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Arms (crest) of Hertfordshire

Official blazon

Arms: Barry wavy of eight Azure and Argent an Inescutcheon Or charged with a Hart lodged proper. The shield surmounted by a Mural Crown as a Crest.
Crest: On either side a Hart proper gorged with a Chain Or pendant therefrom an Escutcheon Azure charged with a Saltire Or.


The arms were officially granted on June 3, 1925.

The arms are based on those of Hertford, the County town. Before 1925 the County Council used a shield quartered of the arms of Hertford and Saint Albans.

In the 1925 grant the hart supporters have a shield bearing the arms of Saint Albans. The motto was that of the Lord Lieutenant at the time of the grant.

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Literature: Image and information provided by Laurence Jones.