
25 Mar 2020

Surah Ad Dukhan 44

Surah Ad Dukhan outline by Academy For Learning Islam
44: 2 The Quran is a clear book 
44:3 Revelation of Quran
44:4 Laylatul Qadr

Watch Quranic Highlights



19 Mar 2018

Dhikr Tasbeeh Tracking Ideas


Dhikr Square

Numbered Dhikr Square For Younger Children

Use the hundred grid Dhikr Square as a tracker to mark tasbeeh recitation during 
a’amaal nights and the special seasons of worship.

Older children (or parents alongside their little ones!) can use the plain grid to set their own targets and draw up a key accordingly. They may for example colour one square for every 5-10 recitations. 

Plain Grid To Be Used For Individual Targets

Activity: Rajab Dhikr
The Holy Prophet (S) emphasised great reward in reciting Suratul Ikhlas in the month of Rajab. Younger children can recite and colour 3-4 squares of the numbered grid every day to complete 100 Surah Ikhlas by the end of the month. Older children can use the plain grid to set their own targets, draw up a key and aim to complete the square by the end of the month. 

Activity: Sha’ban Salawaat

Activity: Laylatul Qadr A'maal
Use the Dhikr Square to help you recite one hundred Surah Qadr through the night!

Activity: Ashura A'maal
Use the Dhikr Square to help you recite one hundred Surah Ikhlas throughout the day

Download: Dhikr Square Template

19 Jun 2017

Surah Ankaboot: Key Concepts

Learning Objective:
- to gain a glimpse into the topics covered in surah Ankaboot (29)
- to know its surah number and benefits of recitation.

Activity: Key Concepts
Use the Q114 Key Concepts by QFatima to highlight selected verses from the surah. Read and discuss together. Create a mind map or poster to illustrate the lessons. 

Activity: Ankaboot Acrostic Poem
Write an acrostic poem using the first letters of the word 'Ankaboot' to help children summarize the key concepts mentioned in the surah. Each line can be a word, a sentence or a phrase and does not need to rhyme. 


10 Jul 2015

Laylatul Qadr Treat Box

To help instill the excitement and importance of the night of Qadr and leave a positive lasting memory of this blessed night.

Suggestions to include:
Islamic Books/CD
Sweet treats 
Tasbeeh and A'maal book
Art materials/canvas to create a representation of what the night of Qadr means to you.
Tshirt and fabric markers 
A special personalised letter.

Alternatively, you could wrap little treats to be opened for every hour they manage to stay awake!

7 Jul 2015

Qualities of the Masumeem

Learning Objective: 
- To perform the a'maal of Qadr with understanding
- To recap a quality from each of the Masumeen that we aspire to embody.

The 14 Masumeen taught us how to live by the Qur'an. They are the best examples for us to copy and follow.

O Allah Help us to be like the Masumeen who You love the most
Like Muhammad (SAW) Give us the most excellent manners 
Like Ali (as) Make us brave and ready to do what makes You happy 
Like Fatema (as) Let us be kind and caring towards our parents 
Like Hassan (as) Help us to be calm and forgiving
Like Husayn (as) Keep us with the truthful 
Like Ali Zain Ul Abideen (as) Keep us busy in remembering You 
Like Muhammad al Baqir (as) Give us knowledge that is useful 
Like Jaffer As Sadiq (as) Make us appreciate the amazing world You have created 
Like Musa Al Kadhim (as) Help us to control our anger

Like Ali Ar Ridha (as) Make us pleased with whatever You have planned for us 
Like Muhammad At Taqi (as) Make us of those who have taqwa 
Like Ali Un Naqi (as) Help us to lead the Muslims towards good
Like Hasan Al Askari (as) Help us to use our time in preparing for the 12th Imam
Like Your Hujjat Al Mahdi (ATF) 

May we bring peace by acting on the teachings of the Quran and the Ahlulbayt


4 Jul 2015

Surah Qadr Vocabulary

Learning Objective:
- To become familiar with the meaning of Surah Qadr through Quranic vocabulary of key words

Quranic Verse:
Surah Qadr 97

Download Quranic Vocabulary Worksheet With Cut Out Images

3 Jul 2015

Ramadhan Dhikr Tent

Create a a calm and special space to read and reflect. 
Inspired by the Itikaf tent featured in: How to Get Your Kids to Look Forward to and Love Ramadan 

27 Jul 2014

A World Full Of Colour

Lesson Objectives: 
- Know that everything in creation is a sign of Allah 
- appreciate colour as a blessing from Allah and be grateful for it. 

Quran Verse:
Tafakkaroona fi khalqi 3:191 
Think about what Allah has Created. 

One of the Surahs we recite on Laylatul Qadr, is the chapter of the Romans, in which Allah talks about reflecting on the many wonders of creation around us.  

