
19 Sept 2018

Hadith Kisa - The Story of the Blanket

Hadith Al Kisa; The Event of The Cloak (Colourful Children's Version)

In Hadith Kisa, The Story of the Blanket, Allah sent Angel Jibraeel to tell Sayyidah Fatima (as) that she, her father, her husband, and her two sons, are the Chosen Five for whom Allāh [SWT] has Created the whole world. Aya Tathir, Verse 33:33 is revealed, which shows that the AhlulBayt are Ma’sum, pure and protected by Allah from ever doing anything wrong.

Shall I tell you about the event of the Kisa
The event of the Prophet's Kisa
He went to the house of his daughter Fatima and He asked for the yemeni Kisa
She covered him with the Yemeni Kisa
His face shone like the full moon
Then came Hasan and greeted his mother Salamun Alaiki Ya Umma
Soon after others came to join him do you want to know who
Then came Hussain and greeted his mother Salamun Alaiki Ya Umma
I can smell the nice smell of my grandfather so he joined him under the Kisa
Then came Ali Ameerul Momineen, Salamun Alaiki of Jannah you're queen
I can smell the nice smell of my grandfather so he joined him under the Kisa
Do you give me permission to now enter Yes she too went enter the kisa
I can smell the nice smell of my cousin brother, so he also entered the kisa
Then Fatima went real close to the Kisa, Salamun Alaikum Oh father
He said they were the family of Fatima, her husband, sons and her father
When all five gathered under the kisa, Jibraeel spoke up and said oh Allah
Who are these luminous personalities lying under the Kisa
The Ahlul bait of Tahira
They are the ones who are perfectly purified they are the Ahlul Kisa


6 Jun 2018

Knowing the Ma’sumin Workbooks

Knowing the Ma’sumin (a) by the Academy for Learning Islam are a series of brilliantly compiled workbooks for children aged 8-12 years. Each one contains around 40 activities to help learn about the beautiful personalities of the AhlulBayt. The titles below are available online for PDF download:

Knowing the Ma'sumin: Prophet Muhammad (s)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Bibi Fatima (a)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Imam Ali (a)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Imam Hasan (a)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Imam Husayn (a)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Imam Ali Zaynul ‘Abidin (a)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a)
Knowing the Ma'sumin: Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a)
Knowing the Ma'sumin: Imam Musa al-Kazim (a)
Knowing the Ma’sumin (a): Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (AF)

Workbooks can also be purchased in the UK from Hujjat Bookshop

28 Feb 2018

Titles of Lady Fatima (a)

Lesson Objective:
- To understand the great character of Lady Fatima (a)
- To choose a quality to learn about and practice.
- To use the month between the death and birth anniversary to learn about Fatima (a)

Fatima (a) was a great lady who reflected all the qualities that Allah loves. She is a role model and an excellent example for us all.

Bibi Fatima (a) was like a flower with a very special smell. The Prophet used to say he could smell the fragrance of Jannah from Fatima.

Title: Umme Abiha - Mother of her Father
Quran Verse: Wa bi al-walidayn ihsaana, Be good to your parents 17:23
Lesson and Activity: Respecting Parents

Title: Abida - The Worshipper
Quran Verse: Wa dhkuru Allaha kathira, Remember Allah much 8:45
Lesson and Activity: Prayer and Tasbeeh Fatima Zahra

Title: Tahira - The Pure One
Quran Verse: Man amila saalihan, falinafsi, Whoever does good, it is for his own soul 45:15
Lesson and Activity: Hadith Kisa and Feed the Soul

Title: Sabira - The Patient One
Quran Verse: Allahu yuhibb as sabireen, Allah loves the patient
Lesson and Activity: Patience

Title: Siddiqa - The Truthful One
Quran Verse: Kunu ma’a al sadiqin, Be with the truthful 9:119
Lesson and Activity: Sermon of Fadak

Title: Mardhiya, The One Allah is Pleased with
Quran Verse: Mardhat Allah, Do what makes Allah happy 2:207
Lesson and Activity: Blessed NecklaceActs of Kindness Are Sweet!Story of Surah Dahr and sincerity

Activity: Flower Craft
Match up the titles and their meanings and assemble together as petal flaps to form a flower.

