Showing posts with label propagation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propagation. Show all posts

What to do: dividing Aloes

Like many gardeners -- even casual ones -- I have a few Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) plants that I received from others. This "small" one is now several big plants, each ready for its own pot.

The question I have is how exactly do I divide this?


What's going on here?

My garage floor was covered by a significant pile of sturdy leaves yesterday:

What's going on here?



One of the ways that I continue gardening over the long winter months is through cuttings. It's one of my overwintering strategies for tender plants: take cuttings and root them instead of trying to overwinter the entire (sometimes large) plant.

That's what I've been doing with this trio of cuttings from a beautiful tropical that I got on sale late this summer (Aerva sanguinolenta). Since I wasn't sure how it would fare spending the winter in the garage, I decided to see if prunings would root in water. If they did I would have a "backup" plant or two come spring.


Wednesday Vignette: Aloe question

My Wednesday Vignette this week is a question...

...a question about aloes. Specifically, one type of aloe. More specifically, the one potted plant that is too close to my desk chair and hence gets a fleshy leaf snapped off once in a while when I move back too far.


Terrarium produces

The other day I did some pruning of the terrarium succulents, leaving me with lots of propagation material.

Here's what I did with this pile of trimmings.



This is the time of year that although it is only 10ºF (-12ºC) or so, I start gardening again -- yahoo! Like many of you I start seeds indoors at this time, but this is also when I start seriously thinking about propagation of some of the plants I overwintered.

I love buying new plants as much as the next plant-crazy gardening addict person, but I also appreciate not having to buy the same plants every single year. So with a little effort I overwinter what would have been annuals, then make several new plants from them for planting outdoors once it warms up.


Cuttings, fragrant

One thing that I do every autumn as the first freezing temperatures are forecast is take cuttings of plants with fragrant foliage. I keep them in a jar of water in the kitchen window, just to have them available for an occasional rub and sniff.

Sometimes I get a bonus and the cuttings actually root, but my main goal is not to produce new plants -- it's the fragrance! This year I preserved only two different plants from my own garden this way, but one from my mother's as well.


Winter plant bargains: think small

I did a little spur-of-the-moment plant shopping the other day while picking up building supplies at Home Depot. I certainly was not intending to even look at plants while there, as the houseplant selection is usually pretty uninteresting to me. The succulents though, they sometimes surprise.

Euphorbia tirucalli 'fire sticks' is a plant that I've grown and overwintered indoors for several years -- in the past, as my plant died last winter when I neglected it a bit too much. So I've been on the lookout for a replacement, and I found one.


Spreading bamboo

You'd think that with at least 30 in-ground plantings of running bamboos that I'd be hesitant to plant more. You're wrong of course, and having 30+ already is not a deterrent. To be honest, once you plant the first running bamboo and properly maintain it every year to keep it from spreading, adding another isn't such a big deal. Then the next thing you know you have 10. Then 20. Then you stop counting.

My bamboo gardening has moved from the "collect as many different species as I can" phase into the "let's divide some of my favorites and use them to fill out the garden" phase. (Of course the bamboos themselves are all in the "let's fill out the garden!" phase.) That's why I transplanted some of my Pleioblastus fortunei bamboo into a new part of the garden the other evening.


Oops. What to do?

I mowed my lawn for only the third or fourth time this summer -- one of the few advantages to a drier-than-normal season.

Unfortunately, I got a little careless with the lawnmower and the wheel knocked this pad off one of the Opuntia in the cactus bed.


Update: cuttings

I've got a couple of things to update you on. First, I recently put some lettuce cuttings into water after reading that you could regrow lettuce this way.

I'm pleased to report that this actually works, and that I'm growing new lettuce!


Regrowing lettuce, for some reason

I saw an article recently that was one of those "10 things..." type of lists that are so popular these days, as if something isn't worth learning about until it's in a list, but I digress. The article was something like "10 vegetables you can use and grow again forever", and since I already have experience with this sort of thing with my kitchen counter green onions, I eagerly read through the list.

Most of the list wasn't useful information to me (You can grow carrot greens from the discarded ends of carrot roots? Really? What would I exactly do with carrot greens?) but I did see a couple of intriguing ideas that I could easily try out.


Cuttings update

Back at the end of November I did some major houseplant pruning when I hacked one of my lanky Dracaena into pieces.

It's been seven weeks, and I've been patient, but there's finally something worth showing you.


An update on the grasses

It's been a week since I potted the divisions of Pennisetum 'Vertigo' and Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' (purple fountain grass) and put them under the lights of my growing table.

You may remember that I said that this year I took a compromise approach to overwintering these: I didn't take the divisions immediately (in late November for instance), but I didn't wait months (until early February like I did last year). Taking the divisions too early leaves me with plants that are just crammed into their pots and dying to get outside by spring, while taking them too late left me with dead divisions. This year things are looking good though.


Overwintering: the purple grasses

I finally cleaned up the growing table in the basement (at least the top table -- the lower one for seed starting won't be needed for a while and therefore is a mess) in preparation for getting my grass divisions going.

I'm mainly interested in overwintering two different purple grasses this year: purple fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum') and Pennisetum 'Vertigo'. I've done the purple fountain grass several times now with only one failure: last year when I waited too long to plant the divisions.


Helping horrible houseplants

Although I'm quite proud of my garden and have a good amount of success with most plants I try, the indoor greenery is another story. Too little light and a maddening design that puts all of the heater vents right in front of the windows means that houseplants face a challenge in my home.

Take for instance this Dracaena (which I believe is Dracaena deremensis but I'm no expert). When it was new it was short and bushy, and looked so healthy.



When you look around my garden right now you see a lot of elephant ears, canna, papyrus, umbrella palm, caladium, grasses, and many other plants that are not cold hardy. You'd think that everything I overwinter indoors is a success, that I have a magic touch.

The fact that I just got rid of 50-60 plants in a yard sale would help to reinforce that idea. The truth is, not everything goes well. There are repeated plumeria incidents, the grass failures, many elephant ear bulbs that don't make it, but sometimes I get a surprise.


Equisetum discovery

One of my favorite Missouri native plants is Equisetum hyemale, or "scouring rush". This seems-to-consist-only-of-stems plant adds a vertical element to the garden that I really love.

Although my plants are quite young and therefore not too impressive, I've seen thick plantings of this and can't wait until mine reach that density.


Heuchera, part 2

Remember a month or so ago when I visited the local nurseries and found dozens of different Heuchera varieties?

I ended up getting some of them, but used a little trick to save some money.


Grasses back on track

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you may remember that I overwinter purple fountain grass indoors under lights every year. I take small divisions in the fall and end up with a dozen or more good-sized plants by the time spring rolls around.

Except this year, because I tried something different and it didn't work. So my "plan B" was to purchase a couple of new plants as soon as they were available, divide them, and see how many plants I can get by planting time.


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