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My Latest Recipes 53
  • Chicken Casserole from saavedra in Iowa City, IA.
    A favorite chicken recipe that my mom fixes for the family. Yum....
  • Dilled Nibbles from saavedra in Iowa City, IA.
    This is a easy treat to fix--if you want you can use oyster crackers instead of the Rice Chex in this recipe....
  • Red Red Salad from saavedra in Iowa City, IA.
    A pretty red jello salad....
  • Swiss Chicken from saavedra in Iowa City, IA.
    This is a very tastey chicken casserole that is easy to fix....
  • Pretzels from saavedra in Iowa City, IA.
    Easy pretzel snack dish....
  • Wilted Lettuce from saavedra in Iowa City, IA.
    My mom's recipe for wilted lettuce- it is yummy....
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  • MargretRose 3 years ago about Betty Crockers Meat Loaf
    My dad used to make this, but he'd make a double recipe of the topping. He'd mix half of it into the actual loaf and reserve the other half to go on top.

    I've been looking for this recipe for a long time; thank you so much for posting it!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago about Bangers and Mash
    Loved this! The wine with the onion and fresh herbs gives such a
    great flavor to the lamb sausages. I used thyme and rosemary. Served over mashed sweet potatoes. More in the IMI group :) ----------> Bangers And Mash
  • lovebreezy 12 years ago about Crab Snacks
    Please consider READDING this to the Velveeta
    group. For some reason it is no longer there. You are the only one that can do that since it is your recipe. You'll have to join the group but you can always leave it after you add this dish, TIA.
  • plumfish 13 years ago about Carrot Souffle
    Is this recipe missing eggs? It's the 1st souffle recipe I've encountered without them, so before I try it, I'd like to be sure. Also, I don't exactly know how to come by buttered bread crumbs. Do you need to make them? If so how, and if not what do I look for at the store? Thanks! Sarah
  • jett2whit 15 years ago about Crab Snacks
    Mmmmmm sounds like a great Superbowl snack!
  • lincolntoot 15 years ago
    Hi and thanks for accepting my invite. Hope to share
    many great recipes!
  • lovebreezy 16 years ago
    Your Crab Snacks recipe looks awesome. It fits real nice in the VELVEETA group and I think you would too. Take a peek at it and please consider joining. Thanks, Breezy --

    -- Just added your Carrot Souffle Recipe too.
  • jenniferbyrdez 16 years ago
    Just dropped by to say Hi. Jen
  • pat2me 17 years ago
    Thanks for the comment on the pizza, you've got some good looking recipes yourself! I'll be back!
  • pat2me 17 years ago
    Thanks for the friend invite! Love your avatar, good chuckle!
  • borinda 17 years ago
    Adorable avatar.

    I hope you try and enjoy the pineapple kugel.
  • carolvance 17 years ago
    this is a good website i need people who like to cook
  • divaliscious 17 years ago
    simply fantastic job on your "avatar"! rofl....
  • kitchen_fantasy 17 years ago
    hihihi same thing in here, i fee the same when i used my kitchenaid mixer, last nicgt when i saw the episode he is making bisuit i realize that my problem is not the the tempature but the cookie sheet i used,i used nonstick teflon to bake my cookie and that what make my cookie black on the bottom even tho the cookie is not done the way it should be, hmm, where could i find an alumunium cookie sheet , it gonna be a cookie baking time soon, and i just bought that teflon cookie sheet, a couple month ago but now they already discolour because of the burn of the bottom , i was thinking it was a teflon so why shoul i need a parchment paper, but i was wrong, now it looks so ugly, luckyly i only bought one, next time, no more fancy smancy non stick cookie pan.

    about the brine as i remember i think he used a ice cooler to brine a big meat, i am not so sure about that, but there is a storage 9.5 L jar i think it's big enough to brine a turkey and fit the fridge, i never brine a turkey before but i once brine a cut up chicken it taste so good the flavour absorb until the inside thats what that jar look like
  • rosemaryblue 17 years ago
    I am so glad you are going to make the 75 Year Old Orange-Date Cake! It is truly delicious, and I hope you enjoy it! Happy cookin'.