Shared by a Mum

Printable book of titles by Teaching Young Muslims
Learning about Sayyida Fatima
Let's Learn About Bibi Fatima (as)

19 Nov 2017

Prophet Muhammad (S) Movie

Watch: Muhammad The Last Prophet
A well made animated production with an emphasis primarily on the historical events of the conflicts between the powerful Meccan clans and the growing Muslim community. The film helps children to understand the timeline of events and an appreciation of both the strength of faith of the earlier Muslims and what a great task lay before the Prophet (S) in spreading the message of Islam. Recommended for 9+ 


18 Nov 2017

Prophet Muhammad (S) Colouring Storybook

Help children to become familiar with some of the main events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) through a simple to understand colouring storybook complete with quiz questions.


17 Mar 2017

Celebrating Lady Fatima (as)

Celebrate the birth of Lady Fatima (as) with a quiz balloon banner! Place a rolled up question paper inside. You could even add in a small token surprise gift.

A selection of questions about Lady Fatima (as) you could include:
What title did her father give her?
What date is her birthday?
Where was she born?
What was the name of the garden gifted to her by the Prophet (S)?
What is the name of her mother?
How do we remember her after every salaa?
What is the name of the sura which talks about the kindness of her and her family?
Name a title and explain why she was called this?
How many children did she have and what are their names?
What good deed are you going to give her today?

1 Mar 2017

Sermon of Fadak

Taken from the workbook: Knowing The Ma'sumin : Bibi Fatima (A)

One of Lady Fatima's titles was Siddiqa, the truthful. Discuss how the gift of the garden of Fadak was taken away from Bibi Fatima (as) and she gave a speech where she spoke up for the truth and reminded people to do what is right. 

14 Nov 2016

Let Your Goodness Shine

Learning Objective:
- To understand how living like Imam Husayn shows in having beautiful manners that shine brightly to everyone around us. 

The names Hassan and Husayn come from the word hasana which means to be beautiful, to be good. Allah sent us Imams as examples to help us in our special mission on Earth; to beautify ourselves and everything around us by filling the world with good in everything we say and do. 

By going to mosque and listening to lectures, we learn about the Quran and Ahlulbayt. We are reminded of what we believe in, and how we should behave everyday. Living like Imam Husayn shows in having beautiful manners that shine brightly to everyone around us. When Imam Mahdi (atf) reappears, he will choose helpers who are shining brightest!

Activity: Glow Stick Flag
1. Hold up a dull, unactivated glow stick. Talk about what things we can say and do to make our goodness shine. 
2. As each child offers a suggestion, make a small break in the stick until eventually it glows all over.
3. Have the children fill out 3 ways they can make their manners shine bright.
4. Attach the glow sticks 
5. Switch off the lights and wave flags proudly while chanting 'Labbayk Ya Husayn'.


26 Jun 2016

Be Like Ali (as)

Print Online at Teaching Young Muslims
Use the booklet by Teaching Young Muslims to read some simple stories from the life of Imam Ali (as) and discuss the beautiful character of Imam and what we can try to do to be like him.

22 May 2016

What Would Make My Imam Happy?

When someone we love is far away, we really miss them. We think about them all the time and try and keep in touch by calling, writing to them and getting excited about the day when they'll be back! This is how our love for Imam should be. Imam loves us to talk to him. He prays to Allah for us and all of creation and is always there when you call him. Whenever we need help or are in trouble, we must ask Allah through Imam. We can even write him a special letter!

Help children build a special relationship with Imam Mahdi by writing in a journal every Friday a good deed they have done in the week that would make Imam happy. They could also write any other thoughts in conversation to him.

