Showing posts with label succulents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label succulents. Show all posts

Wet Sticks

The other morning was a wet one, and the Euphorbia tirucalli 'Sticks on Fire' really caught my eye.

Looked even better through the vintage macro lens!


Making it through Winter

Yes, it seems like we've made it through another winter, but with that title I'm not talking about myself.

I'm talking about my Pachypodium lamerei: it has managed to keep a leaf, and I'm just about ready to move it back outside!


What to do: dividing Aloes

Like many gardeners -- even casual ones -- I have a few Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) plants that I received from others. This "small" one is now several big plants, each ready for its own pot.

The question I have is how exactly do I divide this?


Sexy Succulents (Tasty Too?)

With a night or two of freezes recently (before returning to 80ºF/26ºC temps) I had to move several potted succulents into the garage.

This gave me a good chance to look at most of them. They're quite beautiful after a season outside!


Too big - pachypodium

We had a storm come through last night. I didn't hear it, but knew it this morning as I looked out the front window... my Pachypodium lamerei. That big, spiky beast that is a focal point of the front garden. Wait, where is it?!


Something cool going on here

So I noticed something just the other day about the Pachypodium lamerei that overwinters in my living room...

Besides the fact that it's a really cool (and dangerous) feature here.


Impulse buy, no guilt

I was at Lowe's yesterday when I decided to take a look around the garden center. Nothing really caught my eye until I saw the big succulents display:

Okay, I don't really need more plants that need to be overwintered indoors, but I couldn't resist looking, especially when...


A bloom and a rock

If you are one of the few who follows my garden persona (@inwig) on Instagram you've gotten a sneak peek, but my Pachypodium lamerei has started to bloom:

It's a bit exciting for me!


Prickly growth

A look at some prickly new growth.

Few words today. Opuntia 'Dark Night' wakes up.


Wednesday Vignette: Mess!

After losing power for about 20 hours after yesterday's intense storms (crazy winds, torrential rain, hail) things are almost back to normal here, although I'm not sure what normal is now. You've probably noticed that my posts are not as reliable as usual, and I apologize for that.

Today's vignette is brought to you by Anna at Flutter and Hum, and is a mess. Literally, I just took photos of the mess that is my driveway. Springtime plant drag outs (from the basement and garage) are almost complete but nothing has been put into place yet... so it's a battlefield out there!


While out shopping

I was out at some of the local nurseries this past weekend (Greenscape Gardens, Sherwood's Forest, Wiethop Greenhouses) looking for some seed packets, and saw a few "interesting" things. Yes I saw loads of great plants, but the cool plants are not the focus of this post.

I'll start with another weird thing seen at The Home Depot where I wasn't looking for plants. They always have something that makes me ask "why?" like the painted cactus, or the growable pods, and this was another to add to the list: plants in a can!


Wednesday Vignette: Aloe question

My Wednesday Vignette this week is a question...

...a question about aloes. Specifically, one type of aloe. More specifically, the one potted plant that is too close to my desk chair and hence gets a fleshy leaf snapped off once in a while when I move back too far.


Terrarium produces

The other day I did some pruning of the terrarium succulents, leaving me with lots of propagation material.

Here's what I did with this pile of trimmings.


Terrarium refresh, step 1

It's time again for my annual (or biannual?) terrarium refresh, where I do some pruning, digging, planting. I have to warn you, the images in today's post won't be so pretty.

That's because the terrarium is quite overgrown. A few light-loving plants have hogged the "temporary" lights (that are taking a long time to replace) resulting in a tangled, ugly mess.


Inside aloe

One of the pre-winter tasks that I did get done is bringing the potted succulents indoors. Because of some furniture rearrangement since last winter, there's not the room for these upstairs that there was before.

This means that some of the plants are in strange, temporary places right now. A little of a hassle to walk around, but it gives me a chance to see some of them in a new light -- literally.



I overwinter a lot of succulents indoors: agaves, aloes, euphorbias, cactus, and most of them are quite easy as long as they get a little light and are kept relatively dry.

Echeveria too -- I had taken their ease of overwintering for granted until a comment by Loree in her post today saying that her echeveria never last the winter indoors. Strange, because this one I have is so easy!


Wednesday Vignette: Cramped

Anna at Flutter and Hum hosts the Wednesday Vignette meme, and today I thought I'd showcase my jam-packed, overgrown succulent terrarium.

In a corner of the basement with lights on a timer, this thing gets ignored for at least six months of a year, and then I pay attention to it again once temperatures drop and I start using the treadmill again.


Little late season surprises

I've started bringing some potted plants indoors, and since I haven't really looked closely at some of these for a month or two (or all summer really), there are some surprises.

The first hasn't been outdoors at all yet but since it's already on the overwintering table (where I can baby it) this is a good time to show it to you: it's the Tetrapanax that Loree sent me earlier this summer!


Give them sun! Or not?

This post has multiple purposes. First, to showcase my potted succulent collection, which I only acquired during the last 9 months. Second, to ask an important question.

Agave mitis var. mitis? or Agave 'Burnt Burgundy'?

Actually, I'll tackle the second part first. Do all agaves want as much sun as they can get?


Cactus bed update

I haven't been talking about the cactus beds as much as I normally do in spring. Last year I posted about them several times, as I was curious about which survived the brutal winter. Since this past winter wasn't as harsh and probably also because the cactus bed isn't as new, I haven't been as concerned.

As you can see in the first couple of images, the bed is looking quite nice right now...


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