Crested china

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Heraldic or Crested China

Crested china is the name for small porcelain souvenirs printed with civic arms from the early 20th century typical for United Kingdom. It is part of the larger category of Heraldic souvenir ware. These small items were issued in a large number of shapes and sizes, but were generally only a few cm high. They were issued by a number of companies in the United Kingdom and were enormously popular. There are therefore tens of thousands of these small items known. Below a small collection of such items. Click on the images for a larger image.

The main company, Goss, also issued postcards with heraldic china. See also:

These items can be catalogued/listed in many ways; by producer, by type of figure, by size, by date or by the coats of arms. As this is an heraldic site, the latter was chosen.

In the overview below the name of the arms is mentioned, followed by the name of producer, name of item (when specified) and the height in mm, or, in some cases, the length (marked as (l)).

All non UK items are listed under Heraldic souvenir ware.

Civic arms

Personal arms

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