See also: Letters to my Imam Journal by Buzz Ideazz

21 Apr 2016

Surah Kawthar 108

Quran Verse:
Surah Kawthar 108

Lesson Objectives:
- to know the context to the revelation of Surah Kawthar
- to understand how the Prophet is not ‘abtar’
- to understand what kawthar could refer to

Background story of the revelation 
The Prophet (SAW) had a son called Tahir, but he died when he was very young. Some of the unbelievers would tease the Prophet, calling him ‘abtar’. The word 'abtar' means an animal without a tail. The cruel people were saying that the Prophet was 'abtar', because he didn’t have children to carry on his family. The enemies thought that this meant there would be no one to remember the Prophet in the future, or to keep teaching his message of Islam after his death. But they were wrong. When Lady Fatima (as) was born, Allah revealed Surah Kawthar.

Indeed, We have given you Kawthar,

So pray to your Lord and make a sacrifice
For sure, it will be the enemies who will have their future cut off.

Allah comforted the Prophet, reminding him that he has been given kawther, and that it would infact be the enemies of Islam, who would became ‘abtar’, forgotten after they had died. 
When the Prophet was asked what kawthar meant, he replied that it was a stream in heaven especially for the believers. He said that Kawthar also meant abundance, plenty, and the birth of Lady Fatima showed that through her, his family, his descendants, would grow to an abundance! 

The promise of Allah was certainly true. The disbelievers thought the name of the Messenger would be cut off, yet 1400 years later, The Holy Prophet is still remembered and loved long after those disbelievers were dead and forgotten! You hear the the name of Muhammad (SAW) all around the world, in the adhaan, during salaa and in the salawaat. Allah made sure the Prophet was never forgotten by those in the heavens and the Earth! Allah gave the Prophet Kawthar, abundance of good, in this world and in the hereafter. 

Activity: Special Link
Lady Fatima (as) was the daughter of the Holy Prophet and the wife of Imam Ali. She is the special link between the Prophets and the Imams. The Ahlulbayt and their families, all the descendants of the Prophet (SAW),  have all come through Lady Fatima (as). 

Activity: Poem
The enemies of Islam were mean, and they would make fun, as the Holy Prophet, didn't have a son.
Some say 'kawther' means Lady Fatimah and the abundance of her descendants around,
Yet those very enemies of the Prophet, today none of their descendants can be found.
Surah Kawther is the shortest Surah, it's small and concise.
Kawther' also means good in abundance and is a river in paradise.
I pray to get a chance to drink this blessed water,
With the Holy Prophet Muhammad and Lady Fatimah his daughter.
(Taken from 'The Brothers and Sisters Learn about Juz 30')

Activity: Surah Facts and Quranic Vocabulary

Surah Kawthar is the shortest surah in the Qur’an! 
The surah is so small that it has only three verses. 
The ayaat are so small that there are only eleven words altogether in the whole surah!

Find and highlight the words:
inna - indeed, for sure, 
Kawthar, abundance, plenty 
abtar, cut off, without children to carry on the family
salli, pray

13 Mar 2016

The Blessed Necklace

When a poor, old man came to ask Lady Fatima (as) for help, she had nothing to give except a necklace that she had been gifted. She was so generous that she took it off and gave it to the old man. The kindness and generosity of Lady Fatima (as) was loved by Allah so much, that that the necklace she gave away, fed a hungry man, gave him clothes and wealth, freed a slave and then it returned back to her!

We learn from Lady Fatima (as) to always be generous with what we have.
When we give charity with a good intention, only to please Allah, then He always returns to you more than you have given!

Read the story and download the activity by Kisa Kids: Ayaam Fatimiyya Project Booklet


30 Nov 2015

The Position of Sajda and the Turba

Lesson Objective:
- Understand how the position of sajda shows obedience to Allah
- Understand how we can use the lesson to help us focus only on Allah in the day.
- Understand the blessing of sajda in making dua
- Become aware of the physical benefits of the position of sajda.
- Understand how using a turba made from the soil of Karbala is a reminder of Imam Husayn (as) and the values he stood for.

Quran Verse: wakun minas saajideen, Be of those who do sajda 15:98

Key Learning Point:
Sajda is a position that shows our obedience. When I pray salaa and make sajda on the turba of Karbala, it reminds me how I must be like Imam Husayn (as) and give my bay’at only to Allah and the Ahlulbayt. Allah is my Creator and I am His servant. Unlike Iblis, I listen and do what Allah tells me and obey Him completely.

