh hu) task to come down to these 3. Good job!

Toyfare#15 cover depicted the prototypes for the B&B figures.

Status: Unavailable


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Beavis & Butt-head: Cornholio

From all the cartoons from South Park to The Simpsons, Ren & Stimpy and more recently Family Guy sort of "reality check" series, I´ll have to go with Beavis & Butthead. Uh... hu hu hu... that was cool. Hope it doesn´t say much about me, but I just love those 2. Especially Beavis who is always out of everything. And anyone who knows Beavis, knows the mighty Cornholio!

Created by Mike Judge and sculpted by Clayburn Moore, this is one of 3 action figures from 1998.

MOC, Moore Action Collectibles, 1998.

Comes with cool accessories and voice chip technology!

A long-awaited creation, Cornolio was recommended for mature collectors (ages 14 and over). What? Mature? What you mean?

The initial idea or concept was to insert (he said insert uh hu hu hu) the voice chip in the figure itself, but Moore (and MTV) felt quality should come first and thus the stand with 3 phrases was included.

Figure: "Cornholio". Beavis´s dorment persona. Moveable legs and arms (8 articulation points). His shirt reads Death Rock instead of Metallica to avoid licensing problems.

Included accessories: Nachos, soda and the mic with stand from Cornholio´s buttnicks "poetry session".

ToyFare magazine #15 (Nov 1998) gave B&B figures the cover, and a huge article to go with it.

 Although designed to be a small statue/action figure, you can surely move it around in Cornholio ways.

A brilliant work by Clayburn Moore. Always striving for perfection, he (again) did a great job here.

"Run as you may, you cannot escape!"

Status: Unavailable