One of the blessings, Allah makes us aware of is how He has created us all in different colours. Imagine living in a world without colour?! SubhanAllah, have you every stopped to thank Allah for the beautiful shades of colour we are surrounded by?! 

Activity: (younger kids)
Rainbow artwork 
Google images has lots of inspiration!

Activity: (older kids)
Colorful Allah Artwork with confetti tissue paper.

18 Jul 2014

Ramadhan Book Display

Emphasis the importance of reading by explaining how the first word revealed in the Qur'an was Iqra, Read! Set up a special area with books to be occupied with during the month of Ramadhan and the nights of Qadr.

Make a simple and compact Ramadhan book display, using a shoe box with the lid as a supporting back. Reinforce the sides of the box with tape and decorate!

You could even help build the anticipation by making a Ramadhan Countdown Book Basket!

1 Aug 2013

Surah Ankaboot

Learning Objective: 
- Gain an understanding from Surah Ankaboot

Allah talks about the home of the spider being the flimsiest of houses. What about our homes? Are we spending our time building a strong or weak house? Good deeds are like bricks, which we can use to build our house in Jannah.

Write some good deeds onto rectangular card, lollipop sticks or blocks and have the child 'build' a house.

Talk through the analogy and use the craft as a visual reminder. We must spend our time well and keep busy with doing lots of good deeds so we can build a strong house!

"Ya Rabbi, build for me, near you, a house in Jannah" Holy Qur'an 66:11

Laylatul Qadr Amaal Activity Book

Activity: Laylatul Qadr A'maal Activity Book
Help children prepare for the blessed night of Qadr with their own prayer activity book. 

You can select which content is suitable from the online index and print the PDF into a personalised booklet accordingly. Pages 1-12 are suitable for younger children upto 6 years and the complete booklet for children 7-9 years.

Page 1: Cover
Page 2: Checklist before starting a'maal
Page 3: Surah recitations to mark with a sticker
Page 4: Pictorial translation Surah Qadr
Page 5: Surah Qadr Vocabulary Quiz
Page 6: Asking for Forgiveness
Page 7: The Quran
Page 8/9: Qualities of the 14 Masoomeen
Page 10: Prayer Hand
Page 11: Dua list
Page 12: Flags
Page 13: Praying for the world
Page 14: Surah Ankaboot
Page 15: Surah Rum
Page 16: Surah Dukhan
Page 17: Quran Reflection
Page 18: Makarimul Akhaq
Page 19: Peace Pledge


28 Jul 2013

Ya Ghafoor

Learning Objective: 
Prepare for the amaal of Laylatul Qadr by understanding the ism Al Ghaffor in connection with the tasbeeh of 'Astaghfirullah'.

Part of the night's amaal is to remember the things we have done that have made Allah sad. We have a chance to say sorry and promise to try our best not to do it again. Allah in this month, and especially in these last 10 nights, is extra kind in listening to our duas.

Allah is Al Ghafoor. When Allah accepts our forgiveness, He rubs out the wrong actions from the book of deeds that the angels have been writing in.


Can be sang to the tune 'Frère Jacques'

Al Ghaffor x2
I am sorry x2 
For the things I've done x2
That I shouldn't x2 (shaking head)

Label an eraser with 'Al Ghaffoor' and prepare the child's notebook with 70 pencil marked Xs.

Explain how part of the night's amaal is to recite 70x Astaghfirullaha wa atoobu ilayh'. We are saying sorry to Allah for the things we have done that have made Allah sad.

Allah is Al Ghafoor, and insha'Allah He will accept our forgiveness. He will rub out the wrong actions from the book of deeds that the angels have been writing in.

Symbolise this by having the child rub out each cross after every recitation of Astaghfirullah.


27 Jul 2013

Laylatul Qadr Shoebox Display

Learning Objective: To provide a visual to talk about the Angel Jibrael bringing down the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the night of Qadr

Draw around child's hand for wings and cut out an outline for the body and head which can be decorated with glitter.
Attach to a tissue roll to make it stand.
Form a halo using a pipe cleaner and stick onto the tissue roll to float over head.

Can also make a Quran stand using two cardboard strips, cut halfway through both to slot together. Make a small book by folding cardboard and covering with foil to symbolise the Quran.


13 Aug 2012


Learning Objective:
- Making children aware that there are over 100 chapters in the Quran with different names.
- Sura Ankaboot (29) takes its name from the spider's web mentioned in the surah.
- Learn about what Allah tells us about the spider in the Qur'an.

Spider Facts:
Spiders have 8 legs and most have 8 eyes as well!
They spin webs using a sticky material from their body called silk.
The web traps insects for the spider to eat. 

Allah tells us in the Qur’an
- Allah talks about the spider's web in Surah Ankaboot. The spider puts in a lot of effort to weave this beautiful web but it is blown away so easily.
- A spider built a web over the cave that the Prophet was hiding in and it helped to keep the Prophet safe

Activity: Hand print spider and web
Weaving wool across a painted paper plate

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