Lesson Introduction:
Sajda is a position when we bow down our heads onto the ground.

Allah tells us in the Qur’an 2:34 that when He created the first man, Prophet Adam, He asked the angels to ‘do sajda’ and bow down. The angels all listened to Allah and did what He said. They all obeyed Allah and did sajda, but Iblis did not. He thought he was better because he was made of fire and Prophet Adam was made of mud. Shaytan did not obey Allah and do what He asked him.

Putting our face on the ground, in a way that we can’t even see what is happening around us, would not be a position we would usually put ourselves in, but doing sajda is a way of lowering ourselves and remembering that Allah is the most High and we are his ‘abd’, we are His creation.

When we do sajda, it makes us remember how we must ‘atiullah’, always listen and do whatever Allah says with all our actions. We must obey Him completely. When we make sajda, we aren’t distracted  looking at everything that is happening around us. We are focused just on Allah. In the day there will be lots of distractions and things that try to take you away from Allah, that make you want to do things that are wrong, but you must remember that your focus is to always follow and do only what Allah says.

Imam Husayn (as) lived his whole life obeying Allah. Everytime we make salaa and our eyes fall on the turba made from the soil of Karbala, we are reminded of this great Iman who showed so much love and obedience to Allah. He stood for the truth, refusing to agree to Yazid’s rules but gave bay’at only to Allah. It is a daily reminder to us of how we want to be like Imam Husayn and live in a way that we always do what Allah has said.

We have been taught by our Imams that the position of sajda is the best to make dua. Imam Zainul Abideen loved to be in sajda so much, he even became known as Imam Sajjad!

The sajda is the only position in which head becomes lower than the heart and so blood gushes towards the brain in full force. The increased blood supply to the brain helps with better memory, concentration and less headaches!

Activity: Download and print worksheet

17 Nov 2015

Peace Treaty of Imam Hassan (as)

Lesson Objectives:
- To understand how Imam Hassan (as) tried to make peace
- To know that although starting a fight is not allowed, it is
necessary to protect and defend people who are being harmed, to bring true peace. 

Quran Verse: Fa aslihu
Make peace 49:10

The Peace Treaty of Imam Hassan (as)

After coming back from burying his father Imam Ali (as), Imam Hassan (as) spoke to the people and explained how he was now the next leader as Allah has chosen the Imams from the family of the Holy Prophet. He would guide them how to live according to the teachings of the Qur’an.

However, Muawiyah was not happy. He wanted to be the most powerful ruler over the people of Iraq and started to cause trouble to try and get rid of Imam Hassan (as). 

Allah emphasizes in the Qur’an how we should work hard to try and come to an agreement that will bring peace. We should try our best not to start a fight or arguments.

All our Imams always made every effort to bring peace. Imam Hassan (as) tried to come to an agreement by accepting a peace treaty.

In the treaty, Imam wrote a list of rules, which explained that Muawiyah as a leader should
  • Rule the country accordingly to the Qur’an and the example of the Holy Prophet (saw)
  • Not harm the people or the Ahlulbayt
  • Not choose a leader after him, but that the role should go back to the Imams
Even through Muawiyah had signed the paper, showing he had agreed to what Imam had said, Muawiyah never kept the promises he had made in the treaty. He made it clear he wanted power more than wanting to keep the teachings of Islam and said anyone who disagreed with him would be killed!

Muawiyah tried to kill Imam Hassan (as) many times and eventually he managed to convince Jo’dah, the wife of Imam Hassan (as), to poison him. He then made his son Yazid, the leader after him.

The Qur’an makes it clear that we must not start a fight or war and must always try our best to make peace. However, Allah explains how important it is to treat people well, always behaving fairly. He teaches us how we must protect the people who are weak or being treated wrongly. If there is no other way, that we must fight to defend and help the people to bring true peace.

