California Then and Now: Revisiting the New Boring Postcards
The ideal setting for professional and spiritual growth
F L A M I N G O A P T . M O T E L
904 No. Strand OCEANSIDE, CALIF.
The Flamingo Apt. Motel is kind of still there. It has been been remodeled to make more residential space, and it looks like the casual lounging area on the postcard has been replaced by more units. Also, it's now The Blue Whale, and it's a time-share resort. Perfect if you need a laid-back home base for your annual trips to Southern California, I guess!
Bungalow Drive, Gilman's Relief Hot Springs, San Jacinto, Calif.
Gilman's Relief Hot Springs no longer exists as a resort. It was purchased in 1978, in cash, by the Scottish Highland Quietude Club. This turned out to be a front for the Scientology organization, which has since developed the property into a heavily guarded compound called "Gold Base" which serves as its world headquarters. Described by the organization itself as "the ideal setting for professional and spiritual growth," Gold Base is also described by many past residents as a sort of prison camp where inmates work 16-hour days, are isolated from the outside world and encouraged to inform on grumbling coworkers, are occasionally subjected to bizarre punishments, humiliations, and physical abuse, and are tracked down by recovery squads if they make it over the razor-topped fence. I have no personal insight into this, of course; I'm just summarizing a colorful Wiki article that includes passages like:
The Church acknowledged that the rules under which the Headleys lived included a ban on having children, censored mail, monitored phone calls, needing permission to have Internet access and being disciplined through manual labor. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals noted in a ruling given in July 2012 that Marc Headley had been made to clean human excrement by hand from an aeration pond on the compound with no protective equipment, while Claire Headley was banned from the dining hall for up to eight months in 2002. She lost 30 pounds (14 kg) as a result of subsisting on protein bars and water. In addition, she had two abortions to comply with the Sea Org's no-children policy.So that's what's up at the hot springs these days! Oh, and apparently there is a mansion waiting in readiness in case there is a second coming of L. Ron Hubbard.
The year 'round greenery of Southern California's magic climate is a feature of Ferndale Lawn, a part of Greenwood memorial Park and Mortuary, San Diego.
Greenwood Memorial Park is still there. No surprises on this one. Cemeteries tend to stick around.