My Latest Recipes 4
  • Grilled Margherita Shrimp Scallops with Ginger Jalapeno Butter from lifeofspice in Boulder, CO.
    This is unique, lively, and extremely flavorful. I had something like this in a restaurant in Durango, CO in the 90's and loved it...
  • Chili-cappuccino Brownies from lifeofspice in Boulder, CO.
    I developed this recipe in 2005 for the 31st annual International Hotluck party - a private party that's been going on for years i...
  • Tomato Conserve chutney from lifeofspice in Boulder, CO.
    This sweet and spicy chutney-like condiment is great with steak instead of steak sauce. Use instead of ketchup for hamburgers or...
  • Chili Pesto Dip from lifeofspice in Boulder, CO.
    This is always a hit at a party. It's a variation on pesto I came up with one day when trying to figure out what to do with dried ...
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  • floridiangourmet 15 years ago about Chili-cappuccino Brownies
    A brownie with chili powder has to be a 10!
  • floridiangourmet 15 years ago
    wow, talk about a job, lucky you!
  • tuilelaith 15 years ago about Tomato Conserve chutney
    Hey you got my ^5! Come join me in my new Chutney Group!
  • merlin 15 years ago about Grilled Margherita Shrimp Scallops with Ginger Jalapeno Butter
    This is a very sophisticated combo. I love mixing shrimp and scallops. Thanks.
  • hillkat 16 years ago about Tomato Conserve chutney
    I want to try this with lamb roast - I have always liked a sweet tomato-ey sauce with lamb, OK, I often use ketchup. I used to be able to buy a bottled Tomato Chutney that sounds a little like this recipe, so I'll try it! hillkat.
  • jcarl71 16 years ago about Grilled Margherita Shrimp Scallops with Ginger Jalapeno Butter
    This is just the kind to recipes I'm looking for..It looks Incredible!!!

  • lghandle 17 years ago
    Hi there! How are you today? Thks for letting me become your cooking buddy. Look forward to sharing lots of recipes and experiences with you. Hope to start posting recipes in the middle of next week,but feel free to contact me for my phone number if you are curious about any recipe.
  • iwannabeachef 17 years ago
    Thank you for accepting my invitation! Based on the bot's rating system, you and I have a very high compatibility!! Looking forward to exploring you tastes and offering up mine! :-)
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago
    My black girl kitty is Josephine. One of her favorite positions is laying on her back with paws in the air. 16 years of seeing this and I still think it's the cutest thing ever. I'm really looking forward to trying your recipes.