Peace Pledge

5 Nov 2015

Imam Sajjad (as) Story Bag

Lesson Objective:
- To gain a brief overview of the life of our 4th Imam through visual aids.

Place all the objects into a bag and have the children pick out an item in turn.
Use the prop to talk about how each object relates to the life of Imam Sajjad (as)
Repeat the activity a second time but have each child 'show and tell' to the class about what the object signifies.

Older children can use the props to write their own short biography/poem about the Imam.

Poster shared by Little Learners Preschool
Download complete lesson plan: Dua: Talking to Allah

7 Jul 2015

Qualities of the Masumeem

Learning Objective: 
- To perform the a'maal of Qadr with understanding
- To recap a quality from each of the Masumeen that we aspire to embody.

The 14 Masumeen taught us how to live by the Qur'an. They are the best examples for us to copy and follow.

O Allah Help us to be like the Masumeen who You love the most
Like Muhammad (SAW) Give us the most excellent manners 
Like Ali (as) Make us brave and ready to do what makes You happy 
Like Fatema (as) Let us be kind and caring towards our parents 
Like Hassan (as) Help us to be calm and forgiving
Like Husayn (as) Keep us with the truthful 
Like Ali Zain Ul Abideen (as) Keep us busy in remembering You 
Like Muhammad al Baqir (as) Give us knowledge that is useful 
Like Jaffer As Sadiq (as) Make us appreciate the amazing world You have created 
Like Musa Al Kadhim (as) Help us to control our anger

Like Ali Ar Ridha (as) Make us pleased with whatever You have planned for us 
Like Muhammad At Taqi (as) Make us of those who have taqwa 
Like Ali Un Naqi (as) Help us to lead the Muslims towards good
Like Hasan Al Askari (as) Help us to use our time in preparing for the 12th Imam
Like Your Hujjat Al Mahdi (ATF) 

May we bring peace by acting on the teachings of the Quran and the Ahlulbayt


30 Apr 2015

Super Friend!

Learning to be super friends inspired by the excellent manners of Imam Ali (as)
Download: Super friend worksheet

See complete lesson detail: A Good Friend


Acts Of Kindness Are Sweet!

Learning Objective:
- Celebrate the birth of Bibi Fatima (as) by spending the day in doing acts of kindness.

Share stories which show the kindness and generosity of Bibi Fatima (as)
- Giving away wedding dress
- Feeding the poor 3 days in a row when fasting Sura Dahr 76:9 'no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks'

Today we are celebrating the birth of Lady Fatima (as). She spent her life doing good acts of kindness for the love of Allah. She did not expect reward or thanks.

This candy bracelet looks a bit like a tasbeeh! Wear it to remind yourself of Fatima (as) and how she lived. Spend your day finding ways you can do kind things for people. Acts of kindness are sweet! For each one, snap off a candy to eat/share/save
CHALLENGE: Can you finish the whole bracelet?!


28 Apr 2015

Imam Ali: A Helper Of Allah


24 Mar 2015

Fatema (as) Lady of Light

You are the lady of the light
You are the highest of the high
The light of our Prophet's eyes

You are the Prophet’s daughter whose blood runs in your veins
Who brought Islam to us and the whole world knows his name
You are the wife of Haider, the mother of Hussain,
Who gave his life for his deen, and suffered so much pain
Wherever you are the truth goes
You are the Prophet’s precious rose
Your status only Allah knows

You taught us how to live life, you showed us how to care
You taught us how to give and you showed us how to share.
You emphasised on morals and trained us to be fair
No matter if we're paupers or even billionaires
No matter how much I may try,
Your qualities how can I write,
You are the light of every life.

You are the hidden diamond, you are the shining star
You are the scent of heaven, your love flows in my heart.
I always feel your presence, you' re never very far
Whenever I am wounded, you always heal the scar.
You are the Holy Prophets pride
I will follow you stride for stride,
you are my leader and my guide.

The angels send their blessing upon you all the time
You are the purest lady and are the Prophets sign
The household that you come from is sacred and divine
For you in heaven there is a special place assigned
Your father always said of you 
You are so honest and so true
There is no one with your virtue

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